elec ppibWEDNESDAY, 29 OCTOBERUniversiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) students were reminded to sharpen their skills and confidence in the use of English language, not only in the classroom but also in their daily activities.

Dean of the Centre for the Promotion of Knowledge and Language (PPIB), Prof. Dr. Vincent Pang said the English language should be used widely covering correspondence, email, Facebook, Twitter, coffee shop chats and so on.

“In this era of globalisation, English language has become the language that is important for everyone to interact in. the success of a country and its people depends on how things can be produced widely through effective interaction using the English language.

“The organising of the English Language Enhancement Clinic (ELEC) by PPIB is one of our efforts towards that direction,” he said when officiating the ELEC programme recently.

With the slogan, ‘Say it Right, Say it in English!’, the one-week programme was attended by 27 UMS students, which not only apply basic lessons in English but the students were also exposed to building self-confidence that will increase their confidence level and communication.

Also present were Deputy Dean of Academic Affairs, PPIB, Dr. Suraya Sintang; Deputy Dean of Research and Innovation, Dr. Jeannet Stephen and English language Coordinator, Sabariah Abdul Rahim. – MA (fl)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

jpt kalTUESDAY, 28 OCTOBER – Director of Student Development, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education Malaysia, Haji Ibrahim Ali met with students of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Labuan International Campus (KAL) recently.

The meeting was held in conjunction with the Knowledge-Sharing Talk on ‘Government Policies’ which will be held at the Seminar Room, UMSKAL Building.

Haji Ibrahim had a dialogue session with the student leaders and share some ideas to facilitate in the association and club’s programmes and activities.

He, who had his tertiary education at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) Sabah Branch hoped that more discussions between student and leaders will held and in a conducive atmosphere.

“As a leader of the future, students need to focus on their education in order to realise their parents’ high expectations,” he added.

The event which was held from 10.00 am until 12.00 pm was organised by the Student Development Division, Department of Higher Education (JPT). – SS (fl)

Source: Azri Onn

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

mou jheains291014sMONDAY, 27 OCTOBER – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) through the Faculty of Food Science and Nutrition (FSMP) will lead the halal food research under a collaboration with the  Islamic Affairs Department of Sabah (JHEAINS).

The collaboration will see both sides working together; among them are research initiatives in the maintenance, production, manufacturing and all activities associated with halal food.

In addition, both parties will cooperate in the training and empowering of human resources expertise and competence in matters concerning halal food production.

The collaboration between UMS and JHEAINS will be sealed at a signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) at the Gallery on 29 October and is it to renew the first MoU which expired last November.

Assistant Minister in the Chief Minister’s Department, Datuk Hj. Mohd. Arifin Mohd. Arif is expected to witness the signing of the agreement of both parties, which will strengthen the recognition of halal food quality in Sabah and meet the demands of Islamic law. – (fl)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

kaunseling banner 1FRIDAY, 24 OCTOBER – The Faculty of Psychology and Education (FPP), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) offers a complete range of counselling and referral services clinic.

The counselling session is open to all including the public during weekdays only between 9.00 am – 12.30 pm and 2.30 pm – 4.30 pm.   The individual or group session including marriage and family counselling, guidance and consultancy are conducted by registered counsellors.

The clinic aims to help those improve their self-confidence and career. It also helps to overcome the lack of emotional and cognitive aspects as well as behaviour, also to improve the individual’s quality and productivity of life.

The service is free of charge except for a RM10.00 registration fee imposed.

Prior appointment must be made.

Further information can be obtained from Nurul Fatiha at 019-811 4573 or 088-320000 extension 8833 or her email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

You can also visit the clinic’s website at http://www.ums.edu.my/klinikspks or their Facebook at www.facebook.com/KlinikKaunseling SPKSUMS.

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department


maritim KALFRIDAY, 24 OCTOBER – Universiti Malaysia Sabah Labuan International Campus (UMSKAL) organised the First International Maritime Conference to continue its efforts in strengthening marine science for the benefit of the community and country in general.

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Affairs and Alumni) UMS, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ismail Ali said marine science was not only related to the control of marine but also marine management which included surface, ground and coastal, and anything associated with it.

He said that this field was endless.

“Without the world of maritime, our country will remain isolated from the outside world, whether in terms of trade or international relations. History has shown that the development of the Malacca Sultanate can only be achieved through trade and control of the sea and has placed it as a major trading centre in the archipelago where it was known at that time as the ‘Venice of Asia’,” he said.

He was speaking on behalf of UMS Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah during the official opening of UMS International Maritime Conference 2014 at UMS Labuan International Campus Lecture Hall recently.

The one-day conference saw the keynote address presented by the Commander of the Eastern Command, DCP Dato’ Abdul Rashid Harun. Also present was the Director of UMSKAL, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Murnizam Hj. Halik. – SS (fl)

Source: Azri Onn

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department



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