FRIDAY, 22 APRIL – Sports can be a platform to foster self-confidence and unity amongst international community.

According to Youth and Sports Minister, Datuk Tawfiq Abu Bakar Titingan, sports icon in each country especially Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam should be emulated on their successes through inner strength and will, as a result of their involvement in sports.

“Sports is a culture shared by the worldwide communities crossing all borders and regions.

“Therefore, it is imperative that we try to elevate sports to international level and produce sports champions such as Lee Chong Wei who has high self-confidence and highly motivated, able to inspire the spirit of unity through his success,” he said when launching the Borneo Universities Friendship Games 2016 at Universiti Malaysia Sabah Stadium.

He added that through sporting games, those who came from different background converged and interact amongst athletes in the participating contingents, thus opening up opportunities for them to understand each other's culture and lifestyle.

“We recommend that all athletes be united to become champions regardless of color, creed or religion,” he urged.

A total of 15 contingents of higher learning institutions of Malaysia, Kalimantan Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam participated in the championship that featured 13 events. – (fl)

Photo: Johaidi Ismail

FRIDAY, 22 APRIL – The Culture and Arts Exco, Student Welfare Committee (JAKMAS), Tun Mustapha Residential College (KKTM), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) recently successfully organised a health awareness programme called ‘Healthy Culture High Value’.

The programme held in collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FPSK) UMS and Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) was participated by 150 students from UMS, and was also graced by the presence of Malaysian artiste, Nazrief Nazri.

According to the programme director, Muhammad Hamka Hashim, the programme was a continuation of the previous programme, ‘Health is Wealth’ (KANTA).

“This time, the activities included performances by buskers and also a free karaoke contest opened to all visitors as a way to attract more public involvement that could help achieve the objectives of the programme in providing awareness on the culture of healthy living,” he said.

Among the interesting activities carried out during the programme was the “Zumba for Health”, free health screening, blood donation drive, lucky draws, and health talks by medical officers from QEH. – (fl)

Source: Student Affairs Department

THURSDAY, 21 APRIL – Various event will be held at the Universiti Malaysia Sabah Islamic Centre (PIUMS) Roadshow and Open Day, which will be held on 27 April 2016.

PIUMS Islamic Affairs Officer, Norisah Taljid said, among the activities planned were knowledge-sharing, briefing on PIUMS, Tahsin al-Fatihah clinic, zakat clinic, activities exhibition, sale of Yassin/wakaf and lucky draws.

“The programme will begin at 8.00 am until 12.00 pm at the Galeri, Chancellery building,” she said in a statement.

All campus community are invited.

“Further information can be obtained from Ustazah Noor Fazelah Salimin at extension 2740 or 019-5323732,” she added. – (fl)

WEDNESDAY, 20 APRIL – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) gave a stern warning to any party not to misuse their university logo without first referring to the Corporate Relations Division (BPK) UMS.

According to a statement today, UMS took this matter seriously and would not hesitate to take the appropriate action, including legal suit.

The statement said, the use of UMS logo without the approval from BPK could be easily identified through the printing of the old logo, which is now no longer in use by the university since 2013.

Yesterday, UMS became a victim when its old logo was used in a poster of a programme called ‘Perjalanan Hijrah dan Dakwah Catatan Kehidupan’ by Ustaz Ayub Abdul Rahman, where UMS was not involved.

The misused of the logo raised confusion to various quarters especially when it touched on the sensitivity of the Sabah community, known to be living in harmony amongst its various races and religion.

BPK requested those who were using the UMS logo without their permission to be responsible and come forward to explain publicly to stop the confusion.

UMS logo was misused when it was featured as one of the organisers of a gathering without the university’s knowledge.

Meanwhile, BPK denied a claim by a newspaper published since 1963 that they were contacted by paper but did not get any response from UMS.

BPK UMS that has always had good relationship with all the media practitioners both locally and internationally was never contacted by the said newspaper and regretted their move in publishing their reports without first verifying, wrongly portraying UMS as the main organiser. – SS (fl)

WEDNESDAY, 20 APRIL – The Academic Services Division (BPA) representing Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) recently won two gold awards in Lean Management at the Mini Convention and Team Excellence Sabah 2016, organised by Malaysia Productivity Corporation (MPC).

The two projects were ‘Reducing Cost and Time in Managing OMR Form’, and ‘Online Booking of UMS Main Lecture Hall (Internal Bookings)’.

“We are indeed thrilled in winning the gold awards as this proves that our efforts in improving the quality of our services are recognised,” said Norti Sirin, the Head of BPA who also disclosed that this was their first attempt.

“This gives BPA the encouragement to continuously strive to improve our service and turn it into our work culture,” she added.

The above projects were the brainchild of the Administrative and Finance Unit, and the Registration, Scheduling and Exams Section, respectively.

Held in Kota Kinabalu itself, the Mini Convention and Team Excellence 2016 was participated by nine government agencies. - FL

Photo: BPA



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