WEDNESDAY, 9 MARCH – The Tun Mustapha College Cycling Club(TMCCC), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) recently organised a ‘Tanjung Lipat Fun Ride’ programme.

The programme was a first of its kind ever organised to encourage residents of UMS residential colleges to cycle in groups whilst outside the campus.

The ride started at 6.30 am from UMS Mosque up to Tanjung Lipat and was participated by 16 participants, led by the Head of Tun Mustapha Residential College, Dr. Mohamad Nizam Nazarudin and several marshals on motorcycles and cars to control the safety of participants.

The participants comprised representatives from Tun Mustapha College, Tun Fuad College and E College, involved in the group bicycle ride with the public in conjunction with the Sunday Family Ride programme organised by the Sabah government and Kota Kinabalu City Hall, at the Public Park Tanjung Lipat.

Besides cycling, the programme aimed to encourage students to enhance their two-way communication skills with the public.

According to a participant, Muhammad Fadhli Ahadin, he felt happy on being able to join the programme, which was seen to be a relaxing and enjoyable activity.

As for Darshene Subramaniam, she stated that the programme gave her a new experience and felt the bond with the rest of the participants.

Dr. Mohamad Nizam, who is also a lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology and Education also hoped that more people would participate in the cycling activity in future.

“It is important for students to be involved in recreational activities and cycling is one of those activities.

“Apart from attending lectures and completing their assignments given by lecturers, students should also make cycling a daily routine going to their lectures, as recommended by the Vice-Chancellor and Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Student Affairs UMS,” he added.

Source: Siti Khadijah Mohd Rashid, KKTM

WEDNESDAY, 9 MARCH – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) further strengthened its cooperation with government agencies through a collaboration with the Home Affairs Ministry (KDN) Malaysia.

Through a Memorandum of Understanding (Mou) signed between the two parties at the opening of the Public Safety and Security Seminar (SEKAM) at Dewan Canselor recently through UMS’ Centre for Strategic and Security Research (SASSREC) and KDN through the Institute of Public Safety Malaysia (IPSOM) would collaborate  and share their knowledge and research expertise in the aspects of crime, safety and public welfare in Sabah.

The MoU was signed by the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah representing UMS, whilst KDN was represented by its Secretary General, Dato’ Seri Alwi Ibrahim.

Also witnessing the signing of this collaboration between UMS-KDN were the Deputy Prime Minister cum Home Affairs Minister, Datuk Seri Panglima Dr. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi; Chief Minister of Sabah, Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Haji Aman; Deputy Inspector-General of Police, Dato’ Sri Noor Rashid Ibrahim; Deputy Minister II of Home Affairs, Tuan Masir Anak Kujat and other senior officials from KDN and the security forces.

Under the MoU, both signing partners agreed to develop a research mechanism to review and analyse data pertaining to the safety and welfare of the public, carry out the collection and analysis of data scientifically, collaborate to develop a research centre in the field of public safety and welfare, and to channel research results to the policymakers and the criminal justice system.

Datuk Ahmad Zahid also received his appointment as an Adjunct Professor at SASSREC, UMS, at the same ceremony. – MA (fl)
Photo: Ernest Berinus

TUESDAY, 8 MARCH – The CIMB Research Foundation Grant awarded to three Sports Science lecturers of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) was well used in the 3rd CIMB Run For Life.

The research led by Pathmanathan K. Suppiah was carried out using the medium distance running module to all secondary schools coaches around Ranau and to see the effectiveness of the training as well as to identify the athletes.

A total of 90 students were involved who were from Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK) Mat Salleh, SMK Bundu Tuhan, SMK Ulu Sugut, SMK Lohan, SMK Kemburongoh, SMK Kundasang, SMK Ranau, SMK Timbua and Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Agama (SMKA)M. Ali.

Regarding the programme, a total of four categories were featured; boys and girls under 13 categories and boys and girls under 14 categories.

For participant, Jean Eva Saming, her involvement in the programme had improved her personal record when she clinched the champion title in the girls under 14 category.

“I am grateful to the organisers and I believe this activity can be a platform to discover new athletes,” she said.

The champion for group category received cash prize of RM500, a trophy and certificate, whilst 1st runner-up received cash prize of RM300, a trophy and certificate; 2nd runner-up received cash prize of RM200, a trophy and certificate.

Johan category of the event group won a cash prize of RM500, a trophy and certificate, while runners-up received a cash prize of RM300, a trophy and certificate; and third place received a RM200 cash, a trophy and certificate.

Winners for the individual category took home a trophy and certificate each. – (fl)

Source: FPP

TUESDAY, 8 MARCH – Personality Development Exco of the Student Welfare Committee (JAKMAS) Tun Mustapha Residential College (KKTM) Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) recently held a Talk on Countering Extremism Threats, held at the KKTM Multipurpose Hall.

The talk was presented by ASP. Samsul Datu Abdul Wahab from the Special Branch Police Headquarters Kepayan and the Chief Operating Officer of Malaysia Life Line for Syria, Syahrir Azfar Bin Salleh, and attended by 120 students of UMS.

Through this talk, students were exposed to the concept of Extremism and the understanding of Jihad and ways to prevent the younger generation from engaging in extremist activities.

One of the students who attended the talk, Syed Mohd Yusuf Syed Muhaddum said, students would be able to understand on the concept and threats of extremism and the misunderstanding of the concept of jihad.

“Students would be more active in engaging themselves with activities such as this and occupy their spare time with activities that are beneficial to them,” he said.

Meanwhile, Fellow of KKTM, Syahrul Hazizi Asmat said, students need to attend such programme to get better input and useful knowledge.

“Let’s hope that this talk would foster an appreciation of cultural knowledge amongst students and provide awareness on extremism, to educate youth to be information literate and to have a foresight so that they would not end up in extremism activities,” he concluded. -(fl)

Source: KKTM

MONDAY, 7 MARCH – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) through the Student Welfare Committee (JAKMAS) Tun Mustapha Residential College (KKTM) recently held a charity drive to help and relieve the burden faced by the flood victims in Kuching, Sarawak.

The drive involved residents of KKTM, which comprised undergrads, Science & Technology Preparatory students and students from uniformed units namely SUKSIS, PALAPES (GROUND), PALAPES (AIR), PALAPES (NAVY) AND SISPA.

This exercise was headed by the JAKMAS KKTM Community Exco in collaboration with the Council of Heads of Tun Mustapha Residential College Blocks.

This initiative was implemented to assist victims of floods in Kuching, Sarawak who had lost their property and experienced great loss due to the disaster caused by heavy rain.  Among the contributions made by students of KKTM were in monetary form and clothing.

JAKMAS KKTM Community Exco, Mohamad Rahim Abdullah said the collection was part of their social role in helping those who were affected by this misfortune.

“I am grateful to the KKTM community for organising such campaign to help the unfortunate,” he said.

According to the Head of KKTM, Lt. Col. (PA) Dr. Mohamad Nizam Nazarudin, the volunteerism and helping spirit should exist in students, and to have compassion in helping others.

“Three key benefits of volunteering is that it would reinforce sincerity in our hearts, evokes warmth and the nature of mercy and consideration within the community as well as generating peace of mind and satisfaction,” he added.  - (fl)




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