Pesta Buku 2014FRIDAY, 21 MARCHReading is often considered as a boring activity as today’s society can easily get any information through alternative means such as e-newspapers, e-journal and e-book.

In order to inculcate reading culture among the public especially Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) community, the Library Department, Publications Unit and Koperasi UMS Berhad once again organised a UMS Book Fair 2014.

The book fair will be held until 23 March at UMS Library which was officiated by the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Environment, Datuk Seri Panglima Masidi Manjun.

In his speech, he said that people should be make reading as an exercise of the mind.

“Reading will not damage us, in fact it is a remedy for dementia,” he added.

He said reading was very important to enhance our knowledge and discipline and high self-esteem through the reading of high impact books.

Meanwhile, UMS Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah in his speech said that books were important to shape our thinking and elevate human dignity to a higher level.

“Reading can sharpen our minds, germinate ideas and strengthen understanding of one’s life to think critically and creatively.

“Thus, I would like to urge students to prudently use the 1Malaysia Book Voucher (BR1M) by purchasing the required books for their learning,” he said. His speech text was read by UMS Head Librarian, Dayang Rukiah Awang Amit.

In the programme, UMS Library also received more than 2,300 copies of books from the Sokka Gakai Association Malaysia and PACOS Trust which covers the field of medicine, nursing psychology and social sciences.

Also present were the Chairman of the Koperasi UMS Berhad Bookstore and Gifts cum UMS Book Fair 2014 Chairman, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mahmud Hj. Sudin and Head of Publications Unit cum Joint Chairman of UMS Book Fair 2014, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Asmady Idris. – ZMD (fl)

Photo: Musaab Umair, CRD

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

tiong hwa 2014FRIDAY, 21 MARCHThe Grand Nite of Pesta Tiong Hua was held recently at Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Dewan Kuliah Perdana

Various activities were held at the event which was attended by more than 2,000 students and community of multi-racial background around Kota Kinabalu.

The fiesta which was filled with cultural performances of the Chinese was also attended by the President of the Association of Chinese Culture Sabah, Datuk Chau Tet On and the Deputy President of the Chinese Society Sabah, Datuk Jimmy Yong Kyok Ming.

The opening night was officiated by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Student Affairs and Alumni, Assoc. Prof. Datuk Dr. Kasim Hj. Md. Mansur.

In his speech, Datuk Kasim said that Pesta Tiong Hua was one of the cultural activities celebrated each year as an effort to introduce the values, customs and culture of the Chinese to the campus community of the many different ethnic backgrounds.

“This event is organised to create a culture of understanding and interaction among all ethnicity as well as fostering interests in the arts thus able to improve the soft skills among the students,” he said.

He added that it was also an effort of the university to foster closer ties among the campus community to achieve national integration in line with the 1Malaysia concept.

Also present at the event was the President of the Student Representatives Council (MPP) UMS, Fandyi Sanizan Jurup. – SS (fl)

Source: Student Affairs Department (HEP)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

TLDMlined 19.03.14 okTHURSDAY, 20 MARCHKelab Suri Rumah dan Staf Wanita or the Wives and Women Staff Club (KESUMBA) Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) recently paid a courtesy call to Badan Kebajikan Keluarga Angkatan Tentera (BAKAT) Laut at the Tentera Laut DiRaja Malaysia (TLDM) Sepanggar Naval Base.

The UMS delegation which was led by the President of KESUMBA, Datin Baidah Ibrahim, wife of the Vice-Chancellor of UMS, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah was received by the members of BAKAT Laut led by its Chairperson, Datin Ir. Nor Aishah Mohamed Nasri and her committee members.

In her speech, Datin Ir. Nor Aishah explained the functions of BAKAT, touching on its importance in keeping track with the families of naval officers who were away to answer the call of duty.

“This year, many activities have been lined up for our members such as leadership seminar, talks on ethics and personality, sewing and cooking classes. Sports activities are also part of the activities, as well as Fardhu ain which is organised fortnightly every month,” she added.

Members of KESUMBA were feted to a light refreshment before being taken to a tour inside the naval ship KD Perak 173 which is considered as a smart ship known as the New Generation Patrol Vessel (NGPV).  They were given briefings and were explained the many modern functions of the ship equipped with missiles and Tow Away Sonar among others.

The two clubs will meet for a friendly match on the 19 April to strengthen the just formed relationship.

Also among the delegation were Datin Aidah Mohd Ali, Deputy President of KESUMBA who is also the wife of Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Affairs and Alumni), Assoc. Prof. Datuk Dr. Kasim Hj Md Mansur and Datin Nurah Bungsu wife of UMS Registrar, Datuk Abdullah Hj. Mohd. Said. – FL

Photo: Suzeanywati Gasinin

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

seminar komunikasi awam2WEDNESDAY, 19 MARCH – Media practitioners play an important role in providing coverage and promoting government’s policies and its image to the community.

Recognising its importance, the Ethnographic and Development Unit (UPEP) in collaboration with the Social Science Communication Programme School of Social Science (SSS) Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) had organised a seminar titled ‘Devlopment of Public Communication In Sabah’.

The one-day seminar involving about 100 SSS students was held in conjunction with UMS 20th anniversary to discuss the role of the Ministry of Information, Communications and Multimedia as the official spokesman for the government to the public.

According to the Dean of the School of Social Sciences, Prof. Datuk Hamdan Hj. Adnan, students and the general public should be more aware and sensitive to the news reported in the media, especially social media whose news validity were questionable.

“Most news posted in the social media have their own motive, inaccurate and contain elements of slander because they were not checked.

He added that the news which were not true did not have authority and conflicted with ethics in journalism and the norms of the plural society in Malaysia.

However, he said that the emergence of social media had become a phenomenon which contributed positively towards transforming the minds and paradigm of a person to be more dynamic and proactive in the context of self-development.

He therefore advised everyone to be more careful and wise in dealing with this phenomenon which might harm the country and themselves if misused.

The seminar also presented paperwork by the Director of the Department of State Special Affairs, Hj. Abdul Manaf Lakariba; Information Officer of West Coast Sabah, Supian Musa; Deputy Director of Broadcasting Department Sabah, Ali Ngasio. – ZMD (fl)

Photo: School of Social Sciences, UMS

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

ijazah kehormat TYTTUESDAY, 18 MARCH - “I did not expect to receive this Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws. It is a very great honour and I am truly grateful.”

That was the expression by the Head of State, His Excellency Tuan Yang Terutama Tun (Dr.) Haji Juhar Datuk Haji Mahiruddin in an exclusive interview in conjunction with the conferment of the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws by the University of Wolverhampton (UoW), United Kingdom.

The Commemorative Convocation Ceremony was held at the Dewan Canselor, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) today.

In an interview, Tun Juhar who is also the Chancellor of UMS said his interest in law started when he was in his school days.

“I chose law because of several factors. Among them were it ensures a bright future and a lot of job opportunities.

“In addition, being the Barrister-at-law is a professional field which is recognised in all Commonwealth countries, particularly in the United Kingdom,” he added, who was also appointed as the Patron of UoW Alumni Malaysia.

Describing his father as the main driver, Tun Juhar also shared his experiences while studying for the Bachelor of Law Degree at UoW which was formerly known as Wolverhampton Polytechnic.

He said the culture in England was certainly far different from Malaysia’s, but it was not difficult for him to adapt to as he had many friends at the university who were from Sabah.

“I have many friends who were not only Malaysians but British. While I was there, the main setback was communicating with my family back home in Sabah. There was no internet access and communitcation system like today. The only means was through letters,” he said, mentioning the name of Speaker at the Dewan Rakyat, Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia as among his close friends while at the university.

When asked to comment on his involvement in the field of law, he said the unforgettable experience was to watch the reaction of families of the accused shed tears when the court announced the conviction of the accused.

“We feel for the affected families. But our decision is made according to the rules and regulations, taking in account public interest,” he said, who served as First Class Magistrate early in his career in the public service.

Tun Juhar who described music as part of his life also stressed that law had helped him not only in his daily tasks but also in politics.

“The legal field requires a lot of reading but mostly focused on the Law Report and Law Journal including Bill. That helps me a lot in my career, as a lawyer, we must be up-to-date with existing and current developments,” he emphasised.

A figure-head of Tambisan Village, Sandakan, Tun Juhar also emphasised that every legal practitioner should have a high level of discipline and integrity.

“We were taught to uphold justice for all. We cannot practice double standards in our work but be brave in upholding justice without fear or favour,” he said ending the interview.

About 5,000 attended the conferment of Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws conferred by the Vice-Chancellor of UoW, Prof. Geoff Layer. Also present was Toh Puan Datuk Seri Panglima Hajah Norlidah Datuk R.M. Jasni; Minister of Community Development and Consumer Affairs, Datuk Hajah Jainab Ahmad Ayid and UMS Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah. – SS (fl)


Photo: Ernest Berinus

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department



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