MONDAY, 5 JUNE - My name is Lukas Tretau, I am 25 years old and I come from Hamburg in Northern Germany (my friends sometimes call me ‘Hamburger’ when they are hungry).

I just finished my mobility exchange programme between University of Hamburg and Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS). Being here in this beautiful state of Sabah for two semesters, I gained lots of friends and experiences.

After a long but enjoyable flight I was relaxed and landed in Kota Kinabalu. Then the officer at KKIA informed me that my luggage unfortunately didn’t leave Hong Kong International Airport and that it might come two or three days later. Biarkan sahaja, I am in the tropics why would I need clothes!

Not long after that news I met my supervisors and contact persons from the international office of UMS who were very welcoming and supportive in finding a shelter for this orang putih and helped me in applying for a student visa.

It did not take long until I found friends who took me around Kota Kinabalu to show me the world and extend my horizon (excuse the drama here).           
We went to experience the chilly weather in Kundasang and the ice cream from Desa Cattle – it was amazing, felt like home with all the cows and the cool wind.

Another trip and another group of friends took me to Pantai Rang Bulan in Kota Belud. A beautiful and empty beach welcomed us there to do a boat tour through the reefs and enjoy life.  Luckily this bunch of people also liked to main-main so it was easy to convince them doing some rides on the Banana Boat, another great day in paradise.  I was very lucky to meet so many open-minded and open-hearted people just after my arrival, still being a total stranger. 

Nowhere else have I experienced such a welcoming atmosphere.

Whether we just went out for lepak-lepak (seriously, I still do not understand how Malaysian people can stay up that long at night and wake up again early in the morning) or Karaoke (that was a surprise and not a nice one, I am a really bad singer!), to visit the Sabah Tea Garden or Kudat; everyone was determined to include and integrate me to make me feel home. Now I can say that Sabah and KK especially feels like my second home.  

Yes, my friends even helped me look pretty – am I not cantik?!

During my time in Sabah I experienced a lot.  Local Muslim wedding, numerous sport events, local traditional cultural events in Membakut and also festivities like Japanese Cultural Night within UMS called ‘Bon Odori’.  Unfortunately I did not get to experience Kaamatan and Hari Raya. Sabah’s culture is super diverse: it does not matter where you are from.  You are here and you are welcomed! Many countries in Europe can learn from that.

Many years ago when I was still young - obviously I am very old now - I was very active in athletics, especially short distance sprinting. Therefore I took the chance of competing at the Sabah Open competition in Likas stadium in early September. I took part in the 100m sprint event and what all I could say I finished last! Maybe it was the weather, maybe it was the other’s fault but honestly I assumed that the sad truth is, I was just out of shape and slow.  

In October, UMS gave us the chance of participating in the ‘International Students Sports Carnival’ organised by HELP University held in Kuala Lumpur.  We represented UMS in Futsal, Badminton and 4x100m relay.  We managed to get a silver medal for the sprint with smiling faces and a huge amount of fun. Our glorious team consisted of European, African, Chinese, Polynesian and Malaysian athletes, it was a blast!


Next to this kind of sports that I did for a long time, I started to play Frisbee, the game that is often mistaken and understood as a game for dogs where you throw a plate and it needs to catch it. Actually it is for human. The players are great and I enjoyed every time we gather and ‘go tossing’.  A small committee managed to organise a tournament in UMS.   It was my first Frisbee tournament and super tiring because I am white, old and fat but it was so much fun with an amazing atmosphere and sweating smiling faces.

I did not only do sports here, but also have been studying (sometimes). As a ‘Geography International’ student from Germany I enrolled in the HG20 programme, Nature Parks & Recreation.   Awesome choice! A great class, very sporting lecturers and super enjoyable field trips to places throughout Sabah!

After I studied one semester in UMS in the forestry faculty, I started my internship at Sabah Parks. Working in the Tunku Abdul Rahman Park, I had to go to the islands sometimes because I did a small research study on the crowding there.  Asking tourists of their opinions about the islands, and after that went sunbathing and swimming during lunch time, such a hard life, kan?  Still I missed climbing Mount Kinabalu and also didn’t make it to Pulau Tiga.  So I guess I will have to come back, Sabah be ready!

I could go on for a long time because I had a great time and did a lot of things but I will save the rest for another time.  Also, I played a (very small) role in one movie that is about to be released.  I even got made-up for it, comelnya! That was really exciting and I was very nervous because I was in front of the camera and although I usually talked people to death, that was something very new.

Before going back to my old life I felt like I wanted to do something worth remembering and so I managed to organise a sports event called triathlon (1st UMS Mini-Sprint Triathlon) with the great support of a number of friends from UMS.  This event consists of swimming, cycling and running in one go.  It is very popular in Germany and very enjoyable (but exhausting) and so I wanted to share my passion and introduce it here.  It was marvellous and a success because hey: no one died!

I must say good bye and jumpa lagi for now but I will be back and if you feel like wanting to visit Hamburg, boleh bah kalau kau!

MONDAY, 5 JUNE – A social biogeography exhibition was recently held at the Social Science Foyer, Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage (FKSW), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) organised by the Final Year students of 2016/2017 HA18 Geography Programme.

The theme of the exhibition was “Human and the Biosphere System”.

According to a statement issued, the objectives of the programme were to inform the masses on the importance of biosphere in relations to human, and to explain the social issues in the management of biosphere system.

The exhibition involved all 37 students under the Social Biogeography Course under the guidance of Dr. Jurry Foo Michael, a lecturer in the Geography programme, who was also the adviser.

The statement added that the event was also held as a platform to improve effective communication and knowledge-sharing skills by the students involved. - FL

WEDNESDAY, 24 MAY - United States (US) Ambassador to Malaysia, Kamala Shirin Lakhdhir officiated at the launch of the American Corner Sabah at Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) library today.

According to Kamala, with the new opening, the people of Sabah would have additional opportunities to join programmes, and participate in dialogues, focused on topics of mutual interest, such as environmental conservation, science and technology, education, and culture. 

“The American Corner is one example of the US Embassy’s investment in the people of Sabah. 

“The Embassy will work together with UMS to offer engaging and informative programmes at the American Corner,” she said in her speech.

She added, the Embassy intends to send US Government officials, Foreign Service Officers, and other American citizens to the American Corner Sabah. 

“The Embassy also plans to work together with UMS to offer programmes at the Corner led by talented Sabahans to offer hands-on experience with the latest technology and to share information about environmental conservation, entrepreneurship, higher education, civil society, and other important topics,” Kamala said.

Following the launch of the American Corner, Ambassador Lakhdhir delivered a talk on “US - Malaysia Bilateral Relations” to undergraduate students and faculty at the university. 

Also present were the Dean of the Faculty of Food Science and Nutrition who represented UMS Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah; and UMS Head of Librarian, Dg. Rukiah Ag. Amit.

The new American Corner joins a network of nine American Corners currently operating in eight states; Perak, Penang (Seberang Jaya and George Town), Kedah, Kelantan, Kuala Lumpur, Melaka, Johor, and Sarawak.

TUESDAY, 23 MAY – The Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage (FKSW), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) recently held an Academic Retreat to discuss and improve the syllabi of all their 10 programmes offered to meet with the fast developing world of education.

The retreat was also in line with the introduction made by the Higher Education Section of the Ministry of Education Malaysia, in the Malaysian Education Development Plan 2015-2025 (PPPM 2015-2025) that outlined the 10 shifts in strengthening the education system.

According to a statement issued, the retreat was held after a series of audits performed under the Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA) in strengthening quality and value of the faculty’s graduates to meet employers’ demands.

The retreat was also held in preparation for the MQA audits in July 2017.

The statement added that audit checks under ISO and SIRIM would be done between three and five years on all programmes offered by FKSW to streamline all curriculum as well as academic welfare towards achieving excellence for the faculty and at the same time the university itself.

FKSW took a positive step in ensuring that UMS would be able to compete at international level by making sure that all programmes and courses offered are constantly upgraded and improved. - FL

TUESDAY, 23 MEI - Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) continues to move forward with various achievements in academics and co-curricular activities.

Recently, Lt. Colonel (PA) Associate Professor Dr. Norazah Mohd Suki, an associate professor of UMS from the Labuan Faculty of International Finance won three international awards through her outstanding publications including writing in high-impact journals.

Associate Professor Dr. Norazah’s research article entitled 'Green product purchase intention: impact of green brands, attitude, and knowledge' published in British Food Journal was selected by the journal’s editorial team as a Highly Commended Paper in the 2017 Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence.

She is the sole Malaysian lecturer won the award along with some other lecturers from leading universities.

The criteria used to judge the 2017 Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence Awards are based on six areas: internationality, diversity, support for scholarly research, encouragement of applied research (impact), commitment to high quality scholarship; and a desire to ensure reader, author and customer experience is the best it can be.

The empirical results of her study addresses the gap in the prevailing body of literature in reference to the impact of green brand positioning and consumer attitude towards green brands, as well as the effect of green brand knowledge on green product purchase intention.

Her study found that green brand knowledge does not moderate the relationship between green brand positioning and green product purchase intention, thus providing insight into this subject matter, which has not been clearly examined in previous studies.

Furthermore, Associate Professor Dr. Norazah also brought honour to the university when her convincing presentation at 2nd Advances in Social Sciences Research International Conference, Bandung Indonesia which was held on 5-6 May 2017 entitled “Examining Students’ Satisfaction in Campus-Voting: A Correlation Analysis” was adjudged the Best Paper Presenter Award.

During her presentation to all international audiences, she deliberated that students’ satisfaction in campus e-voting highly associated by students’ perceived knowledge of which voters with higher perceived knowledge be likely to develop positive satisfaction in campus e-voting.

When they were knowledgeable about the party they voted for in campus, they were aware of the aspirations of the nominated candidate to uphold students’ rights, needs, and demand from the university management.

Additionally, a research collaboration of Associate Professor Dr. Norazah along with two other researchers, namely Dr. Norbayah Mohd Suki, and Azlina Bujang entitled “Structural Relationships between Disruptive Attribute Localization and Personalization on Women Consumers' Attitude to Practice Mobile Retailing” has won Best Paper Award at International Conference on Business and Social Science, which was held on 28 February - 1 March 2017, Melaka.

The Structural Equation Modeling approach was used to assess the association between variables in the hypothesis by using Analysis of Moment Structure (AMOS).

Their study supports the development of a theoretical model in evaluating factors that significantly impact particularly, women consumer’s acceptance towards mobile retailing, in Malaysia.

The results from this study are valuable in designing marketing strategies, and these gender viewpoints in the acceptance of emergence technology are to some degree were overlooked in developing countries.

This research works was materialized with the financial support of the research project KPT Research Acculturation Grant Scheme (RAGS) Grant Scheme with project code RAG0073-SS-2015.

Grateful for all the encouragement and motivation especially from UMS Vice-Chancellor, Professor Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah, Dr. Norazah was also determined to continue to be active in conducting research and contributes to writing in high-impact journals as her contribution to society and the country.

"Achievements and acceptance of such awards were not the main goal, but I believe this is the bonus given by Allah SWT to those who are diligent and committed to their work," she added.

“I am very grateful for this recognition and it will for sure be a morale booster for me to continue achieving excellence and contribute to this university,” said Associate Professor Dr. Norazah who is known to be serious but friendly.



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