WEDNESDAY, 30 MARCH – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) would be the first university in Malaysia to offer an eco-tourism package in the campus through its EcoCampus Visitor Information Centre (EVIC) scheduled to begin in April this year.

This was stated by the Vice-Chancellor of UMS, Professor Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah in his message in conjunction with the Vice-Chancellor’s Message 2016: UMS Moving Forward in Unity, at the Dewan Canselor (Chancellor Hall) this morning.

According to him this initiative was in line with the launching of “Malaysia 101 Edutourism Packages” by the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) through the University Community Transformation Centre (UCTC) in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, and the Tourism Malaysia on 15 August 2015 that centred on the concept of tourism in the campus by offering tourism packages based on education.

“EVIC Centre at the Faculty of Science and Natural Resources (FSSA) would be the centre for tourism information and tour packages in UMS, with the key component of this centre to include the gallery and tourist information counter, centralised ticketing purchases and tour packages including a gift shop.

“To make EVIC more interesting, apart from the unique landscape, and eco-café would also be built for the convenience of visitors to UMS, and would be expanded further to include FSSA lake area where it would be further developed into an “EcoCampus Park” that would also be made into a major tourist attraction in the future,” he said.

He added that so far there were five tour packages offered by UMS, which included daily and overnight packages based on Green Tourism and Nature Tourism.

“The five packages are Gallery and Museum Tour, Nature Delight Tour, Architecture Heritage Tour, Sunset Tour and Nature Education Camp.

“EVIC would also serve as a centralised ticketing sales and facilitate the purchase of tickets to the intended locations.

“In addition, buggy cars that uses electric energy would also be made available to tourists who want to enjoy the panoramic views of the surrounding campus, thus helping to reduce carbon footprints,” he said. – MA (fl)

Photo: Suzeanywati Gasinin TUESDAY, 29 MARCH – The Residential College Student Welfare Committee (JAKMAS) for Tun Mustapha Residential College (KKTM), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) in collaboration with the KKTM Secretariat Council recently organised the Borneo Exploration Programme Series 1 that was organised by Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK) Bugaya, Semporna.

KKTM Head, Dr. Mohamad Nizam Nazarudin said the programme was held in preparation and exposure for the Pre-university students on the reality of a student life at the university before stepping into the ivory tower.

“In this programme, the participants were also given briefed on the need to understand some facts about themselves before applying for admissions to Higher Learning Institutes,” he said when met after the event.

He added that among the activities held was a talk called “Towards the Top”, which exposed the students to their direction after completing their secondary schooling.

“A Group Training (LDK) was also held aimed at improving the leadership quality of students and working in a team,” he added.

The programme based on leadership was held for five days at KKTM involving 30 undergrads and 34 Pre-University students of SMK Bugaya and eight teachers. – (fl)

Source: KKTM


TUESDAY, 29 MARCH – The Student Affairs Department, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) recently held a UMS Student Transformation Programme (PTM) Excellent Student Leader at the Nation-building Camp, Kundasang, Sabah.

The three-day programme had gathered 101 UMS students from among the leadership circle of Student Representative Council (MPP), Student Welfare Committee (JAKMAS), Clubs and Faculties from UMS Main Campus, Labuan International Campus and Sandakan Campus.

The programme among others exposed participants to matters of national interest and methods in strengthening the team spirit through its contents; four slots of intellectual talks, morning and evening talks, recreational activities and exploration.

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Affairs and Alumni), Associate Professor Dr. Ismail Ali meanwhile praised the organisers in achieving their objectives.

“Such programme is able to apply the friendship among them and hoped the participants would be optimistic and not pessimistic on all matters,” he urged. – (fl)

Source: Division of Student Development

MONDAY, 28 MARCH – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Alumni were urged to give back to the development of the university in various aspects for mutual benefit.

Chairman of the Board of Directors of UMS, Tun Zaki Tun Azmi said that UMS alumni now stood at 52,120 who would be able to give back to the university not only in terms of industrial cooperation but also in the form of cash.

“Leading universities such as Harvard University for example, has an endowment fund that has so far managed to raise US$32 billion in funds, donated by the alumni of the university.

“Therefore, I advise graduates to respond and do your part for the university by contributing or donating to UMS for its development,” he said when officiating at the Homecoming Alumni programme held at one of the leading hotels in Kota Kinabalu, last Saturday.

Tun Zaki also challenged UMS Alumni Association to hold a similar event next year in Kuala Lumpur and gather some 1,000 alumni who were there and also placing their fundraising target at RM1 million.

Meanwhile, UMS Alumni Association President, Datuk Dr. Janathan Kandok said the association had collected a total sum of RM100,000.

“A Special Committee Meeting on the establishment would be held on 22 March and had agreed on a donation of RM40,000 to UMS, not in the form of cash but infrastructure for the convenience of students,” he disclosed.

Tun Zaki also contributed a song entitled, “My Way” and managed to raise RM100,000 for the alumni fund. – MA (fl)

Photo: Musaab Umair

MONDAY, 28 MARCH – The Charity Book Run and Ride programme organised around Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) campus on Saturday received encouraging response with more than 150 entries.

This activity which was jointly organised by UMS Library, Bursar Department, the Development and Maintenance Department (JPP), Department of Information Technology and Communication (JTMK) and the Librarians Association of Malaysia Sabah Chapter witnessed participants ran a distance of 7 kilometres and 12 kilometres of cycling.

Librarian, Mohd Adam Sabri Magi from UMS Library representing the organisers said  the programme among others hoped to foster the spirit of camaraderie among UMS community and the surrounding public whilst instilling the culture of healthy living through recreational activities and inculcate the desire to share knowledge through book donations.

“The programme which is based on sports saw participants contributing at least two books each that were either academic or novel, placed at UMS Library and would be donated to schools and institutions around Kota Kinabalu,” he said when met by UMS Media representative.

Adam added that the first 20 participants who managed to finish the race would win medals and certificates.

The flagging off was officiated by UMS Registrar, No’man Hj. Ahmad at Dewan Canselor (Chancellor Hall) premises.

Also present were Senior Deputy Head Librarian cum Chairman of the Librarians Association of Malaysia Sabah Chapter, Zawawi Tiyunin; Director of JPP, Kamisah Husin; Acting Bursar, Zallifah Shadan and Director of JTMK, Noor Hapipah Samat. – SM (fl)

Photo: Johaidi Ismail



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