FRIDAY, 20 MAY – Students of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) should strive to achieve a balance in academic and their personal development.

Dean of the Faculty of Engineering (FKJ), Professor Ir. Dr. Rosalam Sarbatly said, the university strive strived to enhance students’ potential in these two aspects so that students could achieve not only excellence in academic but also able to master communication skills and teamwork, which are essential for their future career.

“Good academic achievement would only strengthen the foundation in finding a good career, but values such as leadership or teamwork are important in getting employed in an organisation.

“Thus, students should sharpen a variety of skills as preparation for a career in the future,” he said.

He said this when officiating at the FKJ Student Excellence Award Presentation at Dewan Bankuasi (Banquet Hall), UMS this morning.

The Dean hoped that the awards given would encourage recipients to pursue excellence and encourage other students to achieve the same success.

62 students from various programmes of the faculty received Dedicated Student Award, Leadership Award, Hopeful Student Award, Dean’s Award and Special Dean’s Award presented by the Dean. – MA (fl)

FRIDAY, 20 MAY – The theme of this year’s Matrix Show, “Heart of Borneo” provided a clear picture of the customs, culture and heritage of Sabah complete with its aesthetic value and uniqueness.

The Matrix Show is short for Media Art Technology with Camera Tricks Excellence, is an exhibition of the works of final year students of Visual Arts Technology (PSV), Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage (FKSW), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) that covers various fields  of visual arts such as painting, animation, movies, documentaries, ceramics, sculpture, prints, batik, handicrafts, advertising and fibre art.

A total of 65 students were involved, with 65 works from various disciplines of visual arts on display for 6 days starting 19 May and ending on 24 May.

Director General of the National Visual Arts Development Board, Professor Dato’ Dr. Mohamed Najib bin Ahmad Dawa said, she believed the idea and a deeper understanding on the culture and arts of the community in Borneo  would be obtained through the Matrix Show.

“I hope the Matrix Show project would help make UMS students’ art work become a product of international standards and make UMS as an icon in conferences of culture in Asia and the world,” he said when opening the Matrix Show 2016 at the Art Gallery of FKSW, UMS yesterday.

He was also convinced that the creativity and innovation of UMS visual arts students would meet the needs of the market outside and called on researchers and UMS students to produce works that could elevate the values and awareness in Sabah. – (fl)

THURSDAY, 19 MAY – The Meet-the-Customers Day (MBP) jointly organised by four departments under Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) namely Bursar Department, UMS Library, Development and Maintenance Department (JPP) and the Department of Information Technology and Communication (JTMK) would be able to increase understanding of their clients and customers of the university’s services offered.

Vice-Chancellor of UMS, Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah said that such programmes would provide a platform and easy access to solving problems on-the-spot by the departments of the university.

“I am very positive that this will have a major impact on the campus community, especially in delivering service not only by the four departments taking part, but also setting an example to other Departments, Faculties, Centres, Institutes and Units in UMS,” he said in his speech at the opening of MBP at 1Megalab, UMS Library, recently.

His speech was delivered by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International), Professor Dr. D Kamarudin D Mudin.

He added that, various measures should be taken to improve service delivery of the university including reducing red tapes by simplifying and streamlining the system and work procedures, strengthening the administration and to measure performance based on the Key Performance Indicator (KPI).

Interesting programmes were available throughout the week, among them were talks by the four departments, colouring activity for children, service counters, quiz competition for visitors and  forums with customers. – (fl)

Photo: Suzeanywati Gasinin

THURSDAY, 19 MAY – A ceremony to appreciate staff of the Faculty of Science and Natural Resources (FSSA) was held recently to celebrate academicians and non-academicians who had performed well and had contributed significantly to the faculty.

Held at the Main Meeting Room, FSSA, the ceremony was graced by the Dean, Professor Dr. Baba Musta.

In his speech, he explained that the ceremony was held as a form of recognition to staff who had demonstrated well and above their duties.

“It will also be a boost to other staff to maintain healthy competition among themselves to improve the quality of their service.

“This event also appreciates the contributions made by the employees of the department who had moved to other departments and those who had left the service,” he said.

He also hoped that the excellent service would continue consistently and would be a challenge to faculty staff to increase their productivity.

At the event, all excellent staff award recipients received souvenirs and their pictures would be exhibited at the main notice board of the faculty.

List of Awards:

Best Non-Academic Staff (Administrative Sector)

  1. Noni Masjiril
  2. Mohd. Gan Mohd Rashid

Best Non-Academic Staff (Science Sector)

  1. Seli @ Seliman Rajion
  2. Neldin Jeoffrey

Service Appreciation

  1. Norlita Ismail (Service Ends)
  2. Augustina Petrus (Transferred to other department)


Source: Kenny Uwai, FSSA

WEDNESDAY, 19 MAY – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) once again was in the limelight when it grabbed five gold medals and three silver at the International Invention, Innovation & Technology Exhibition (ITEX) 2016, recently.

The medals were won through eight researches contested at the exhibition, which was held at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC).

Two gold medals were contributed through the research entitled, Firmeco, Eco-Friendly Edible Cutlery and Functional Seaweed Snack with Prebiotic by a study group headed by Associate Professor Dr. Chye Fook Yee.

The other three gold medals were obtained by the research team led by Professor Dr. Rossita Shapawi, Dr. Raihana Musawwir and Dr. Ramraini Ali Hassan through their research namely Garoupa-Like, UMS Wheel for Bishop Scoring, and Ib-Plan Software and Manual.

As for the silver medal, two were from the research group led by Mohd. Suffian Misaran @ Misran with their research titled Mis-Wind Turbine, and by Associate Professor Dr. Dg. Maryama Ag. Daud with PSS Reps Counter.

Another silver medal earned was through the research entitled Kappa-Tank, a joint-study by Professor Dr. Rossita Shapawi and Wahidatul Husna Zuldin.

ITEX 2016 is an international exhibition organised by the Malaysian Invention and Design Society (MINDS). – SS (fl)



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