Pasukan UMS meraih tempat ke-4 dan membawa pulang trofi dan wang RM1500FRIDAY, 17 OCTOBER – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) debate team won fourth place in the Malay Language category at the Gender Debate Competition 2014 held at Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)

The match saw UMS entered the finals for the first time in the competition and went home with a trophy and cash prize of RM1,500.

The champion title went to the International Islamic University (UIA) B, followed by Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) as the first runner-up and UIA A in third place.

The competition was organised by UPM in collaboration with the Universities Debating Council Malaysia (MADUM) saw 60 teams took part.

The prize-giving ceremony was officiated by the Minister of Women, Family and Community Development Malaysia, Datuk Seri Rohani Abdul Karim. – SS (fl)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

myinovasi20014TTHURSDAY, 16 OCTOBER – Five teams sent by Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) to the MyINOVASI 2014 were selected as among the finalists that will enter the Finals of the competition which will be held from 15-16 December 2014.

The five teams were the choice of the jury through a number of their innovative projects such as Beach Cleaner, Eco-friendly bus stop cooling system, porous pavement, hybrid clay rainwater filter and coconut gravel.

According to the project supervisor, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nurmin Bolong from the Faculty of Engineering, the projects was expected to give great impact and benefits directly to the industry and community, at the same time instill the habit of being concern towards to needs of the community and environment.

He said the five finalists also received a cheque of RM5,000 at a ceremony in the Federal Territory of Putrajaya.

Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Student Affairs and Alumni, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ismail Ali expressed his pride in the achievement.

He said the success was able to instill the culture of innovation that continued to be the practice of the campus community especially among students.

MyINOVASI 2014 which attracted the participation of 1,250 teams this year saw 20 teams from Public Higher Learning Institutions selected for the finals, while the rest were from the Private Higher Learning Institutions, Polytechnics, Community Colleges and the Teachers Training Institutes (IPG). – SS (fl)

Source: Rohani Hadi

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department


bicara yapeimTHURSDAY, 16 OCTOBER – In conjunction with the Charity Drive Programme of the Malaysian Islamic Economic Development Foundation (YaPEIM) and the Mosque and Islamic Affairs Unit (UHEIM) jointly organised a talk entitled ‘Planting the Seeds of Pahala Before Death Comes’.

The programme held at UMS Mosque on Wednesday was conducted by a speaker from YaPEIM, Norjasir Nasir.

In his talk, he said that the practice of doing charity not only contributed to being rewarded for those doing so, it also provided many benefits in community living.

“Among the benefits of doing charity was one of the solutions to address the problems of poverty, rid the resentments by the poor who may feel that their rights were stolen by the rich and to avoid criminal act,” he added.

Therefore, he advised all to cultivate the practice of doing charity and considered it as sowing the seeds of kindness.

“Practice doing charity in this world and enjoy the reward in the hereafter,” he urged.

The programme was attended by over 30 participants from UMS staff and students. – SM (fl)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

Kenaikan PangkatTUESDAY, 14 OCTOBER – A total of 40 academic staff received their promotion letter to Associate Professor DS54, Senior Lecturer DS52, Medical Lecturer DS54 without title and language lecturer DG52 from the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah.

At the ceremony, Prof. Datuk Dr. Harun said the high commitment and responsibility including the dedication shown by the staff was the critical element in ensuring that the university was capable in producing first class human capital.

“As an academic leader, you should have high initiatives and always have a strong commitment to execute the responsibilities entrusted,” he said.

He also reminded them that the main role of educators was to spearhead the transformation of minds through changes in thinking ways and action in any situation faced.

Earlier, UMS Registrar, Datuk Abdullah Hj. Mohd. Said said that the selection process for promotion to Professor and Associate Professor was done once a year while to Senior Lecturer was done twice a year.

However, he added that academic staff who qualified may apply to be promoted through CV-Online at anytime. – ZMD (fl)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

AstroRadioMONDAY, 13 OCTOBER – The Communication Programme under the Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage (FKSW) Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) held an Astro Radio Workshop today at its Main Meeting Room.

The workshop was led by Astro Radio’s Operations, Sales and Marketing Strategy Manager, Syazleey Zalsyam who briefed the undergrads on the function of a radio station particularly Astro Radio stations.

“We are the first radio station in Malaysia to introduce format radio station,” he said, who was also popularly known as DJ Uno.

Earlier, the Coordinator of the workshop, Hj. Mahat Jamal who is also a lecturer on broadcasting said that the workshop was part of the class in this particular course to expose undergrads on the day-to-day operations of a radio station.

“It is good that the undergrads get to listen first hand from the experts themselves,” he said when met by Chancellery Media after the workshop.

The workshop was attended by more than 100 undergrads from the Broadcast and Journalism Course and Communication Course under the Mass Communication Programme in FKSW.

The workshop also included Sales Manager, Moon Liew; Music Executive and Presenter of Erafm Sabah, Illy Lia; Music Executive and Presenter from Hitzfm Sabah, Erica (Rica) Sham and Music Executive and Presenter of MYfm Sabah, Mang Kuan who each touched on their respective portfolio.

Dean of FKSW, Prof. Dato’ Haji Hamdan Haji Adnan later presented mementoes to representatives from Astro Radio as a token of appreciation. - FL

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department



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