WEDNESDAY, 23 SEPTEMBER – The Faculty of Sciences and Natural Resources (FSSA) recently organised the 17th Forestry Complex Family Camp 2015.

Held at the ODEC Beach, the programme was participated by 151 students from four new programmes offered at the Forestry Complex, FSSA.

The programme was aimed at strengthening ties between lecturers and students as well as fostering a ‘forestry spirit’ in themselves.

Advisor of the programme, Dr. Maria L.T. Lardizabal who represented the Dean of FSSA, Professor Dr. Baba Musta in her opening speech of the Forestry Complex Family Camp 2015 said the three-day camp was organised to provide ideas and exposure to the students about the programmes offered at the Forestry Complex, FSSA.

”This will open the minds of students on the importance of the forestry sector today and in future.

“Development will continue to grow, thus the role of researchers and experts should indeed be parallel and complementary,” she said.

Meanwhile, the programme director, Lee Yew Leung praised the university’s administration particularly the Student Affairs Department that authorised the organisation of this camp, adding that this programme was important as a start for new students who will study for four years at FSSA.

“For 3 days we gathered at this camp, group activities and discussions were carried out with the lecturers and students.  This gives more variety of ideas and perceptions in the field of sustainable forestry.

“Skill slots were also applied to let the students experience the real world as a forester,” she said.

The highlight of the programme, Campfire Night witnessed the success of the students’ group presentation followed by a competition for Best Group and Best Student of the programme. - (fl)
Source: Kenny Uwai, FSSA

TUESDAY, 22 SEPTEMBER – The Faculty of Sciences and Natural Resources (FSSA) through its Administration and Services Section recently held a talk on UMS Group Insurance Awareness Talk 2015.

The briefing was held at the Main Meeting Room, FSSA also received support from the Registrar Department and Etiqa Takaful Berhad.

Representatives from Etiqa Takaful, Abdul Halim Lamsarang presented the talk and explained that this talk was in line with the efforts to spread the takaful practices among the staff in attendance.

“Through the introduction of the new Mutiara Plus Family Takaful Plan, this would help staff to get affordable insurance plan that covers the whole family.

“The combined efforts of the Congress of Unions of Employees in Public Services (CUEPACS) and the Takaful Berhad is a positive move so that members would not leave their families in misery,” he explained.

 According to him, plans are open to civil servants in the Ministries, Departments, Agencies or Local Authorities would include protection for their spouses and children.

Meanwhile, Dean of FSSA, Professor Dr. Baba Musta said the talk, which was attended by non-academic staff was expected to create awareness on the need and importance of insurance plans to employees of the faculty as a medium of security in the future.

Hasmi Hashim, who agreed with the Deputy Registrar of FSSA believed the talk was appropriate in raising public awareness on the concept of takaful insurance because it covers protection, health, investment, education and savings. – (fl) 
Source: Kenny Uwai, FSSA

By: Che Hasruddin Che Hasan

Photo: Ramdan Saleh Nain

TUESDAY, 22 SEPTEMBER – In realising the importance of Science and Mathematics today, the Faculty of Psychology and Education (FPP), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) for the first time organised the 1st Borneo International Conference on Science and Mathematics Education (BICSME) 2015 at FPP building, recently.

At the conference, academics, researchers and educators from around the country met to discuss, deliberate and examine important issues in the field of science and mathematics resulting from researchers that have been done before.

Datuk Hajah Jainab Datuk Seri Panglima Hj Ahmad Ayid said, through empirical studies shaped by scientific explanations will assist in a clearer understanding that comes with more innovative and creative solutions to improve on the challenges faced.

“Through this conference, I hope it can provide an insight into how the education system works to improve the science and maths curriculum standards including student achievement in the context of Southeast Asia, especially in Malaysia”.

“The organisation is also expected to provide more opportunities for teachers of science and maths in the state to share ideas and to constantly update the development of science and mathematics education,” she said when opening the BICSME 2015 at the Grand Ballroom, 1 Borneo, Kota Kinabalu last night.

Datuk Jainab added, these scientific meetings could examine, deliberate and discuss on current issues relating to curriculum, pedagogy, assessment and ICT technologies in science and maths.

The three-day conference started on 21st to 23rd September 2015 also saw the participation of academics from five countries namely, Japan, Indonesia, the Philippines, Denmark and Singapore.

A total of 184 participants and 3 keynote speakers were involved in the conference. - (fl)

MONDAY, 21 SEPTEMBER – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Student Affairs Department organised a National Day Celebration recently involving more than 200 students and staff of the university.

Various activities were held including a Merdeka Speech Competition, Patriotic Songs Competition and Children’s Fancy Dress.

The programme, which received the full support of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Student Affairs and Alumni, Associate Professor Dr. Ismail Ali who were present at the function also featured 20 children who took part in the fancy dress competition divided into two categories; Category A (1-3 years old) and Category B (4-6 years old).

With the concept ‘Sehati Sejiwa’ Malaysia Day, the variety of clothing worn by the participants showed their enthusiasm in celebrating the National Day.

The programme was officiated by the Director of Curriculum and Student Development (PKPP), Associate Professor Dr. Raman Noordin.

Also present were the Head of Student Affairs Department, Azmi Jumat; Director of UMS Sports Centre, Mohd Asyraaf Abdullah and Director of Alumni Centre, Mohd. Raffie Janau. – SS (fl) 

Source: Norhana Nordin, HEP

MONDAY, 21 SEPTEMBER – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) through its Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage (FKSW) held the UN International Peace Day today that serves as a reminder that peace should be appreciated by all generations.

Dean of FKSW, Professor Dato’ Mohd Hamdan Adnan said, the peace enjoyed by the country especially Malaysia today should also be preserved to maintain peace and harmony.

“The world today is witnessing conflicts everywhere, making us live in a world filled with violence.   Statistics on the number of refugees or migrants are sufficient to explain the security threats faced by these people in their own country until they are forced out of their homeland.

“Peace is not the responsibility of the government alone but the people who actually play a bigger role in maintaining peace in the world,” he said when opening the UN International Peace Day Celebration at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Main Auditorium UMS.

Citing the example of the tragedy of the Rohingya community in Myanmar, Dato’ Hamdan said, Malaysians should be thankful for being able to live peacefully together and practice their religious beliefs without any problems.

“Let us practice peace-keeping, active in peace movement, not just as a mere observer,” he added.

Various programmes were held in conjunction with World Peace Day in UMS, that included knowledge-sharing on issues of global peace through the keynote address by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Richard Towle and an open session forum with him, poetry by FKSW lecturer, Professor Dr. Siti Zainon Ismail, Mohd Fuad Bebit and Ramzah Dambul, as well as singing and music presentations by the students of FKSW. – (fl)



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