By: Mohd. Affzanizam Mohd Amin
Picture: Ernest Berinus
FRIDAY, 18 SEPTEMBER – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) hosted the 1st Borneo Book Fair which begins yesterday until 21 September.

The book fair held at the 1Borneo Shopping Mall was the result of recommendations of the Council of Academic Publication Council of Malaysia (MAPIM) that suggested UMS through UMS Publisher organises a book fair that includes not only Sabah and Sarawak but Brunei and Kalimantan Province, Indonesia.

UMS Vice-Chancellor, Professor Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah said, the organisation of Borneo Book Fair among others  was to encourage and promote the culture of reading among the people of this country.

“Through this exhibition and sale of various genres of local and foreign literature, will provide more exposure and selection for visitors to buy these reading materials.

“It is hoped that this book fair will help in promoting academic books in addition to a wide range of academic and non-academic books,” he said at the opening ceremony of the event.

He added that the organisation of the Borneo Book Fair was expected to support the efforts of the government and the private sector in fostering regional cooperation between Brunei Darussalam, Kalimantan and territories under the BIMP-EAGA.

“The organisers also hope that this book fair will be made into an annual event and be included in the state tourism calendar,” he added. - (fl)

By Salbinous Saribun

Photo: Ernest Berinus

FRIDAY, 18 SEPTEMBER – People, especially the younger generation should cultivate the habit of reading rather than spending so much time entertaining  social sites.

According to the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Environment, Datuk Masidi Manjun, people nowadays prefer to surf the social websites and tend to forget that generating intellectuality and mindset was through reading books.

“For example, spending many hours entertaining the ‘Whatsapp’ application using abbreviated terms for certain words, and the use of symbols.  It may save time, but it actually contributes to being lazy especially in stimulating the mind to think,” he said.

He was speaking at the Borneo Book Fair organised by Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) at 1Borneo, yesterday.

Datuk Masidi who is also the State Education Exco also urged the public to take advantage of the book fair and to benefit from the academic books sold throughout the five-day event.

“Take advantage of this opportunity because the culture of reading has so many benefits,” he added, describing that the practice of reading can actually prevent one from being senile.

The minister also visited some of the booth set up by exhibitors, accompanied by the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah and Director of UMS Publisher, Associate Professor Dr. Asmady Idris. (fl)

Oleh Sainah Mustakim dan Mohd Affzanizam Mohd Amin


ISNIN, 14 SEPTEMBER - Pusat Pengajian Pascasiswazah (PASCA) mengadakan Hari Pendaftaran Pelajar bagi Semester 1 Sesi 2015/2016 bertempat di Dewan Kuliah Pusat ke-2, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) baru-baru ini.


Pendaftaran itu menyaksikan seramai 654 pelajar baharu termasuk beberapa pelajar antarabangsa dari Bangladesh, Brunei, China dan Indonesia.


Para pelajar pascasiswazah kemudiannya diingatkan dalam taklimat pengenalan agar menggunakan peluang melanjutkan pengajian di peringkat Sarjana dan Doktor Falsafah secara maksimum seterusnya menamatkan pengajian dengan cemerlang dan menabur bakti kepada masyarakat melalui ilmu yang diperoleh.


Dekan Pusat Pengajian Pascasiswazah Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Prof. Datin Dr. Mariam Abdul Latip berkata, para pelajar dalam dan luar negara yang terpilih untuk menyambung pengajian di universiti akan mendapat nilai tambah yang baik kepada diri mereka sekali gus mampu memberi impak positif kepada komuniti di negara masing-masing.


“Sebagai seorang graduan UMS, saya yakin anda mampu menjalankan tanggungjawab anda dengan cara yang kreatif dan inovatif.


“Di sini, anda akan mendapat lebih banyak ilmu pengetahuan, peluang mempelajari teknik dan kemahiran baru, membangunkan idea dan mendidik anda untuk berdikari, kreatif dan bekerja keras,” katanya.


Menurutnya Datin Dr. Mariam lagi, menjalankan pengajian di peringkat pascasiswazah bukanlah tugas yang mudah, namun dengan segala bantuan dan bimbingan, cabaran ini akan menjadi satu pengalaman yang menyeronokkan kepada para pelajar.


“Pusat Pengajian Pascasiswazah UMS akan memastikan segala aktiviti sepanjang pengajian para pelajar pascasiswazah dimudahkan dengan menawarkan pelbagai perkhidmatan dan nasihat kepada para pelajar,” ujarnya. 

By Sainah Mustakim and Mohd Affzanizam Mohd Amin

MONDAY, 14 SEPTEMBER – Centre for Postgraduate Studies (PASCA) held their Student Registration Day for the Semester 1 2015/2016 Academic Session at the Main Lecture Hall 2, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), recently.

The registration saw a total of 654 new students, including international students from Bangladesh, Brunei, China and Indonesia.

The postgraduate students were reminded during the introduction briefing to maximise the opportunity given to pursue their studies at Masters and PhD levels to the end and contribute to society through the knowledge gained.

Dean of the Centre for Postgraduate Studies Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Professor Datin Dr.  Mariam Abdul Latip said, local and international students chosen to continue their studies at UMS would have an added value to their resumè as this would be able to positively impact the communities of their respective countries.

“As a graduate of UMS, I am sure you are able to carry out your responsibilities in a creative and innovative way.

“Here, you will get more knowledge, the opportunity to learn new techniques and skills, develop ideas and educate you to be independent, creative and hard-working,” she said.

According to Datin Dr. Mariam, postgraduate study is not an easy task, but with all the help and guidance, these challenges would be an enjoyable experience for the students.

“UMS Centre for Postgraduate Studies will ensure that all activities done while studying in their postgraduate level would be made easier with all the services and advices offered to the students,” she concluded. - (fl)

By Mohd Affzanizam Mohd Amin

Photo: Johaidi Ismail

MONDAY, 14 SEPTEMBER – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) is committed to ensure the welfare of students are looked after during the duration of their study, said Vice-Chancellor, Professor Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah.

He said, this included a total of 89 students who registered with UMS under the Bottom 40% Household Category (B40) during the recent new students intake 2015/2016 academic session.

“To ease the burden of this group, UMS has taken the initiative to provide food aid for a month while the students arrange and obtain their loans from the National Higher Education Fund Corporation (PTPTN),” he said.

He said this at a meet-the-students session of the bottom 40% house hold entry mod, recently.

According to Datuk Harun, the aid would ease the burden of the new students, and they could focus on lectures when the academic session begins.

“It is my hope that the selected students do not put to waste the opportunity given after setting foot at the university,” he added.

“If they encounter any problems, they can meet with officials at the Student Affairs Department who are ever willing to offer their help to them,” he further stressed.

The offer to enter UMS for those listed under the B40 is an initiative of the university in fulfilling its responsibility to ensure that the underpriviledged students would be able to continue their tertiary education.





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