MONDAY, 11 APRIL – 36 students of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) who were also members of the Secretariat of Rakan Muda UMS successfully held a ‘Anak Permata’ programme in Tambunan, recently.

According to the Programme Director, Masayu Ramlee, the programme involved 59 children from the Tambunan Orphan Home, aged between seven and 17 years old.

“This programme was organised to strengthen relationship and love for each other between the organiser and residents of the orphanage.

“The programme was also organised to improve physical and emotional resilience of participants in their group activities instilling creativity,” he said in a statement.

He added that such programme also add warmth among Rakan Muda members involved as well as the residents of the home.

The UMS delegation was welcomed by the Tambunan Orphanage Home, Noraini Narawi and Ustaz Wahab Dandan. – (fl)

Source: Norhana Nordin HEPA
Photographer: Rakan Muda Secretariat

FRIDAY, 8 APRIL –Good governance has always been practiced and implemented at all levels of administration in Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) as prescribed in a letter from the Secretary of State– Guidelines for Improving Public Governance 2007.

UMS Registrar, No’man Datuk Hj. Ahmad said, in the context of implementing good governance in UMS, integrity, senses and needs (INSAN) would be the aspiration in order to drive the mission and vision of the university.

“The delivery system becomes effective when all employees practice integrity, honesty and responsibility either to their heads or when on their own.

“Work is carried out sincerely, not because we’re aiming to score in the performance assessment or worldly reward, but carried out because of our responsibility and an obligation,” he said in his speech at the Registrar Aspiration Ceremony (MAP) at Dewan Resital, UMS .

He said, good governance at the university could also be carried out if all employees had a sense of belonging, a sense of urgency, a sense of responsibility and a sense of respect.

“For example, when we have a sense of urgency, action would be taken immediately.  If we had a sense of responsibility, the work undertaken would be done with the utmost caution and not frivoulous,’ said No’man.

 The event was attended by the administrative and professional officers including support staff, aimed at highlighting the achievements of the Administrative and Professional institution, including detailing the aim and direction of the university as mandated by the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah, recently.

No’man also announced a number of initiatives that would support and implement the Vice-Chancellor’s Message 2016.

Among them were focused talent development, staff attachement programme, strengthening the competency of administrators, job classification improvements based on service scheme improvement, strengthening the promotion process and enhancing the function and impact of the establishment of steering committee on administrative quality and innovation.

“Let us continue to strive to excel, in accordance with the university’s motto that we uphold for over 21 years.  Start today and the days following, the determination or intention to achieve the best in your work performance,” he said. – SS (fl)


FRIDAY, 08 APRIL – The student leaders line-up comprising representatives of the Student Representatives Council, Clubs, Associations or Secretariat registered under Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) recently were exposed to the seven main modules that formed the basis of effective student organisational management through a course held at Anjung Siswa, UMS.

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Affairs and Alumni), Associate Professor Dr. Ismail Ali said the seven main modules were leadership and teamwork, personality, meeting management, report management, establishment of club procedures, paperwork processes and financial reports.

“This Student Organisational Management Course is held every year as a mandatory course for all prospective leaders and involves three campuses; the main campus, Labuan International Campus and Faculty of Sustainable Agriculture, Sandakan campus.

“Through this course, participants will also be able to enhance their personality in line with the university’s desire to provide leadership aspect to the students before entering the working world in future,” he said.

The course organised by the Student Development Division, Student Affairs Department was participated by 189 students.

Also present at the course was the Head of the Student Affairs Department, Azmi Jumat who also gave a briefing on ‘Leadership and Teamwork”. – (fl)

Source: Student Development Division, JHEP

THURSDAY, 7 APRIL – The Dean of the Faculty of Psychology and Education (FPP), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Professor Dr. Ismail Ibrahim celebrated his retirement in FPP mini auditorium on Tuesday.

Leading FPP as the Dean since 1 December 2012, Professor Ismail had served UMS for 17 years and was an academic expert in the field of Sabah’s ethnic and culture.

Vice-Chancellor of UMS, Professor Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah said, he knew Professor Ismail as a close friend, always helpful and hardworking.

“He is also very committed and work hard to realise any programmes.  As a head of department, he was confident that mutual understanding and being approachable were the key to create good relations between academicians and support staff of both blocks; psychology and education blocks,” he said.

His text was read by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Research and Innovation, Professor Dr. Shahril Yusof.

Datuk Harun also said that he was honoured that UMS had a lecturer such as Prof. Ismail who continued to excel until his retirement.

Also present were the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic and International, Professor Dr. D Kamarudin D Mudin; Deputy Vice-Chancellor Student Affairs and Alumni, Associate Professor Dr. Ismail Ali; UMS Registrar, No’man Datuk Hj Ahmad and Head of Librarian, Dg Rukiah Ag Amit, including staff of FPP.

For the record, Professor Ismail had overall served for 38 years in the public office in Sabah. - CD (fl)

THURSDAY, 7 APRIL – Following the haze situation that hit several areas around the West Coast of sabah since a few days ago, the Student Affairs Department of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) took the initiative to distribute face masks to its students.

According to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Affairs and Alumni), Associate Professor Dr. Ismail Ali, the distribution of 3,000 face masks was a safety measure to curb any untoward incident that could happen involving students’ health.

“We are concern with the health of our students as they are exposed to health threat everytime they attend lectures because of the unhealthy weather lately.

“The Student Affairs Department will continue to monitor the development of the haze’s API from time to time and will determine the next plan of action,” he said at an event where the distribution of face masks were done at Anjung Siswa.

Also present at the event were the Head of Student Affairs Department, Azmi Jumat and officials including the leaders of the Student Representatives Council UMS. – (fl)

Source: Student Affairs and Alumni Department



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