MONDAY, 4 APRIL – Lectures at Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) will be suspended if the level of the Air Pollution Index (API) kept increasing, said the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah.

He said, the university will take this drastic step if the air quality continues to deteriorate, to ensure the safety and health of its campus community, especially amongst students.

“The university takes the current haze situation seriously and will continue monitoring from time to time while, keeping abreast with the latest API level issued by the Department of Environment,” he said in a statement today.

Datuk Harun said that as an initial step, UMS would distribute free masks to students.

According to him, the mask could be obtained through all residential colleges and the Student Affairs Department in an effort to help students filter out from inhaling the contaminated air molecules that could be harmful to their health.

Datuk Harun also advised all campus community to reduce any outdoor activity until the level of air quality improved.

“At the same time, I would like to remind all staff and students to always drink lots of water,” he added.

Until 1.30 this afternoon, the Department of Environment recorded an API reading of 68 in Kota Kinabalu.

API between 0 to 50 is considered good, 51 to 100 (moderate), 101 to 200 (unhealthy), 201 to 300 (very unhealthy) and 301 and above (hazardous).

On Sunday, the State Education Department announced the closure of 77 schools in and around Beaufort, Kuala Penyu and Papar due to the worsening haze.

Higher Education Minister, Datuk Seri Idris Jusoh in a national newspaper reported on 19 March announced that the Vice-Chancellor in the concept of autonomy could make their own decision without referring to the ministry. – SS (fl)

FRIDAY, 01 APRIL – The Wajadiri Silat Cekak Pusaka Ustaz Hanafi (WSCPUH) of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) is inviting UMS campus community especially students to a talk scheduled to be held tonight at the Main Lecture Hall complex 2 (DKP 25).

According to a spokesman of the group, Mohd Syaffezh Edham bin Ahmed who is also the President, the talk or ‘Majlis Penerangan’ will start at 7.30 pm.

 “We are also conducting our recruitment exercise tonight for those who are interested to join us,” he said, disclosing that the present members stood at almost 100.

Wajadiri Silat Cekak Pusaka Ustaz Hanafi UMS started in 1994, the year that UMS was established.

Among the highlights of the club was when they actively took part in the national level Silat Festival Championship.  They also took part in the Guinness World Record in the ‘Largest Silat Lesson’ on 29 August 2015. – FL


THURSDAY, 31 MARCH – The Science Cluster at Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) comprising the Faculty of Science and Natural Resources (FSSA), Borneo Marine Research Institute (IPMB), the Institute of Biology and Conservation (IBTP), Biotechnology Research Institute (IPB) and Preparatory Centre for Science and Technology (PPST) recently joined hands to help the villagers of Kampung Lentuong, Karambunai.

According to FSSA Dean, Professor Dr. Baba Musta, the project that was a social corporate responsibility (CSR) of the cluster involved the restoration of the mosque which was in a dilapidated state.

“We are very grateful  as this five-week project also had the help and support from individuals and outside agencies that have contributed to the fund,” he said in a statement.

He said, the villagers of Kampung Lentuong had also provided cooperation and had enabled the programme to run smoothly.

“It is hoped that this project would benefit the people of the village as a whole,” added Dr. Baba.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the village surau, Lakin Rajin expressed his gratitude and was touched by the concern shown by UMS community.

“We are very grateful for the concern and the community value shown by the university staff who were involved and hope these charitable causes would be continued in future,” he said.

The charity project has been named the Best Charity Project, in conjunction with UMS Maulidur Rasul celebration recently, and saw the Science cluster named Al-Jawwad team winning the top spot for three consecutive years.

Source: Kenny Uwai, FSSA

THURSDAY, 31 MARCH – A total of 30 participants recently took part in the Malay Dance Workshop “We are One” organised by the Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Art and Culture Club.

Head of the Art and Culture Division of the Student Affairs Department, Alan James said, the programme was organised to bring together dance enthusiasts besides improving the quality of this art at the university.

“In addition to that, the programme provides exposure and new experiences to the participants in the concept of Malay dances such as inang, zapin and joget,” he said at the closing ceremony of the programme held at the Taekwondo Hall, UMS.

The three-day workshop was conducted by Suhaimi Magi, an experienced lecturer in the field of traditional and creative works now attached to the Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage, UMS.

The workshop was participated by dance enthusiasts from among UMS main campus and Labuan International Campus students and was also attended by the Director of the programme, Ahmady Radi. – SS (fl)

Source: Norhana Nordin
Photos: Jalani Moksin

WEDNESDAY, 30 MARCH – The Vice-Chancellor of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Professor Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah reminded the campus community to always practice integrity in their daily affairs.

Speaking during his 2016 message at Dewan Canselor (Chancellor Hall) today, Professor Datuk Harun stressed that corruption should be shunned and  eliminated altogether among the campus community.

“If we were caught in corruption, what ever position you hold, it would destroy the image of this beloved university,” he said.

He added that although working as civil employees and wage earners would not make one enjoy a luxurious life, but we should uphold our dignity, self-respect and principle on the basis of religious beliefs.

“Don’t be hoodwinked with the lure of money, nor ensnared with wealth, what is important is our sincerity to work with integrity that bring us to everlasting wealth.

“Only with sincerity can we be united, be one in mind, to accomplish the purpose of this university in order to always move forward and progress ahead,” he urged.

About 3,000 campus community that included staff and students attended the event themed ‘UMS Moving Forward in Unity’. – ZMD (fl)

Photo: Suzeanywati Gasinin



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