FRIDAY, 28 OCTOBER – A total of 50 participants from among officers and File and Records administrative assistants attended the Work Procedures Manual Workshop (MPK) at the Gallery, Chancellery Building, recently.

The ceremony was also attended by UMS Registrar, No’man Datuk Hj Ahmad who also officiated the ceremony.

In his speech, he expressed his heartiest congratulations to the cluster and committee members who helped organised the workshop and hoped that the objective and goals of the university in standardising MPK in all JFPIU would be achieved in 2017.

“The main focus of this workshop is to provide an understanding of the participants about the concept and standards applied in MPK as the reference document used in the respective JFPIU that contain the official functions and objectives of the organisation and clear procedures in executing every planned activities efficiently and effectively,” he said.

Meanwhile, Cluster Head, Hasmi Hashim when met said, the workshop was a continuation of the MKPFM Briefing which was held earlier.

“It is a medium for sharing and discussion between UMS staff and representatives of MAMPU in implementing a standard MPK template and used by all JFPIU to achieve uniformity of MPK in 2017,” he said.

The workshop was conducted by the Deputy Director of MAMPU Sabah, Zellina Abd. Rahman who was also the guest speaker. – (fl)
Source: Kenny Uwai (FSSA)

THURSDAY, 27 OCTOBER – In shaping a holistic, balanced and equipped with entrepreneurial skills in line with the National Education Policy, graduates must have the relevant know-how, manners and mindset, commendable behaviour and the determination to improve themselves to enable them to contribute towards the harmony and progress of their family, community, country and global communities.

The six main or domain attributes namely; ethics and spirituality, leadership skills, national identity, language skills, thinking skills, and knowledge have been identified to be instilled in each graduate.

The development of students and graduates attributes of these six domain could be achieved through the implementation of the Integrated CGPA, in short iCGPA (integrated Cumulative Grade Point Average) Rubric.

This module is a new mechanism under the Ministry of Higher Education to ensure graduates of public universities meet the criteria needed by employers.

As prescribed in the CGPA Integrated Learning Outcome Assessment Rubric Handbook published by the Ministry of Higher Education, the integrated CGPA (iCGPA) was to spur constructive practices to ensure curriculum development, implementation of curriculum and the evaluation process of courses and programme are with quality.

The integrated CGPA (iCGPA) is a system or mechanism, assessment and reporting on students’ integrated improvement and development in terms of conduct (ethics and values), declarative and functional knowledge including technical skills in the field of discipline they are in.  The iCGPA report would illustrate the students’ attribute achievements for the six aspirations outlined in the PPPM (PT), which also contained the eight domains of learning outcomes of the Malaysian Qualifications Framework.  This mechanism intended to help stakeholders plan and determine the precise pace of improvement.

Therefore, the iCGPA report would exhibit the holistic achievements of students and their accomplishments for each programme during their study period (source: Ministry of Higher Education, 2016).

In line with the Ministry of Higher Education in improving the employability of Public University graduates, the Faculty of Business, Economics and Accounting (FPEP) UMS recently held the iCGPA Workshop under the supervision of Dr. Mohd Ruslim Mohamed, Director of the Centre for Academic Innovation and Competitiveness (CAIC) Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP).  The one-day workshop was held on 26 October at the MBA Conference Room, FPEP.

Dean of the Faculty, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Raman Noordin explained that the workshop was held in preparation for the implementation of iCGPA through selective programmes offered in future.

According to Dr. Raman, the Accounting programme was suggested to be the pioneer for the implementation of this module among its final year students.  Besides the workshop, a number of initiatives were also implemented under the Academic Section headed by Dr. Zaiton Osman, Deputy Dean of Academic, FPEP, to improve the understanding and readiness of its lecturers.

At the workshop, Dr. Mohd Ruslim also stressed on the importance of having a support system from among university administrators and academicians.  This was to ensure the ease in monitoring the iCGPA system.

With the support from relevant departments, lecturers would not be burdened with administrative tasks.  In fact, Dr Mohd Ruslim added, the new system would be able to ease the monitoring of student attendance and so on.

This would increase lecturers’ concentration on teaching and research.  FPEP would work together with the Department of Information and Communication Technology (JTMK) UMS and the Academic Services Division (BPA)to ensure the synchronicity of the current system with the future implementation of the iCGPA.
By Jakaria Dasan, FPEP

THURSDAY, 27 OCTOBER – The opportunity to conduct field work in agriculture was the driving force for former student of Faculty of Sustainable Agriculture (FPL), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Ahmad Shafiq Ahmad Sabirin to venture into it in a wider field after graduation.

A graduate of 2012 with a Bachelor of Agricultural Science with Honours (Horticulture and Landscape), did not prevent him from trying his luck in planting geronong chilli after returning to Kuching, Sarawak in 2014.

Ahmad Shafiq, who love spicy food, held on to this factor and tried his hands in this field and rented a site at Sandakan Polytechnic by doing chilli fertigation.

“I also distribute the produce to the students at Sandakan Polytechnic as one of my social service,” he said.

Ahmad Shafiq market his geronong chilli sauce with the name ‘Hyefiq’ in 2015 and would be marketed at Mydin and Giant in the near future.

When asked about his plans for 2017, Ahmad Shafiq said he would focus more on the cultivation of geronong chilli at a plot provided by the Sarawak state government.

“At the moment, I still get supplies of geronong chilli from a few farmers who plant it on contract or sharing basis. I believe this could also help increase the income of the villagers,” he added.

Shafiq was one of UMS graduates who made his learning experience at the university as a ‘one stop centre’ to gain knowledge on entrepreneurship.

“Entrepreneurship should be instilled in students while they are still studying at the campus so that they would not rely only on white collar jobs after they graduate,” he concluded. – (fl)

Source: UMS Alumni Centre

WEDNESDAY, 26 OCTOBER – Cooperation between Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) and a research centre in China, Heilongjiang Academy of Science (HAS) has resulted in the production of two products namely Black Garlic and Black Fungus.

Vice-Chancellor of UMS, Prof. Datuk Dr Mohd Harun Abdullah said, the cooperation made history for the university when it named UMS as the first university to be recognised by the Malaysian Halal Certificate from the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM) through its subsidiary, UMS Investment Holdings Sdn. Bhd. (UiNVEST) for the two products.

“We are grateful with the results of this joint research between the Faculty of Food Science and Nutrition (FSMP) UMS and Heilongjiang Academy of Science, which is seen to contribute great benefits in meeting the needs of the market and in the halal food industry.

“I believe this is a catalyst for the production of various products through smart partnership,” he said when contacted by the media.

According to Datuk Harun, both products contain high nutrition and good for health.

“Based on our studies, Black Garlic could help with blood circulation, high antioxidants, lowers antimicrobial cholesterol, anti-fungus and many others.

“Whereas, the Black Fungus is also used as an ingredient in cooking and can improve blood circulation, lowers cholesterol, contain antioxidants and helps the user to be more positive and stable,” he said, adding that the processing of the product would be carried out in China and would be commercialised by UiNVEST in Sabah, Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia.

The launching of these two products was officiated by the Sabah Chief Minister, Yang Amat Berhormat Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Hj. Aman at the Agriculture Festival, Faculty of Sustainable Agriculture UMS on 29 October 2016. – (fl)

TUESDAY, 25 OCTOBER – Alumni Centre, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) recently organised a meet and greet session with UMS alumni in Kuching, Sarawak.

Director of Alumni Centre, Hj. Mohd Raffie Janau said the programme aimed to keep track of UMS alumni in Sarawak to strengthen ties with their alma mater.

“We also want to inform all alumni that they are the ambassador of UMS for all government and private agencies, and the public to bring excellence through UMS branding everywhere.

“The alumni also acts as an advisor, to assist in reunion organised by UMS or contribute to the development of the university for mutual benefit,” he said during the inaugural ceremony held at the Land of Hornbills.

Raffie also officiated at the event.

According to him, the establishment of the chapter would strengthen ties amongst alumni in Sarawak by implementing a variety of activities including organising of the ‘Homecoming’ event.

Held after the launch was the appointment of the Supreme Council Committee that saw Zaim Zaidi appointed as the Head Chapter and Ahmad Shafiq Ahmad Sabirin as his Deputy.

The Secretary and Treasurer are held by Nurul Azzah Zainal and Francesca Lim Way, respectively.

The programme also included a ‘citra karisma’ where alumni had a self-introduction and their current work status. – (fl)

Source: Dk. Rozlina Pg. Aliuddin



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