By Salbinous Saribun

TUESDAY, 20 OCTOBER – A total of 46 students from China will attend an Intensive English Preparatory Programme (IEPP) for four months at Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS).

The programme, which started this month is part of the entry requirements for undergraduate and graduate courses at the university.

“This annual programme was launched in 2006 for Professional Development (UCPD),” said the Chairman of UMS Investment Holdings Sdn Bhd, Datuk Ag. Buhtamam Ag. Mahmun in his speech to Batch 27 of IEPP students, yesterday.

Datuk Ag. Buhtamam who is a member of the Board of Directors UMS said, to date a total of 1,284 international students successfully completed this intensive English language preparatory programme.

“Most of them are from China but we also have students from other countries such as Turkey, Indonesia, Korea, Japan and Cambodia,” he said.

He also reminded the new students undertaking the programme to study hard and pass the required course to be eligible for the bachelor programme or master’s degree at the university.

Also present was the Dean of the Centre for the Promotion of Knowledge and Language Learning, Professor Dr. Vincent Pang who represented the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah. – (fl)

THURSDAY, 15 OCTOBER – Chairman of the Board of Directors, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Tun Zaki Tun Azmi was on a working visit to UMS Labuan International Campus  (UMSKAL) recently.

He met with the Faculty of International Finance (FKAL) lecturers headed by its Dean, Associate Professor Dr. Syed Nasirin Syed Zainol Abidin at Level 8, Tower Building.

He later spent some time mingling with about 60 students of FKAL who received their Dean’s Award for the 2014/2015 Session whilst answering to a few questions on entrepreneurship and career opportunities.

He then met with the Director of UMS Labuan, Associate Professor Dr. Murnizam Haji Halik at Level 13.

Also present at the meeting were the Dean of FKAL, Associate Professor Dr. Syed Nasirin and Senior Deputy Registrar, Zamri Mohamad Tuah. – SS (fl)

Source: Azri Onn

THURSDAY, 13 OCTOBER – A total of 130 participants took part in the 'Light Up Borneo' Charity Run organised by the IEEE Association, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), recently.

The flag-off was done by the Deputy Dean of Student Affairs and Alumni, Faculty of Engineering (FKJ) UMS, Dr. Razak Mohd Ali Lee at 7.30 am.

Participants ran the seven kilometres involving a number of routes around the university before returning to the faculty as the finishing point.

According to a statement from IEEE, the main goal of the programme was to raise funds to donate to Light Up Borneo.

Light Up Borneo is a non-governmental organisation that aim to improve the living standards of rural communities who are still isolated from development.

The statement added that volunteers will go to these remote areas to help the community there set up a generator so they can have access to electricity.

The closing and handover of contributions to representative of Light Up Borneo, BK Ong were done by the Dean of FKJ, Professor Ir. Dr. Rosalam Sarbatly.

A total of RM2,000 was collected through the charity run besides the Electric and Electronic Dinner held last May.

Prof. Rosalam also presented prizes to winners of the three categories; male, female and open. – SS (fl)

Source: Norhana Nordin, HEP

TUESDAY, 13 OCTOBER – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) continues to seek new collaboration with other universities in student mobility and research on sustainability, the latest being with Tokushima University, Japan.

Recently, UMS lecturers were brought on field trips to experience and learn about natural farming and projects on sustainability by the local community.

The two-day programme, which covered symposium and field trips was hosted by Tokushima University and was a continuation of their visit to UMS early this year.  In the symposium, UMS and Tokushima University lecturers shared their knowledge on varying aspects of sustainability with the local community.

The lecturers were also invited to meet with the President of Tokushima University along with the Vice President for International Affairs and Vice President for Education and Student Affairs.  They were informed that Tokushima University would be opening their new Faculty of Biological Resources focussing mainly on agriculture.

A programme involving both universities has been planned for August next year in UMS Kota Kinabalu main campus and also Sandakan.

UMS lecturers involved were the Deputy Dean (Academic and International), Associate Professor Dr. Azwan Awang of the Faculty of Sustainable Agriculture (FPL) and Senior Lecturer from the Faculty of Business, Economy and Accountancy (FPEP), Dr. Awangku Hassanal Bahar Pengiran Bagul. – (fl)


TUESDAY, 13 OCTOBER – The working visit by UMS Alumni Centre to Zhengzhou, China was a fruitful one when an operating centre for alumni activities was presented by Le Shen @ Musa, a businessman who is also the father of UMS Alumni, Li Xiao @ Aisyah.

The office would function as a meeting centre for all UMS alumni to hold discussions on planning for their activities that would benefit the alumni.  It would also be a connecting centre with Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), their alma mater.

The is the first alumni centre opened outside of Malaysia, and was officiated by Chairman of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Board of Directors, Tun Zaki Tun Azmi.

“Hopefully, this meeting marks a new chapter towards networking and strengthening relations among ministries, universities and UMS alumni specifically to pursue excellence as set out in the Malaysian Education Development Plan (Higher Education),” he said.

Earlier in his speech, UMS Vice-Chancellor, Professor Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah urged all alumni to continue in keeping the fire burning and to expand their network through ‘friend-raising’.

Also present at the official opening of the centre were the Deputy Minister, Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia, Datuk Mary Yap Kain Ching; First Secretary Embassy of Malaysia, Mohammed Hosni Shahiran Bin Ismail; UMS Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International), Professor Dr. D Kamarudin D Mudin and Director of UMS Alumni Centre, Mohd. Raffie Hj. Janau.

The city of Zhengzhou lies in the provincial capital of Henan Province in east-central China.  It is also the educational, economic, technological and political centre of the province.  The city lies on the southern bank of the third-longest river in Asia, the Yellow River (Huáng Hé)1. – (fl)

1 source from Wikipedia

Source: Dk Rozlina Datuk Pg. Aliuddin, UMS Alumni Centre



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