FRIDAY, 14 OCTOBER – The gamification approach in implementing creativity and innovation in teaching would make teaching and learning (P&P) more interesting and interactive, thus improving the quality of teaching method.

Vic-Chancellor of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah said, the approach in P&P should be in line with the current technological trends, thus gamification in education would energise P&P activities between teachers and students.

“Gamification in education is play-based learning with creative and innovative approach in P&P among teachers, lecturers and academicians.

“The gamification approach using games is to stimulate and motivate practitioners to integrate teaching in the form of games and education,” he said in his speech at the opening of the Gamification for Higher Education Workshop, delivered by the Deputy Dean of Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage (FKSW), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Susan Sim Chee Cheang at the Auditorium of Department of Information and Communications Technology, recently.

He hoped that the workshop organised by FKSW could be a platform to develop game-based portal or application that would give renewed enthusiasm on P&P for each course in UMS.

“We can develop and offer undergraduate courses, designing digital media and creating teaching facility online for ease in disseminating knowledge creatively and in an innovative manner,” he said.

The two-day workshop led by the Director of the Global Open Access Learning Centre, Immersive Technology and Quality Assurance, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), Prof. Dr. Rozhan M. Idrus; and the Director of the Educational Research Laboratory, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tan Wee Hoe. – (fl)

FRIDAY, 14 OCTOBER – The Psychology and Social Health Research  Unit (UPPsiKS), Faculty of Psychology and Education, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) recently organised a course on  “Introduction and Application of Training Module”.

At the Seminar Room 5, FPP, the course among others provide exposure to an introduction to module design, reliability and validity of module,  and the processes on formation of module, with postgraduate students as the target group.

The participants were not only exposed to the concept and structure of module but were also guided on the construction of module based on the experience and research of the speakers.

Some participants took the opportunity to improve on their draft modules used in their study, during the course.

The one-day programme was attended by 40 participants comprising 35 postgraduate students, including research assistants and administrative staff of the university.

Source: Psychology and Social Health Research Unit

THURSDAY, 13 OCTOBER – Construction of the Azman Hashim UMS Gallery, another iconic landmark in Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) will commence early next year.

This was announced during a meeting between representative from Tan Sri Azman Hashim Foundation, Senior General Manager, AmCorp, Mohd Fadzil Abdul Hamid, to the Vice-Chancellor of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Professor Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah, recently.

Mohd Fadzil also gave a briefing on the construction of the Azman Hashim UMS Gallery as officially announced during the ‘Syarahan Kinabalu’ with Tan Sri Azman Hashim, and a ground breaking ceremony held on 7 October last year.

Fully sponsored by the Azman Hashim Foundation, construction of the RM15 million art gallery project would take 18 months to complete.

Set to become an iconic landmark of the university, the gallery would be built facing Likas Bay and would have a panoramic view of Kota Kinabalu City.  The building would include a circular structure characterised by an open and closed exhibition hall with corridors.  There would also be seminar rooms and a conservatory area constructed on the upper floor.

Held at The HoteLab of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Accountancy (FPEP), the meeting was also attended by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation), Prof. Dr. Shahril Yusof; Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage, Prof. Dr. Ismail Ibrahim, and Dean of FPEP, Associate Professor Dr. Raman Noordin. – FL

Source: Sarlona Gindug, FPEP

WEDNESDAY, 12 OCTOBER – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Vice-Chancellor, Professor Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah made a suggestion to have the university’s financial management team focus on expenses that gave impact to the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) of the university.

He said, with the unstable economic situation of the country, UMS should be ready with the possibility of budget cuts or restrictions on warrants made even though the Ministry of Higher Education had promised a ceiling grant allocation of RM323 million to UMS.

“UMS Expenditure for 2016 approved in the Board of Directors (BOD)  Meeting was RM415 million.

“The Ministry of Education Malaysia (MoE) only approved grants totaling RM315.9 million, of which about 11% equivalent to RM39.7 million were cut.

“This means, for the year 2016 we have used RM99 million of internal resources comprised mainly from tuition fees, to cater to our expenditure.

“Thus, the university’s management should gear towards helping to improve the quality of teaching and learning (P&P) including publications and research, and expenses that are not related and are not contributing to the university’s excellence especially at faculties should be reduced,” he said.

He said this in his opening speech at the UMS Expense Management Workshop 2017 delivered by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International) UMS, Prof. Dr. D Kamarudin D Mudin at the Galeri, this morning.

He added that UMS emphasised on value for money and prudent spending as stipulated in the Treasury Circular No. 3.2/2014 Guidelines on Prudent Spending in Controlling Public Expenses.

“We have seen positive results from the austerity measures undertaken since 2014.

“We now need to move to a new phase, to emphasise on revenue generation through enhancing income generation at JFPIU level and achieving new income generation methods such as expanding alumni activities, wakaf and endowment, as well as industry collaboration towards financial sustainability,” he said.

Acting Bursar, Zallifah Shadan also presented a briefing on the performances of each department, and suggestions on covering future deficits.

More than 30 staff comprising heads of departments and their officers attended the workshop that ends tomorrow. – (fl)

Photo: Suzeanywati Gasinin

TUESDAY, 11 OCTOBER – The Corporate Relations Exco, Student Welfare Committee (JAKMAS) of Residential College E recently organised the forth series of school adoption programme with Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Tandek Kota Marudu.

The two-day programme was a continuation of the previous series with the school involving 48 committee members of Residential College E and 40 participants comprising form four and five students.

According to the Principal of College E, Dr. Syahruddin Awang Ahmad when contacted said, the programme aimed at giving exposure to UMS students in the aspects of humanitarian and community awareness.

“We share and give exposures on the life as an undergrad to the secondary school students so they would be better prepared when they enter university in future,” he said.

He added that the programme was a strong medium between UMS and the school to disseminate on the direction and education of the nation.

Amongst the activities that have been implemented included Group Training (LDK), motivational activities and other activities that involved building of self esteem.

Also present was the Deputy Principal of Residential College E, Mohd Hilmey Saili. – (fl)

Source: JAKMAS Residential College E



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