MONDAY, 20 JUNE – Senior Lecturer from the Faculty of Business, Economics and Accounting (FPEP), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Dr. Awangku Hassanal Bahar Pengiran Bagul has been appointed as an Advisory Committee to the International Sustainable Campus Network (ISCN) for a period of two years starting June 2016.

The appointment has made UMS the first Malaysian university to be appointed to a committee consisting of 20 ISCN members from among world’s leading universities.

According to Dr. Hassanal, the committee agreed to act as a think-tank  for world campus sustainability, based in Zurich, Switzerland.

“One of the main tasks of all elected members includes the setting up and leading organisational development and programme content of ISCN,” he told reporters when met after attending a three-day meeting of the Advisory Committee of ISCN at University of Siena, Italy recently.

Dr. Hassanal also expressed his appreciation over his appointment and extremely proud that ISCN recognised UMS as a sustainable campus with global standing.

“Executive Director of ISCN, Zena Harris also conveyed her felicitations to UMS and hopes that UMS will work hand in hand with ISCN to be innovative and inclusive at global level through the establishment of the ISCN Advisory Committee,” he added.

For the record, UMS was also the first university in Malaysia to be accepted as a member of ISCN in 2014 as part of the EcoCampus initiatives.

UMS continues to be active in sustainable campus activities, particularly with the Regional Conference on Campus Sustainability (RCCS) each year and is now ranked 173 as a sustainable university in the UI-GreenMetric World University Ranking. – SS (fl)

FRIDAY, 17 JUNE – In conjunction with the holy month of Ramadan, the Faculty of Food Science and Nutrition (FSMP), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) offers ‘Berbuka Puasa’ buffet package at a reasonable price.

A statement from the faculty said, the offer would be held over two days, 21 and 22 June 2016 from 6.00 pm to 8.30 pm.

Located at FSMP Mock Restaurant, the charges are as low as RM40 per person with a variety of food choices on offer.

On the first day, the main course offers are Barbados Roasted Chicken, Black Pepper Beef, Ikan Asam Pedas, Fried Calamari, Broccoli with Oyster Sauce, Ulam-ulaman and shrimp paste.

The second day offers Ayam Percik, Beef Rendang, Mixed Tom Yum Soup, Fish in Coconut Milk, Mixed Vegetables, Ulam-ulaman and shrimp paste.

The main dish is served with a variety of appetizers as well as a wide selection of drinks and desserts.

Those wishing to make their reservation may contact Nurshada Ramdin at 014-9523152 or Amry Rahmat at 014-8645733. – SS (fl)

THURSDAY, 16 JUNE– Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) through its Student Affairs Department recently presented donation to more than 2,000 fire victims of the fire tragedy that happened on 23 May at Kampung Landung Ayang, Kudat.

The team led by UMS Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Student Affairs and Alumni, Associate Professor Dr. Ismail Ali presented the donation of basic necessities such as food and drinks to the fire victims.

“We feel sad and sympathise with the fire victims. For the record, we at UMS does not only focus on academic alone but are also concerned with current issues, especially when it involves our students,” said Dr. Ismail.

He said UMS took the initiative to visit the village to help the communities who were in need.

Meanwhile, assistance to the family of UMS student, Siti Badariah Abdul Pattah was held at the residence of her aunt staying at Kampung Tanjung Kapur, Kudat.

The assistance given were in the form of food and money, to help Siti Badariah continue with her studies at UMS.

The donation was made possible by the help of the Student Representatives Council (MPP) and the Students Welfare Committee (JAKMAS), UMS.

Also present was the Head of Student Affairs Department, Azmi Jumat. – (fl)

WEDNESDAY, 15 JUNE – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) had recently launched its Sustainable Initiative in the Marginal Seas of South and East Asia (SIMSEA) Research Group.

By doing so, UMS joins other institutional partners in Japan, New Zealand and the Philippines in generating policy and community-relevant knowledge.

Headed by Professor Dr. Fadzilah Majid-Cooke, UMS SIMSEA comprises researchers from the various centres of excellence and faculties of UMS; the Borneo Marine Research Institute, Faculty of Science and Natural Resources, Faculty of Food Science and Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences and the host Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage.

“SIMSEA is an international alliance of natural and social scientists with support from the International Council for Science Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (ICSU ROAP),” said Prof. Fadzilah, in a statement.

One of the objectives of SIMSEA is to co-design an integrative programming that would establish the sustainability of the Marginal Seas of South and East Asia.

Meanwhile, SIMSEA will hold a regional research symposium on 26-28 September 2016 in the Philippines, where scientists and the development community explore potential research collaboration and the establishment of a knowledge action network for the region.

More details can be obtained through  – FL

Source: UMS SIMSEA Research Group

FRIDAY, 10 JUNE – The 1Malaysia Club of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) recently organised a programme called ‘Rimbunan Kasih’ at the Orphanage and Asnaf, Kampung Langsat, Ranau.

According to the club’s President, Muhammad Firdaus Syarifuddin, a total of 20 club members participated in the programme, which started as early as 10.00 am.

“Rimbunan Kasih is a platform to mingle with the orphans besides contributing to the new home which was recently built and in operation only this year,” he said in a statement.

He said the one-day programme was well received by the inmates of the orphanage totaling 26 pax and were excited to participate in the planned activities.

“Among some of the activities were a workout session in the morning and a telematch that was enjoyed by the less fortunate children,” said Firdaus.

The programme was also a platform for the club members who were also UMS students to strengthen relationship with the outside world.

The event ended with a handing-over of donations and tokens to the representative of the Orphanage and Asnaf of Kampung Langsat, Ranau, Ustaz Hainin. – SS (fl) 
Source: Norhana Nordin, Department of Student Affairs



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