FRIDAY, 3 NOVEMBER - Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) and the Maritime Institute of Malaysia (MIMA) signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) on the 31st of October 2017 for cooperation to address issues on security in Sabah, specifically in the EssZone are. 

Vice Admiral (R) Tan Sri Dato Seri Ahmad Ramli b. Hj. Mohd Nor, Chairman and First Admiral (R) Dato Chin Yoon Chin, Director General, signed on behalf of MIMA whilst Prof. Datuk Dr D. Kamarudin M. Mudin, Vice Chancellor and No’Man Hj. Ahmad, Registrar, signed on behalf of UMS.

The event was witnessed by Datuk Rodzi Md Saad, Director Sabah National Security Council (Sabah NSC), Captain Martin A. Sebastian, Senior Research Fello of MIMA, Prof. Dr. Ismail Ali, Deputy Vice Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Ismail Ibrahim, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage (FKSW), as well as Diana Peters, Head of International Relations Programme, FKSW.

This MoA formalises the joint collaborations by MIMA, UMS and NSC Sabah on the KESBAN (Keselamatan dan Pembangunan – Security and Development) at Sea project which had started since 2015.

This collaboration is aimed at proposing a holistic security approach through the development of a Balanced Scorecard for the ESSZone Committee as a management framework. The ESSZone is a necessary initiative in response to recent security issues in Sabah. It is seen as an attempt to contextualise the issues occurring in the region that is not solely restricted to security, but also to ensure livelihoods of citizens are being protected.

The effort is also to identify workable solution on an intricate matter with a myriad of issues. However, concerns still remain on its implementation and monitoring and it was highly suggested that a more collaborative approach, one that extends beyond government machinery and encompasses community leaders and civil society is needed.

As a policy research institute set up by the Malaysian Government to look into matters relating to Malaysia's interest at sea, and to serve as a national focal point for research in the maritime sector. The Institute takes a comprehensive approach in dealing with maritime issues.

Its role is to deal with national, regional and global maritime matters affecting Malaysia. a more collaborative approach, one that extends beyond government machinery and encompasses community leaders and civil society is needed. Thus, this project will not only address the challenges to traditional security, but also address management of scarce resources and duplication of efforts.

Prior to the signing, four workshops had been organised in 2016 based on the four pillars for a holistic approach, namely, economy, socio-politics, marine environment and security-defence led by experts from UMS and MIMA. Logistic supports throughout the workshops were provided by Sabah NSC. Workshop reports from these workshops are available on the MIMA website.

With the signing of the MoA, Phase II of the KESBAN at Sea project will involve the setting up of the Technical Committee to develop the Balanced Scorecard and the Steering Committee at state level to drive the effort.

MONDAY, 25 SEPTEMBER – The Housewives and Women Staff Club (KESUMBA), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) paid a courtesy call to the consort of the Head of State who is the Patron of KESUMBA, Toh Puan Hajah Norlidah Tan Sri R.M. Jasni at Istana Negeri, Kota Kinabalu recently.

The 10 member delegation was led by its President, Roha Asmara, wife of UMS Vice-Chancellor.

During the briefing, Roha introduced the new line-up of the 2017-2019 Exco and explained the past and upcoming activities of KESUMBA to the Patron, which included a Charity Dinner next year with some students of UMS under the B40 programme.

Toh Puan Norlidah expressed her support  in KESUMBA’s activities particularly in helping the underpriviledged and urged KESUMBA to continue with its noble gesture.

Roha further explained that KESUMBA would also be organising a Seminar on Family, and Women’s Health Talk besides other interesting activities geared towards women.

Also present during the courtesy call were the Deputy President of the Club, Dr. Aza Sherin Mohamad Yusuff; Honorary Secretary, Stella @ Nurul Martini Gontol and other Exco members. - FL


WEDNESDAY, 13 SEPTEMBER – Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage (FKSW, Universiti Malaysia Sabah(UMS) recently sent eight students under its Geography Programme to a Summer Course inIndonesia accompanied by its Senior Lecturer, Dr. Gaim James Lunkapis.

According to a statement issued, the eight students were repicients of the Smart City, Village andRegion (SCVR) Course scholarship offered by UniversitasGadjahMada (UGM), Jogjakarta, Indonesia.

The eight students were ErwinaNuar, Nurshaslinda Abdul Kadir, Brenda Sandan, Nurallyyana Zainuddin, NurIzzahNabilahHaron, Nur Jannah Roslan, Eccaleena Chrissy Latius and ThressaVeneyAnsilmus.

They were among 35 international participants involving 10 countries from the Europe and AsianRegions namely United States of America, Vietnam, Colombia, Pakistan, Indonesia, Germary,Thailand, Cambodia, Palestine and Malaysia.

The course involved 13 other lecturers including two from Malaysia; Dr. Goh Hong Ching and Professor Dr. Lee Boon Thong, who were both from Universiti Malaya.

The statement added, SCVR was a noble effort in improving the understanding on the use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in the concept of region, village and smart city.

The course also aimed at expanding international collaboration between two higher education institutions; Universiti Malaysia Sabah and UniversitasGadjahMada, Indonesia. – FL

WEDNESDAY, 22 AUGUST – The Supreme Council Members of the Housewives and Women Staff Club (KESUMBA) Universiti Malaysia Sabah paid a courtesy call to the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Dr. D Kamarudin D Mudin at the Chancellery Building, UMS, recently.

The Honourable Secretary, Stella @ Nurul Martini Gontol introduced to the Vice-Chancellor the new line-up of the 16-strong member delegation led by its President, Roha Asmara.  The members were chosen during the Annual General Meeting held on 14 July.

The Vice-Chancellor hoped that KESUMBA would continue to be successful and urged its members to maintain its efforts in supporting the activities of the university.

The delegation then paid a courtesy visit to Pusat Minda Lestari (PML), UMS’ childcare centre where they were briefed on the centre’s programmes and activities by the Centre’s Director, Aidah Noordin.  They were also taken round to some of the classes to witness the teaching and learning sessions conducted by trained teachers of PML.

The same day, KESUMBA also signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between The Marina Café@UMS management at the location itself.  The documents were signed by the President of KESUMBA, Roha Asmara and the owner and operator of the café, Dayang Halimah Md Yusof. - FL




TUESDAY, 22 AUGUST 2017 – The lone representative from Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Jordan Irutheeyanathan would join his counterparts in Kuala Lumpur as part of a 4-member team representing Malaysia in the upcoming debate competition to be held in Bangkok, Thailand from 3-6 September 2017.

Jordan, a third year student of the International Relations Programme (IR), Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage (FKSW) UMS was selected after a rigorous preliminary selection process last July.

According to Senior Lecturer, Rizal Zamani Idris who would be accompanying Jordan, all lecturers of IR played their role in helping to equip Jordan with the relevant information pertaining to the debate competition on human rights.

“Hopes are high but the most important thing is we try our best,” said Rizal.

Earlier, Jordan accompanied by IR lecturers including members of SUHAKAM paid a courtesy call to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Student Affairs and Alumni, Prof. Dr. Ismail Ali at his office at Chancellery Building.

In his message, Prof. Dr. Ismail reminded the group that representing the country is already an achievement.  He also urged them to do their best.

FKSW also thanked SUHAKAM led by Datuk Godfrey Joitol who was instrumental in giving their support and has been collaborating with UMS especially with FKSW in many ways. - FL





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