Date: 14 June 2024, Friday

LABUAN- The International Finance Club of Labuan International Finance Faculty (HE19) organised an Investment Talk in conjunction with the 6th Annual Stock Trading Competition. It was held at Podium D in University Malaysia Sabah Labuan International Campus. The investment talk starts at 9.00 am and finish on 12.00 pm. The organiser invited a speaker, Mr Abd. Rahman Bin Mohamed Kifli. He is well experienced in stock market industry and currently attached to Maybank EIK Labuan Equity Investment Kiosk as an Investment Share Executive. The title of the talk was “A Beginner’s Guide To Stock Trading”.

The main objective of the program is to encourage students from every program to participate in the investment talk. Through this program, students are able to obtain knowledge and experience in stock investment. Besides that, the talk will help students to learn methods of decision-making by analyzing risk factors and the current finance market. Furthermore, participants were able to acquire knowledge and experience in investing. Mr Abd Rahman Bin Mohamed Kifli shared valuable strategies and techniques before investing in stock market. He also introduced some stock trading platforms to the participants. As a result, participants gained a lot from this fruitful talk.

The Investment Talk concluded successfully at 12:00 noon. This talk was interesting and beneficial to all attendees and has received a warm response from everyone.
