kempen aedesTUESDAY, 22 JULY – In order to ensure the campus environment is clean and safe, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) through the Department of Development and Maintenance (JPP) held an Eradication of Aedes Mosquito Campaign 2014 recently.

According to the Director of JPP, Kamisah Husin, the campaign was carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the Chief Secretary II, Ministry of Education Malaysia, Dato’ Seri Ir. Zaini Ujang who wanted all higher learning institutions (IPTA) to carry out a mosquito eradication campagin in their respective surrounding campus.

“I hope that all students and staff would together carry out this campaign to keep the campus environment and our health in check. I believe this noble effort will ensure the cleanliness in future and that UMS is always clean, lively and harmonious without the breeding of mosquitoes and other pests,” she said.

She added that the campaign will continue until the Orientation Week come September.

Meanwhile, President of UMS General Staff (KEKAUMAS), Amat Jutrah Musnih also joined other staff and shared the same sentiment in the implementation of the campaign.

“For me, such campaign should be carried out regularly in order to raise awareness among UMS community on the importance of keeping UMS clean as it is like a second home to us,” she added.

Several activities were undertaken during the campaign including removing of used containers, covering all water containers, changing of water and cleaning of flower pots, checking of gutters to ensure no stagnant water, drains cleaned and not clogged and rubbish dumped appropriately. – SM (fl)

Photos: Johaidi Ismail

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

sumbangan kuih umskalTUESDAY, 22 JULY – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) through its Labuan International Campus (KAL) branch donated Raya goodies to three security forces; Royal Malaysian Police, Labuan Fire and Rescue Department and Civil Defence Department (JPAM).

The presentation of goodies was done by UMSKAL Director, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ismail Ali at the security forces office.

According to Dr. Ismail, the contribution was a token of gratitude by the university to the security officers and staff protecting UMSKAL community especially students besides academic and non-academic staff and the assets of the university.

He was representing the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah who recorded his thanks and gratitude to the security forces who were taking care of the security and peace of the country especially at the Federal Territory of Labuan,” he said. – SS (fl)

Source: Azri Onn

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

sumbangan kanak2 terbakarFRIDAY, 18 JULY – The involvement of 30 volunteers from Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), which sent aid to the fire victims at Kunak recently highlighted UMS’ concerns and responsibilities to the community.

The efforts mobilised by the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FPSK), UMS also had the support of the Malaysian Medical Relief Society (MERCY) Malaysia Sabah Branch and UMS Four Wheel Drive Volunteers Club.

According to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Research and Innovation UMS, Prof. Dr. Shahril Yusof, charitable activities such as this had become UMS social responsibility in helping to ease the plight of those affected by misfortune such as the fire incident that had destroyed 150 squatter homes.

“For this purpose, a total of 60 tents and hygienic kits were distributed by UMS and Mercy Malaysia and will be delivered to those affected,” he said when met by Chancellery Media.

He added that the idea to contribute tents rose as this method was also practiced in countries such as Japan and Thailand, which used tents as temporary shelters.

“Contributions in the form of foodstuff, clothing and the like have been widely given and these tents will be especially used by women,” he added.

Besides contributing tents, UMS volunteers had also helped to set up those tents at the Kunak Community Hall. – CD (fl)

Source: Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FPSK)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

ceramah islamMONDAY, 21 JULY – In conjunction with the holy month of Ramadan, a talk to analyse the issue of Islam and the Environment as held at the Galeri, UMS recently.

The talk organised by the EcoCampus Management Centre had invited the State Mufti of Sabah, Ustaz Bungsu Jaafar and a lecturer with the Centre for the Promotion of Knowledge and Language, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Tarmizi Abdul Rahman as the speaker.

Ustaz Bungsu in his lecture entitled ‘Human Being, the Caretaker of Environment’ explained that there were five things about the environment in the Islamic perspective, there are environment was a creation of Allah S.W.T., no authority, created for human, according to Sunnah and not to be worshipped.

“As the caliph of Allah S.W.T, man was made to have peace and justice on earth, governing nature according to syariat, and avoid damaging of the earth.

“The environment is Allah S.W.T’s gift to mankind to be protected,” he explained.

He added that caring for it not only rely on legal approach alone, but also needed a holistic method which is spiritual, to educate the local community.

Dr. Ahmad Tarmizi in his talk described that there were three major problems facing the world today, namely security, education and the natural environment.

Touching on the aspects of nature, he said the revolution progressing with the passage of time had become the main cause of environmental damage.

“People ignore their responsibility towards environment and dominating earth’s resources for universal advancement, whereas everything is anchored to a trouble-free life,” he said in his talk on ‘Balance of Man and Nature’.

More than 100 UMS staff attended the talk. - MA (fl)

Photo: Johaidi Ismail

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department


MONDAY, 21 JULY – Centre for Strategic & Academic Management (PPSA) recently organised a briefing in preparation for the Internal Quality Audit ISO 9001:2008 (Teaching & Learning) for Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Full-time Undergraduates Programme Implementation Scope.
At the briefing, the internal auditors of the university were briefed on audit techniques, and explanation of audit clauses in preparation for conducting of quality audits in future.
The briefing was conducted by Chief Internal Auditor of UMS, Senior Deputy Registrar, Norti Hj. Sirin held at the Galeri, Chancellery Building.
PPSA Secretariat announced that the audit period will be held for two months starting 25 August 2014 to provide opportunity to conduct audits and follow-up audits at the said Department, Faculty, Centre, Institute and Unit (JFPIU). - ZMD (fl)

Source: Centre for Strategic & Academic Management (PPSA)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department



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