By Salbinous Saribun

TUESDAY, 13 OCTOBER – Nomination process for the selection of the new line-up of Student Representatives Council (MPP) Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) went on smoothly at Anjung Siswa, Student Affairs Department, yesterday.

Nomination began at 9.15 until 11.15 am and saw a total of 16 candidates vying for the seven of the 10 General Seats contested on 15 October to elect the representatives.

All candidates  contesting were for the General Seats at the main campus, with two seats at UMS Labuan International Campus (UMSKAL)  and one at Sandakan Campus respectively won unopposed.

Meanwhile, candidates who also won unopposed for the Faculty Seats were for Postgraduate Studies Centre and four other faculties.

The faculties were Faculty of Food Science and Nutrition, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences and Faculty of Business, Economics and Accounting.

UMS students who  are eligible to vote are urged to cast their votes on polling day. – (fl)

By Salbinous Saribun

TUESDAY, 13 OCTOBER – A Leadership and Management Talk by the Chief Executive Officer, Inland Revenue (LHDN) Malaysia, Col (K) Professor Tan Sri Dr. Hj Mohd Shukor Hj Mahfar received overwhelming response from Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) staff.

With the theme, ‘Driven by Vision, Fuelled by Creativity and Innovation’, the two-hour talk was very motivating and inspiring without giving room for boredom.

Tan Sri Mohd. Shukor shared in experience on creative and innovation approach at LHDN had shown marked improvement in their organisational performance, particularly in improving tax collection and productivity.

He also revealed the secrets behind his leadership and management techniques he practiced that made LHDN staff adopted him to be their idol and a source of inspiration.

“I practice the theories of Sun Tzu that says, ‘In order to win a war, you must first win the heart of your soldiers’,” he said in his cheerful tone, at Dewan Bankuasi (Banquet Hall).

He also witnessed the launch of UMS Vice-Chancellor Autobiography Book, Professor Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah entitled ‘Sebuah Perjalanan dari Desa ke Puncak Menara Gading’ (A Journey from a Village to the Ivory Tower).

The book which tells the story of Datuk Harun from his early days to his present achievement, was launched by the Chairman of UMS Board of Directors, Tun Zaki Tun Azmi.

At RM35 a copy, the book can be purchased through UMS Publisher.

Also present at the ceremony were members of UMS Board of Directors and Principal Officers of the university. – (fl)

Photo: Johaidi Ismail

MONDAY, 12 OCTOBER – The Student Affairs Department (HEP), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) yesterday organised a ‘Gotong-royong Perdana’ at UMS Residential Colleges.

The programme was held concurrently at all residential colleges including those at UMS Labuan International Campus and the Faculty of Sustainable Agriculture, Sandakan.

The event, which started at 7.00 am was participated by more than 3,000 students and staff including residential college fellows and the cleaning company engaged to clean all colleges.

According to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Student Affairs and Alumni (HEPA), Associate Professor Dr. Ismail Ali, the programme would be included in the annual calendar of the Student Affairs Department.

“Events like this help to unite all residents especially students who stay in the colleges with the college management thus creating a bond that would contribute to a cleaner and more comfortable environment,” he said.

An aerobics exercise as part of a warming up session was also held before the gotong-royong.

Also present were the Head of Student Affairs Department, Azmi Jumat . – (fl)

Source: Nordin Norhana, HEP

MONDAY, 12 OCTOBER – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) intensified its efforts in increasing its number of international students and alumni through the involvement at the World Education Expo Indonesia 2015 (WEEI) held in Jakarta, recently.

Besides UMS, the exhibition which lasted for two days was also participated by four other public universities; Universiti Malaya, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia and Universiti Malaysia Sarawak including 24 private higher education institutions.

The organising of WEEI helped to strengthen cooperation in the academic field globally and strengthen the relationship between alumni and the university.

The exhibition also included workshops and seminars designed for students who would be continuing their studies at university level and help potential students to expand their academic knowledge.

WEEI 2015 also saw the participation of 25 countries including Australia, New Zealand, United States of America, France, Italy, Russia, Korea and Japan. – ZMD/MAH (fl)

Photo: Johaidi Ismail

THURSDAY, 8 OCTOBER – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Auxiliary Police finished second in the Institution of Higher Learning Category in at the 62nd Official Birthday of the Head of State (TYT), Tun Juhar Mahiruddin 2015 Parade held last Saturday.

UMS Auxiliary Police Chief Contingent, Insp. (AP) Rakam Singh A/L Karam Singh said, the total strength of 30 members who participated the UMS Auxiliary Police Contingent for the parade had been mustering their every effort and teamwork that had resulted in an excellent commitment although they only managed to capture second place.

Indeed there were many smart and better contingents in the parade in the team event, but UMS Auxiliary Police had an extra advantage even though they had only a short time to practice.

“I am pleased with the dedication shown by all the members and would like to thank them for their commitment in upholding the reputation of UMS,” said Insp. (AP) Rakam Singh.

UMS took home a trophy, certificate and cash prize of RM1,000.

Insp. Rakam added that they identified their shortcomings to achieve greater success in future.

He thanked the management of UMS in particular the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah; Head of Security UMS, Lt. Col Abdul Talib Ariffin and Acting Registrar of UMS, No’man Datuk Ahmad for their trust on the team and to represent UMS at the parade. – (fl)

Source: Azri Onn, UMSKAL



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