THURSDAY, 14 APRIL – The Tun Mustapha Residential College (KKTM) Student Welfare Committee (JAKMAS) through its Academic and Leadership Exco recently organised a Debate Camp at the Multipurpose Hall of the college.

A total of 40 participants involved comprising secondary school students of Sekolah Menengah (SM) Sains Sabah, SM Sains Lahad Datu, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK) Agama Kota Kinabalu, SMK Agama Tun Ahmadshah, SMK Agama Tun Said Kota Belud and Maktab Rendah Sains Mara (MRSM) Kota Kinabalu.

According to the Academic Exco of KKTM JAKMAS, Harun Pasi, the programme was the best medium for debaters to gain knowledge and experience in strengthening their respective school debating team.

Meanwhile, for Principal of KKTM, Dr. Mohamad Nizam Nazarudin, such programme should be continued in the future as it could be beneficial to secondary school students who were active in public speaking or oratory activities, and help to improve the participants’ leadership skills.

The three-day programme included talks, team strategy, group activities, and watching of videos on debating. – (fl)


WEDNESDAY, 13 APRIL – The Student Welfare Committee (JAKMAS) Corporate Relations Exco Tun Mustapha Residential College (KKTM) recently organised a ICT Literacy and Organisation Management Workshop.

The Workshop held at Dewan Mini Karisma Tun Mustapha College involved 100 participants comprising those from the Secretariat of the KKTM Students Committee.

The workshop aimed at giving students the opportunity to learn the basics in organisational management and the use of ICT.

The programme was also seen to improve the quality of students with the basics of ICT use and expose them to organisation management including writing of paperwork for a programme.

The workshop was conducted by invited guests, Jakaria Dasan and Oscar Gordon Wong and was officiated by the Principal of KKTM, Dr. Mohamad Nizam Nazaruddin.

According to him, this programme would benefit students as they were to excel not only in academics but also to learn soft skills while studying at UMS.

“Such programme will continue to be organised in future so that students could apply what they have learned and acquired in their daily life and after graduating,” he said.

He also proposed that a publicity unit be set up in line with the aim of the workshop, as a way of applying what they had learned in the workshop. - (fl)

Source: Student Affairs Department

 By Salbinous Saribun  WEDNESDAY, 13 APRIL – Senior Lecturer from the Faculty of Business, Economy and Accountancy (FPEP), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Dr. Awangku Hassanal Bahar Pengiran Bagul received the Golden Globe Tigers 2016; Leadership Award for Excellence in Social Innovation.

Dr. Hassanal was selected to receive this award from the Asian Confederation of Businesses for his involvement in various programmes related to sustainability such as the community-based ecotourism, and most recently on campus sustainability.

When met, Dr. Hassanal said he was indeed surprised to win the award as it had never crossed his mind to to be the recipient of the prestigious and internationally standard award.

“I have always sincerely work for sustainability and did not expect this effort to earn any interest.

“I am grateful to have my family and colleagues as my driving force and to always strive to do my best.  Also to UMS, where my career continue to advance, thus improving myself and the work that I have done in my field,” he said.

Dr. Hassanal received the award on Monday at a ceremony in one of the leading hotels in Kuala Lumpur.

The award under the Social Innovation category recognised individuals who believe excellence is infinite and can lead to shaping the destinies of the future of the world. – (fl)

TUESDAY, 12 APRIL – A total of 80 participants comprising students from the Student Representatives Council (MPP), Student Welfare Committee (JAKMAS), clubs, secretariat, and faculties attended the Etiquette and Protocol Course held at the Seminar Room, Anjung Siswa UMS, recently.

Invited speaker, Zaafar Md Sanid, a Consultant Assistant from the INTAN Training Centre, Sabah described the five main modules of etiquette and protocol management; professional-look, communication, professional relationship ethic, official event management and table manners.

According to him, this course provided an opportunity for the participants to gain more knowledge and deeper understanding on protocols and the know-how of certain ceremonies, besides applying corporate image consisting of self-image, personality and communication.

“We are also putting into practice the elements contained in the five main modules so that students can apply them when organising their own activities or programmes in future,” he said.

Meanwhile, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Affairs and Alumni), Associate Professor Dr. Ismail Ali said, with such programme, students would be able to manage the protocols when organising events in the future in a more organised and efficient manner.

“This is consistent with our desire to produce graduates who are competent and holistic in skills and their personality,” he said.

Source: Student Development Division, Student Affairs Department

MONDAY, 11 APRIL – The Anti-Corruption Secretariat of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) in collaboration with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Sabah successfully held a Forum on the World of Corruption, Challenges and Reality, held at the Main Lecture Hall 13, UMS recently.

With the theme “Corruption Behind Closed Door”, the forum had invited panels from UMS Islamic Centre, Ustaz Jimmis Jumat; President of the Student Representatives Council (MPP), Mohd Taufik Nordin; and the Chairman of the Secretariat of Felda Undergraduates Agreement (PERSADA), Datu Rosman Datu Akhir Zaman.

The forum among others discussed the issues of corruption and its meaning in a religious perspective, as well as avenues in creating awareness on the dangers of corruption among students.

Mohd Taufik stressed that students need to be aware, as intellectual students that corruption should be avoided.

“Students in particular, and the public must follow all regulations and any guidelines so that we can ensure that corruption does not exist among students, government service or private sector,” he urged.

More than 190 UMS students comprising members of the uniformed body units, MPP and the Residential College Student Welfare Committee (JAKMAS) attended the forum. – (fl) 

Source: Student Affairs Department (HEP)



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