THURSDAY, 14 JULY -  A total of 16 pre-school children of Sustainable Minds Centre (PML), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) participated in the Music and Movement Early Childhood Education Workshop, today.

Held at Dewan Resital, UMS, the workshop was conducted by a lecturer from the University of Hawaii, Professor Dr. Loong Chet Yeng.

UMS Media observed that the pre-school children enjoyed themselves and were cheerful while participating in the activities conducted, which started at 9.30 am.

They were taught a variety of songs and movements that were able to form positive habits in the personality of children.

The workshop was an initiative of the Borneo Heritage Research Unit (BOHRu), UMS in collaboration with the Music Programme of the Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage, UMS and the Kota Kinabalu Music Society. – SS (fl)

THURSDAY, 14 JULY – The Research and Social Health Unit (UPPsiKS), Faculty of Psychology and Education (FPP) recently paid a courtesy call to Home Tuaran, a residence for orphans and poor.

The visit was made possible with the cooperation of four companies, Inspirize Consulting PLT, Fariza Catering & Services, Mel’z Catering, and MUQ Build & Deco.

UPPsiKS, Dr. Ferlis Bullare @ Bahari said, the programme was an initiative of UPPsiKS in providing community service and donations in various forms to the less fortunate.

“The programme aims to understand the orphans and to offer aid not only in the form of cash and daily necessities but also through the sharing of knowledge related to learning styles according to the STIFIn personality; Sensing, Thinking, Intuiting, Feeling and Instinct,” he said.

Meanwhile, Secretary of Home Tuaran Management, Sabah, Muarifin Mohchoeri expressed his gratitude for the contribution and visit from UMS and hoped that all the sharings done would spur the inmates of Home Tuaran to perform better.

The programme involved 15 orphans and poor children of the home and was also attended by the the Dean of the Faculty of Psychology and Education, Mohd. Hj. Dahlan Hj. A. Malek. – (fl)

WEDNESDAY, 13 JULY – Vice-Chancellor of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Professor Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah organised an Open House yesterday, in conjunction with Hari Raya Aidilfitri.

Held at his official residence in Taman Kingfisher Sulaman, the event was attended by UMS community of all levels.

Staff of UMS came in droves to the open house held once a year.

UMS students also made their way to the open house in bus-loads.

A variety of dishes and delicacies were served during the open house, which was held until evening. – (fl)

TUESDAY, 5 JULY – Following the fire incident that occurred at Kampung Tanjung Kapor, Kudat on 25 June morning, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) through its Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FPSK), Rural Medical Education Centre, Sikuati, Kudat (PERDESA) and the Four Wheel Drive Volunteers Club (UMS4WDC) recently led the collection of basic necessities from staff and students of UMS meant for the affected fire victims.

 Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation) UMS, Prof. Dr. Shahril Yusof who headed the team said, in the last four days they managed to collect donations in the form of clothing, food, daily necessities including the basic needs for babies and children.

“We also managed to collect cash money of RM31, 204 donated by individuals and organisations who generously made their contributions, especially during this month of Ramadan.”

“The money was divided among the head of families, to lighten their financial burden, and with the Hari Raya fast approaching,” he said.

Professor Shahril added, all donated items were transported using two lorries and 17 four-wheel drive vehicles.

“Besides the contributions, we also brought along doctors and nurses from FPSK to treat and examine the health of those affected and provide the appropriate medications for their use.”

“The affected community was still in shocked and traumatised by the whole ordeal.  Thus, UMS will also send out psychologists to alleviate their trauma,” he explained.

According to Professor Shahril, non-physical assistance was one of UMS’ expertise and would be used for the benefit and the good of the community, especially in Sabah.

“I am grateful to all UMS staff involved including the students who volunteered  in this programme.  Such cooperation will always be needed to ensure the smooth running of the programme and the objective of the campaign met.”

Also participated in the delivery of contribution were the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic and International, Professor Dr. D Kamaruddin D Mudin and FPSK Dean, Professor Dr. Zainal Ariffin Mustapha. – (fl)

MONDAY, 4 JULY – All Departments, Faculties, Centres, Institutes and Units (JFPIU) at Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) were reminded to take precautionary measures to ensure the safety of their office assets during the long Hari Raya Aidilfitri holidays.

According to a statement issued by UMS Security Division, JFPIU must ensure that their offices, laboratories, residential colleges and offices that have important assets belonging to the university were always placed under lock and key.

The statement added that all electrical switch must be switched off when not in use or after leaving the office, and those leaving their cars at UMS parking lot must notify the security division about the matter.

JFPIU also requested for name of staff who can be contacted in the event of an incident at their respective offices.

For any enquiries or emergencies, please call the Communication and CCTV Control Centre, Security Division at 088-320111 or 088-320000 extension 1199. – (fl)



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