TUESDAY, 7 JUNE – A community service programme was held recently at Kampung Baru Jumpa, Tenom organised by 35 students under the credited co-curriculum Students and Community Interaction (INTERIM), Semester II, 2015/2016 Session.

The programme themed, “Changing Lives, Transforming Community”, involved 150 students of primary, secondary schools and the residents of the village.

Among the main activities was an English language clinic aimed at helping school students to communicate and master the English language better.

An activity related to the spirit of patriotism and unity were also held, including a mural painting activity, singing of patriotic songs and national day logo design competition aimed to inculcate a sense of affection and love for our country Malaysia among the village community.

Programme Director, Dayang Noraini said, besides fostering closer ties, the programme aimed to enhance the personality and hone basic soft skills of UMS students, which was crucial in the development of human capital for the nation.

Meanwhile, programme coach, Amer Azlan Abdul Jamal believed that this programme offered an opportunity for students to give back to the community, according to their areas of expertise learned at the university.

“For example, the English language activity which was planned and conducted by the students who major in TESL from the Faculty of Psychology and Education. The mural painting was conducted by students from the Creative Arts.  Our students come from various fields, and an asset and would be a waste if not tapped into for the benefit of the local community,” he said.

The highlight of the programme was the construction of a mini library including reading materials, which was funded by a communication company, Celcom Timur Sabah, Sabah State Library and several other local companies.

The library was officiated by the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) representing Celcom Timur Sabah, Shaharul Niza Mohamad and the Village Chief of Kampung Baru Jumpa, Yamuk Acho.

Yamuk in representing the village expressed his gratitude and thanks to the UMS students for having chosen the village to conduct their community service programme.

“We are very fortunate to receive the delegation from UMS who have worked tirelessly to organise various activities and even build a mini library here because library plays a very important role in fostering the reading culture among young children, and very grateful to UMS for the contributions given,” he added. – (fl)

Source: Amer Azlan Abdul Jamal, FPEP

TUESDAY, 7 JUNE – Faculty of Business, Economics and Accounting (FPEP), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) recently organised an Eco-FPEP programme organised by the HE06 Green Team, a club under the Banking and Financial Management Management programme (HE06).

The programme themed, ‘Green Soul Green Mind’ aimed to promote green culture and raise the awareness of campus community on the importance of protecting the environment.

Touching on the programme, the Director of the EcoCampus Management Centre UMS, Associate Professor Dr. Justin Sentian said, such programme was very important in educating UMS community in particular students to embrace green living which greatly benefited the environment and their life as university student.

“Programmes such as this indirectly help UMS in its efforts to become the first EcoCampus university in Malaysia,” he added during the opening of the programme.

Various activities were held during the five-day programme, among them was the do-it-yourself (DIY) using recycled materials.

Students would be able to bring out their creativity in designing a product using recycled materials.

Various activities were also carried out, among them were the collection of papers and used goods, cleaning of the Outdoor Development Centre (ODEC) UMS and a seminar on green concept presented by a guest speaker. – (fl)

Source: Amer Azlan Abdul Jamal, FPEP

FRIDAY, 3 JUNE – The Academic Session II 2015/2016 Co-curriculum Mini Carnival organised by the Co-curriculum and Student Development Centre (PKPP) was successfully held at the Dewan Canselor (Chancellor Hall), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS).

Speaking during the official opening of the carnival, PKPP Director, Associate Professor Dr. Raman Noordin said that the organising of the event had indeed given the students a learning experience that benefit them and would be applied to their everyday life.

“The talent and potential of our students are assessed by the lecturers and university officials for the purpose of excellence and further to the next level,” he explained.

He added that the carnival hoped to produce future leaders who had the wholesome characteristics and confidence.

Various activities were also held during the event, among them were an exhibition from all curriculum courses, best performance and a blood donation drive.

According to the Director of the Co-curriculum Mini  Carnival Semester II, 2015/2016 Session, Ag. Basiran Ag. Ali, the mini carnival was held to showcase the learning outcome and activities carried out during the 14 weeks of all mandatory courses.

The involvement of international students in the mini carnival this time reflected that these activities were able to foster unity not only among local students but international students as well.  – (fl)

Source: PKPP

By Che Hasruddin Che Hasan THURSDAY, 2 JUNE – The 3rd ‘Rentas Borneo 2016’ (RB16) expedition organised by the Faculty of Psychology and Education (FPP), Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FPSK) and Four Wheel Drive Volunteers Club (UMS4WDC) achieved its goal in fostering closer ties between UMS staff and the communities living in the interior of Sabah through its community service activities.

Rentas Borneo became a platform to introduce UMS to the people in the interior, crossing mountainous terrains and challenges,  where UMS researchers could expand their research scope to little-known places.

The expedition chose Kg. Puun Batu, located in the Nabawan district, about 60 km from Sook and occupied by about 100 occupants.

The village has a school known as Sekolah Kebangsaan Pohon Batu with student capacity of 36 and teacher strength of only 8.

This remote village lies in a valley, the surrounding hills and natural forests are still intact with a river flowing in the middle of the village.

When the group of 29 vehicles started their journey from Keningau town at 5.00 pm, rain came down heavily and was a challenge to traverse the long and muddy roads which invited more challenges.

Many cars were stuck and needed to be winched out, including the vehicles belonging to the villagers who were on their way back to Kg. Puun Batu.

 The challenges were successfully overcame by the efficiency of drivers and members of UMS4WDC even though one vehicle suffered damage to the engine.

The RB16 entourage arrived at Kg. Puun Batu in stages beginning at 3.00 am and the last vehicle to arrive was at 4.30 am.

Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima Joseph Kurup said that although the road leading to the village was a difficult one, the government had approved an allocation to repair and build the roads and bridges for the villagers.

“A total of RM10 million has been approved and the construction and repairing of roads is being implemented in stages to Kg. Puun Batu, “ he disclosed to the villagers at the opening ceremony of RB16 at SK Pohon Batu.

“Application of zinc roofs by the villagers to repair damage to their present roof has also been approved,” said Tan Sri Joseph, who is also the Member of Parliament for Pensiangan.

According to Tan Sri Joseph, a total of 30 applications from 30 families had been received to repair the damages and all zinc roof brought in that day and handed over to the villagers.

Tan Sri Joseph applauded the move undertaken by UMS, for being concerned with the plight of the people in the rural areas such as in Kg. Puun Batu, who are a bit isolated.

“The arrival of Rentas Borneo participants provides sufficient exposure about Kg. Puun Batu, many of whom have not heard about.  Expedition participants also visited several interesting places in the village,” he said.

RB16 was the second visit for Tan Sri Joseph since becoming an MP for Pensiangan and who also flagged off the event.

Meanwhile, speaking on behalf of the villagers, Principal for SK Pohon Batu, Dennis Gampilit said, he was touched by the visit by Tan Sri Joseph who brought along good news to all the villagers.

“It is not easy to get to this village and the arrival of Tan Sri Joseph using a four-wheel drive vehicle to experience the hardship faced by the community of this village is commendable,” he said to the applause of villagers and participants of RB16.

Dennis, who had just assumed the post of Principal at SK Pohon Batu 5 months ago, promised to help students and villagers to develop their village especially in terms of education for their children and to get the relevant authorities to channel development to the village.

Many community activities were also done such as health and medical screening conducted by doctors from UMS, dental examination by doctors from Nabawan, health education to children and school children, donation of new and used clothing were also distributed by the UMS4WDC and participants of RB16, friendly football match, blowpipe demonstration, top-spinning, karaoke and Unduk Ngadau.

RB16 participants also visited the nearby limestone cave and waterfall upstream which could be accessed on foot that took 45 minutes from the village.

All participants of RB16 were satisfied with the hospitality accorded by the villagers who also participated in all the activities organised. – (fl)


THURSDAY, 02 JUNE – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) 1Malaysia Club recently organised a ‘Rimbunan Kasih’ programme to an orphanage including the poor and needy at Kampung Langsat, Ranau.

The Rimbunan Kasih programme was participated by 20 UMS studentswere also members of the 1Malaysia Club under the leadership of the Club President, Muhammad Firdaus Syarifuddin, whilst Isnira binti Naning acted as the Rimbunan Kasih 2016 programme Director.

The Rimbunan Kasih programme was organised to offer contributions to the welfare home that had just started its operations early this year whilst also socialising with the inmates of the home.

According to Muhammad Firdaus, a total of 26 residents aged between six and 16 years old benefited from the programme with various activities held by the organiser.

“Among the activities held were morning exercises, “Gummy Bears” and telematch that brought happiness and joy to the orphans, and to foster closer ties between students and the rural communities,” he explained.

The event ended with a handing-over of donations and tokens to the representative of the Orphanage, Kampung Langsat, Mohd Hainin. – (fl)

Source: Norhana Nordin, HEP



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