MONDAY, 22 MAY - A campaign, “Say it in English”, to promote the use of English at University Malaysia Sabah was launched at Pusat Penataran Ilmu dan Bahasa (PPIB) recently.

The campaign, an initiative of the Student Representative Council, aims to make Tuesdays English speaking days all over the campus, for both students and academic staff. As part of the campaign, an English Club with activities, games, singing and movies in English has been running at PPIB throughout the current semester.

A “Wonder Wall” has also been installed at PPIB, where students can post creative messages in English, and a space has been made for the English “word of the week”.

The dean of PPIB, Associate Professor Dr. Jualang Azlan Gansau, officiating at the opening ceremony, noted the need to support the Ministry of Higher Education in its efforts to upgrade English ability in Malaysia.

Remarking on the campaign, he said “It is a great initiative, and it is my wish that UMS students use this platform to improve their English.” 

During his speech, the dean, whose mother tongue is Dusun, noted his own struggles to master English as a student, and urged students to strive to communicate in English despite the fact that they might not have perfect grammatical accuracy.

Support for the campaign was evident from both students and academic staff.

Deputy Dean, Mohd. Azri Ibraham commented that “we have to use our English in order to improve it.”

An English lecturer, Ms. Loh Yoke Len, echoed these thoughts, saying “students need this campaign to encourage them to use English as a medium of communication.”

John Mark Storey, the head of English, marked the occasion as “a wonderful opportunity to promote the speaking of English around the UMS campus, both inside and outside the classroom.”

Visitors from other faculties also offered their praises for the initiative.

Associate Professor Rachel Mansia, an engineering lecturer, said “I applaud the effort and I think it is the first time since UMS started that we have had such a programme.”

The English Club, popular among international students, has been successful in encouraging English use in a fun way.

A regular participant Abubakar Juma Bakari, of Tanzania, said the “Say it in English” campaign “is a good thing for our local friends” and hopes that “they will be awakened to speak English.”


Source: Pusat Penataran Ilmu dan Bahasa


TUESDAY, 09 MAY – A seminar and forum on inter-ethnic relations organised by the International Relations Programme of the Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage (FKSW) gave an insightful awareness to its audience comprising of staff and students of FKSW as well as invited guests from other organisations in Sabah.

According to the Dean of FKSW, Prof. Dr. Ismail Ibrahim, we should discuss and look into ways in which we can better integrate our ethnic communities to strive for unity in diversity as Malaysia is a multi-ethnic and multi-religious society.

According to him, this should be done with elements of inclusiveness to ensure a fair and just government.

His text was read by the Deputy Dean of Research and Innovation, Associate Professor Dr. Susan Sim Chee Cheang, at a recent seminar on “Strategies in Ethnic Accommodation and Political Bargaining in Comparative Perspectives” held at the Theatrette Ahmad Nisfu, FKSW.

“We hope to bring positive changes to policies on ethnic relations that will only strengthen the nation in every respect,” he said.

The recent seminar featured a well-known lecturer who had written seven books to his credit and a Harvard University PhD graduate, Emeritus Professor Donald Horowitz, a James B. Duke Professor of Law and Political Science Emeritus at Duke University, United States. 

The seminar also held a forum in the afternoon on “Inter-ethnic Coalitions in Malaysia” that featured Senior Lecturer at FKSW, Dr. Paul Porodong; Chief Executive Officer of Better Nation Institute (BNI), Elviza Michele Kamal and Emeritus Professor Donald Horowitz with the Chief Executive Officer of the Society Empowerment and Economic Development of Sabah (SEEDS) who is also a lecturer attached to Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Dr. Arnold Puyok as the moderator.

Also present at the event was the Chairman of SEEDS, Datuk Badil Zaman. - FL

TUESDAY, 18 APRIL –  Staff at the Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage (FKSW), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) were urged to change for the better, for the benefit of the faculty, and to mould and develop its students to become agent of change.

The symbiotic relationship between students, university and society complements each other well, said the Dean of FKSW, Professor Dr. Ismail Ibrahim.

“Students need society because society is the social constituent whilst universities need people because society will contribute to social development,” he said.

He said this in his Message themed “Here, Life and Mind Unite: Basic Integrity, the Fundamentals of Faculty”, held at Theatrette Ahmad Nisfu, FKSW Arts Block, UMS, recently.

 “FKSW will continue to strengthen the fundamentals of the university’s system, which include its academicians, paperwork, research and discussions.

“Emphasis would also go to management and administration, at the same time generating income for financial sustainability,” he further added.

The event also included a Meeting with all Programmes at FKSW where each Head of Programme, including all Deputy Deans presented their plans and achievements.

Also present were the Deputy Dean of Academic and International, Dr. Marsitah Mohd Radzi and Deputy Dean of Student Affairs and Alumni, Dr. Mohamad Puad Bebit. 



Source: Feria Lee, FKSW

THURSDAY, 23 MARCH  - The 2016/2017 Academic Session Grand Recital 2017 kick-started with a fine note to mark the opening of this year’s subsequent recitals at Dewan Resital, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), recently.

Jointly organised by the Creative Arts, Music and Visual Arts Technology Programmes, Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage (FKSW), the recital which was participated by staff and students of FKSW aimed at applying and performing learned knowledge in arts.

According to the Assistant Coordinator of the programme, Sri Ningsih Sukirman, the Grand Recital 2017 featured classical elements.

“The sketch featured was taken from a classic story, and music such as zapin and keroncong were also highlighted,” she said.

The recital also paid tribute to a well-known director and theatre activist in Malaysia who was formerly a lecturer at UMS, Associate Professor Dr. Rohani Md Yousoff who died on 24 February.

Dean of FKSW, Prof. Dr. Ismail Ibrahim in his remarks said that the recital should be continued as it was a catalyst to fine arts performances.

Staff who made their appearances at the Grand Recital were the Coordinator, Suhaimi Magi; Stage Director, Sharip Zainal Sagkif Shek; Felix Agus and Hajijah Lamiri.

The Grand Recital will be followed by another two more recitals in April and May for this semester.

Source: Feria Lee, FKSW











WEDNESDAY, 8 MARCH – The Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage (FKSW) of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) recently organised a Community Service Engagement under their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Programme at Kg. Lok Urai, Pulau Gaya.

With the aim to instil positive attitude and team work among those involved, the programme which was in collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FPSK), and Residential College Sri Angkasa UMS was led by the Dean of FKSW, Professor Dr. Ismail Ibrahim.

“This is a routine programme organised by the staff of FKSW in bridging the gap between UMS and the community,” he said.

About 55 volunteers comprising staff of FKSW and FPSK as well as students of Residential College Sri Angkasa were involved in the programme.

Among the activities held were a healthcare briefing, medical check-up, gotong-royong, repairing of the alternative education activity centre, and handing over of stationery supplies to the children of Kg. Lok Urai.

Also present at the event was FKSW Deputy Dean of Academic and International, Dr. Marsitah Mohd Radzi, Deputy Dean of Student Affairs and Alumni, Dr. Mohamad Puad Bebit and Head of Residential College Sri Angkasa, Dr. Afrizal Anwar @ Teuku Afrizal.

Source:  Feria Lee, FKSW



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