jakmas umskalMONDAY, 30 JUNE – The Student Welfare Committee (JAKMAS) Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Labuan International Campus (UMSKAL) was feted in the Appreciation Night 2014 at the Billion Pavillion Waterfront Hotel recently.

The ceremony was to appreciate the contributions and commitment of JAKMAS 2013/2014 Session besides being a place to mingle with the university’s management level.

The ceremony was officiated by UMSKAL Director, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ismail Ali. In his speech, he expressed his thanks and gratitude for the commitment and contributions by JAKMAS to the development and advancement of the university’s residential colleges.

He also advised all JAKMAS Committee members to always perform the duties entrusted to them with full responsibility.

The event also had a special award and certificate presentation ceremony to the JAKMAS committee members of both the residential colleges there.

The event was graced with a symbolic opening ceremony, which is a cake-cutting, UMSKAL students brass band and lucky draws. – SS (fl)

Source: Azri Onn, UMSKAL

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

kursus governan

FRIDAY, 27 JUNE – Seeing the importance of corporate governance in improving the overall performance of an organisation, the Registrar Department, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) held a Corporate Governance Course recently.
A total of 56 participants comprising key officials, deans, directors, heads and officials of department, faculty, centre, institute and unit participated in the one-day course.
Also present was the Chairman of the Board of Directors UMS, Tun Dato’ Seri Zaki Tun Azmi, Members of the Board of Directors UMS, Datuk Ag Buhtamam Ag Mahmun and Datuk Pg. Hj. Mohd Hussein Datuk Pg. Hj. Mohd Tahir Nasruddin.
The course was delivered by the Malaysian Institute of Corporate Governance Advisor, Ahmad Shahab Hj Din who had extensive experience in corporate governance in the public and private sectors in the 43 years of his career.
The course, which was inspired by Tun Zaki was aimed at introducing and sharing the best practices of corporate governance in order to benefit the university, particularly in driving towards continued excellence thus able to compete with other higher education institutions in the region. – MA (fl)


Photo: Johaidi Ismail

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

sijil asasi2014FRIDAY, 27 JUNE – Science Foundation graduates produced every year are the connector to the goals of science education that emphasises on efforts towards a literate society and to acculturate science in every dimension of life.

Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah said the science foundation graduates who were successful in completing their studies for a year were contributing to the increase in science and technology graduates each year, thus becoming the catalyst to the aspiration of being a developed nation towards vision 2020.

“Excellent values should be illustrated in any field that you endeavour through your personality and interaction with the community.

“I hope with the knowledge and experience that you have reaped while being a student of the Science Foundation course would be applied in your everyday life,” he said. His speech was read by his representative, the Dean of the Faculty of Science and Natural Resources, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Baba Musta during the 4th Certificate Presentation Ceremony at Dewan Resital (Recital Hall).

He added that students should continue to instill their interest in science and technology as well as committed to be part of the driving force towards achieving national goals.

A total of 241 UMS Science Foundation students received their certificate as a mark of completion to their one-year course. Fatir Fath Muhammad Iskandar was declared the recipient of the Vice-Chancellor Award, whilst Rihatul Wardah Mohd Iswan received the Director’s Award in recognition of their achievements. – MA (fl)

Photo: Suzeanywati Gasinin

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

KKFMnottinghamFRIDAY, 27 JUNE – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Campus Radio Station, KKFM this morning welcomed five guests from the University of Nottingham (UoN), United Kingdom (UK) who were in Sabah for a voluntary programme.

They were Nathan Gunning, Richard Gittons, Charlotte Wade and Blaithin Hadjisophocleous all graduates of the Physiotherapy course. They were led by their lecturer, Marjan Blackburn whose specialty is in Neurological Rehabilitation.

Interestingly, the group found Sabah, a place they then committed their voluntary work through surfing the internet.

The group has been in Sabah the past six weeks lending their expertise at Bukit Harapan, a home not only for the orphans but also abused women and children as well as persons with special needs.

“All students of Physiotherapy need to do 1,000 hours of clinical work, as stipulated by the Chartered Society of Physiotherapists and the Healthcare Profession in the UK,” said Marjan, citing that the first programme focussed on the children and the centre in Sabah, where they had also visited the Women and Children Hospital Likas.

They also record their activities through video blog besides keeping a record of their studies for future reference.

“We have to raise our own funding to come here,” said Nathan Gunning who had been doing this particular volunteer work for the second time since 2011. Nathan is a Band 5 Physiotherapy graduate, a reference used in UK for those newly graduate physiotherapists.

Also present to lead the group was Audra Keyworth, an administrator at Bukit Harapan. – FL

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department                                

oceanday1THURSDAY, 26 JUNEUniversiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) is celebrating World Ocean Day and Coral Triangle Day this month to convey a clear message to the community on the importance of marine care.

Themed “Together we have the power to protect the ocean”, the celebration on World Ocean Day had been a yearly affair organised by Borneo Marine Research Institute (IPMB), and the celebration of the Coral Triangle Day is held for the first time as a sign of support to the goal of the Coral Triangle Initiatives – CTI) in creating awareness among the people on their role in keeping the marine ecosystems of fisheries and safety of food.

Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah said World Ocean Day was celebrated timely in creating awareness on the role of oceans as a supporter of global society. He said 71% of the earth’s surface was covered by ocean, which clearly showed that the ocean give a lot of contribution to the daily life of people.

“The ocean today faces enormous challenges including over-fishing, which affects the marine-life ecosystem in the sea, ocean predator removal, destruction of coral reefs, expansion of dead zones in the ocean, pollution and sea acidification.

“Therefore, innovative ideas are important in solving problems related to the ocean. We must joint hands to reduce the scientific gap and eliminate barriers to innovation in the quest for potential solutions,” he said at the opening ceremony of the celebration. His speech was read by his representative, Professor Dr. Shahril Yusof, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Research and Innovation.
oceanday2He added, UMS researchers over the years had started these beneficial studies in marine science, develop human resources and foster cooperation with oceanographic institutions for the exchange of knowledge about this field.

“UMS always support the generation of new knowledge as well as the dissemination of it. For that, these days, IPMB’s new research boat will be launched to reflect our commitment in research and the pursuit of new knowledge related to the ocean,” he clarified.

The event also saw the launch of a brochure in conjunction with World Ocean Day, Points to Ponder and the new boat named “UMS Balaenoptera”, which was then taken around the islands surrounding Sepanggar. UMS World Ocean Day celebration started from 8 June and will continue for a month. -MA- (fl)

Media and Citra Division                                
Chancellery Department             




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