Kota Kinabalu – The most comprehensive checklist of the largest reef-building corals in Sabah, the staghorn corals (Acropora spp.), was recently published by a team of researchers from Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) in the November issue of the international journal Zootaxa (Magnolia Press).

The researchers reported 83 species of staghorn corals occuring in the waters of Sabah through review of published accounts within the last three decades by various research groups, and records of voucher specimens deposited in the Biotechnology Research Institute (BRI) and Borneo Marine Research Institute (BMRI) of UMS, and the Museum of Tropical Queensland, Australia.

The richness of staghorn coral fauna reported for Sabah parallels that of Indonesia and is comparable to the diversity reported in other neighbouring countries. It accounts for 70 per cent of the 120 staghorn species identified globally.

Former Director of the Biotechnology Research Institute and Principal Investigator of the project, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vijay Kumar, said:

"The number of staghorn coral species we tallied for Sabah is nothing short of impressive as its coastline is relatively much shorter in contrast to other coastal nations in Southeast Asia. Our findings further highlight the staggering diversity of Sabah's biological resources in the marine environment, apart from the terrestrial realm."

Twelve staghorn coral species in the checklist constitute first records for Sabah including a rare species, Acropora suharsonoi, which was collected during marine bioprospecting project undertaken recently by BRI.

"The highest number of staghorn coral species was recorded in Darvel Bay, followed by the Bangi group of islands, and the waters off Semporna. The corals of Darvel Bay are the best studied in Sabah and much of the current knowledge regarding its biodiversity is attributed to a 1998 scientific expedition led by researchers from Denmark and BMRI" said Rolando Robert who is the first author of the paper.

A third of the staghorn corals of Sabah are listed as threatened by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The Banggi group of islands was recently gazetted as the largest Marine Protected Area in Malaysia in the middle of this year, a decision influenced greatly by information imparted by various scientific studies on coral reefs at the site.

"The publication from UMS agrees with the decision taken by the Government in this regard, " said Dr Abdul Fatah bin Amir, Director of the Sabah Biodiversity Centre.

Dr Fatah added that the information disclosed in the checklist would promote deeper taxonomic resolution at which future studies concerning staghorn corals are conducted. Baseline information and continuous monitoring efforts are necessary to gauge for changes in the staghorn coral biodiversity of Sabah in light of intensified climate change and coral reef degradation occurring around the world.

The journal article was also co-authored by Dexter J. H. Lee, Kenneth F. Rodrigues, Muhammad Ali S. Hussein and Zarinah Waheed.

Source: Daily Express Sabah

TUESDAY, 6 DECEMBER – A Social Impact Assessment (SIA) Poster Exhibition Competition was held at the Foyer of Social Science Block, Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage (FKSW), yesterday.

A total of 13 groups comprising Final Year students undertaking the  Social Impact Assessment subject participated in the competition that discussed issues of current global concerns by applying the SIA factor.

Among the objectives of this competition was for the SIA students to share their knowledge with the public besides with peer students and lecturers on the importance of SIA in the 21st century.

“SIA is an important planning and report in ensuring all results and decisions relating to development takes into account the social impact on community and individual to protect human rights.

“This indirectly add to the marketability of our students once they graduate,” said Dr. Gaim James Lunkapis, a lecturer of SIA.

The multi-discipline event was widely supported by students and judges from other programmes such as Geography, Communication and, Anthropology and Sociology.

Group 11 comprising Ennie Yap, Erwina Binti Nuar, Shandra Paulus, Jessica Salapan and Betty Pius was adjudged the winner of the competition followed by Group 8 who took the second spot and Group 10 at number three. - FL

Source: Saravanan Sundara Sakaran, HA18 Geography, FKSW


FRIDAY, 11 NOVEMBER - Professor Dato’ Dr. Yusserie Zainuddin gave a talk on ‘Strategic Management in Accounting Practices Towards Performance Excellence’  to about 120 accounting students from UMS and UiTM, during his second visit to Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS).

The talk was held on 18th October 2016 at UMS Library Auditorium.  Professor Dato’ Dr Yusserie Zainuddin is the Adjunct Professor for Accounting Programme, Faculty of Business, Economics and Accountancy (FPEP). 

The talk was organised by UMS Accounting Centre as part of the 2-day programme with the UMS Adjunct Professor.  A meeting between Professor. Dato’ Dr. Yuserrie Zainuddin and the faculty’s academicians was conducted on 19th October 2016.

Associate Professor Dr. Raman Noordin, Dean for Faculty of Business, Economics and Accountancy (FPEP) and Mr. Jainurin Justine@Abdul Aziz, Director of Accounting Centre were in attendance together with accounting lecturers from UMS and UiTM, Sabah Campus.

Source: FPEP

MONDAY, 31 OCTOBER – Close collaboration between Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) with government and private agencies would provide a major contribution to the agricultural industry.

Sabah Chief Minister, Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Aman said, a number of agreements had been signed earlier between UMS and agencies such as Felda Global Ventures Bhd (FGV) and Hafiz Farm Sdn Bhd would benefit the agricultural industry in this country.

“Such cooperation is in line with the efforts to help the state government to develop the agro-based industry in Sabah,” he said.

According to him, in UMS  there were a few institutions and centres that played an important role especially research in the field of agriculture.

“Oil Palm Research Centre (SPOR) operating in UMS for example, is the most suitable for oil palm activities in Sandakan.

“The latest results such as new discovery of new strains and troubleshooting of rhinoceros beetle attack would surely help farmers throughout this country,” he said.

Meanwhile, UMS Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah said, UMS researchers was constantly looking for the latest techniques and innovations to improve the productivity of agriculture, livestock farming and food.

He added, recently UMS researchers were able to produce pineapple tissue culture and the breeding of mangrove crabs.

“This will benefit farmers and fishermen in Sabah especially, and in turn help improve food sources,” he said.

Also present at the ceremony were the Chairman of the Board of Directors of UMS, Tun Zaki Tun Azmi; Assistant Minister of Local Government and Housing Minister Datuk Zakaria Edris; President of the Sandakan Municipal Council, Datuk Ir. James Wong;  Member of Parliament for Libaran, Datuk Juslie Ajirol; Member of the State Legislative Assembly (ADUN) Sekong, Datuk Samsudin Yahya; ADUN Sukau, Datuk Saddi Abdul Rahman, and Dean of the Faculty of Sustainable Agriculture (FPL), Prof. Dr. Wan Mohamad Wan Othman. – (fl)

MONDAY, 31 October – The Federal Agriculture Marketing Authority (FAMA) has targeted membership for the Agriculture Graduate Entrepreneurs Club (MyAgrosis) nationwide to reach 40 thousand by the end of 2016 as an encouragement for graduates to venture into agriculture.

FAMA Chairman, Tan Sri Paduka Haji Badruddin Amiruldin said, this effort was important as agriculture was one area that could improve the country’s competitiveness when the opportunity becomes wide open.

“Awareness on the importance of agriculture as the third engine towards national economy requires the involvement of youth for the sustainability of the sector.

“MyAgrosis Club was established to develop the younger generation to produce the next generation who are competitive and knowledgeable in the agricultural sector,” he said.

He said this when officiating the MyAgrosis K-Shoppe, Faculty of Sustainable Agriculture (FPL), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Sandakan Campus in conjunction with the 10th Anniversary of its establishment, at the FPL premises, recently.

He added, to ensure the success in producing future entrepreneurs, FAMA has provided special allocations to enable MyAgrosis members the opportunity to venture into business based on agriculture.

“Business opportunities and its benefits would ensure our generation of entrepreneurs could go a long way thereby ensuring an increase in productivity when they get involved in agriculture as soon as they leave the university,” he said.

Also present at the function were the Chairman of the Board of Directors of UMS, Tun Zaki Tun Azmi; Vice-Chancellor of UMS, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah; and the Dean of FPL, Prof. Dr. Wan Mohamad Wan Othman. – (fl)



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