By Che Hasruddin Che Hasan

pendaftaran kolejTUESDAY, 01 SEPTEMBER – A total of 4,481 students will continue their tertiary education at Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) for the 2015/2016 Academic Session.

According to the Vice-Chancellor of UMS, Professor Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah, the number comprised 2,021 students from Sabah (45%), 1,941 from Peninsular Malaysia (43%), 381 Sarawak (8.5%) and 138 international students (3%).

“The 138 international students are from 23 countries, among them China (89), Brunei (14), Fiji (6), German (2), India (2), Indonesia (2), Tanzania (2), Yemen (2), Pakistan (2), Maldives (2) and others,” he said in a press conference held at one of the residential colleges in conjunction with the enrolment of new students for admission to the 2015/2016 Academic Session.

He added, the breakdown by gender was 1,429 male (32%) and 3,052 female (68%), whilst the breakdown by genre was 1,945 offered to those under the science stream (43%) whilst 2,536 for those under Humanities (57%).

Datuk Harun said, Faculty of Science and Natural Resources (FSSA) offered the most placing which was 859; Faculty of Business, Economics and Accounting (FPEP) 847 places; Faculty of Psychology and Education (FPP) 376 places; Faculty of Computing and Informatics (FKI) with 363 places; Faculty of Engineering (FKJ) with 346 places; Faculty of Food Science and Nutrition (FSMP) with 204 places; Faculty of Sustainable Agriculture (FPL) with 98 places and Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FPSK) with 75 places.

“UMS also offers 100 places through its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programme to students who are poor to pursue their undergraduate studies here.

“This CSR is the third organised by UMS, offered to those whose household income is below the 40% mark and qualified for the lowest minimum qualification set by the University Central Unit (UPU),” he added.

This year, UMS also admitted 19 students with disabilities (OKU) where they are housed on the ground floor of the residential colleges in addition to having a dedicated vehicle to ferry them to and fro their lectures.

All the students will stay in the residential colleges and participate in the Orientation Week (MSM) as a preparation for adjusting life in a college atmosphere. – (fl)

By Salbinous Saribun

datuk Mary selfieTUESDAY, 01 SEPTEMBER – University plays an important role in producing balanced graduates, said Deputy Higher Education Minister, Datuk Mary Yap Kain Ching.

She said students development towards excellence must include physical, emotional, spiritual, intellectual and social.

“We want to produce students who are competitive, with high leadership skill besides being marketable when they graduate,” she added.

She said this in her Message or Amanat to new students of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) for the 2015/2016 Session at the Dewan Canselor (Chancellor Hall) today.

Datuk Mary also urged students to make full use of the opportunity they have during the three to four years studying at the university.

“Besides knowledge, students should also cultivate integrity in themselves,” she said, adding that the this included sincerity and honesty.

Thus, she said students should avoid the practice of plagiarism and truant besides activities that violates the law.

At the ceremony, Datuk Mary also mingled with students while repeating the ‘battlecry’ of the Ministry of Higher Education, which is ‘soaring upwards’.

Also present were the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah including Principal and Senior Officers of the university. - (fl)

Photo: Johaidi Ismail

By Salbinous Saribun

cemerlang asasi sainsFRIDAY, 28 AUGUST – The recipient of the Vice-Chancellor (Foundation Science), Muhammad Izzudin Rumaling described the decision to further his studies at the Preparatory Centre for Science and Technology (PPST), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) as the right step.

Izzudin, who obtained excellent results achieving a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 4.0 said, continuing his studies at the centre was the right decision as it promises a place in UMS after graduation.

“The subjects in this course cannot be taken lightly because if we failed to achieve a good result, students will not be admitted to the next stage,” he said.

He was speaking to media at the Science Foundation Certificate Presentation Ceremony 2014/2015 Academic Sesion at UMS Recital Hall, yesterday.

Aspiring to become a lecturer, Izzudin used the allocated one year course wisely.

“With the successful completion of the Foundation Course, I received an offer to further my studies to Degree level at UMS in Physics and Electronics,” he concluded. – (fl)

KekaumasFRIDAY, 28 AUGUST – Committee Members of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) General Staff Union (KEKAUMAS) have lined up a number of programmes until the end of 2015.

Its President, Amat Jutrah Haji Musnih said, the programmes have been neatly drawn up after fine-tuning some technical glitches.

He said, among the programmes lined up were courtesy calls to every Department, Faculty, Unit and Institute in all areas where support staff are placed, organising of seminars, sports activities among KEKAUMAS and family day.

“The KEKAUMAS Tour started on 24 August with a meeting with staff from every department at its main campus, UMS Labuan International Campus and Sandakan,” he said.

Meanwhile, the games organised included a KEKAUMAS President’s Cup Badminton Championship, which is opened to all members.

Entries for the championship will be made available, or through the Vice President of KEKAUMAS, Abdul Jalil Sapli.

Amat said, such activities would strengthen the relationship amongst all its members including the exchange of ideas for the development of the union. – SS (fl) 
Source: Azri Onn

By Salbinous Saribun

Konvo Pusat AsasiTHURSDAY , 27 AUGUST – Knowledge is very important in the process of self-development, organisation, nation and civilisation, said the Vice-Chancellor of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Professor Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah.

Hence, he said, education and the appreciation of knowledge should always be upheld throughout our lives.

“I hope, with the knowledge and experience acquired while under the Science Foundation could be put to good use in everyday life,” he said in his speech during the Science Foundation Certificate Presentation Ceremony, which was read by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Student Affairs and Alumni, Associate Professor Dr. Ismail Ali.

Datuk Harun said, in whatever fields we endeavour, students must demonstrate the values of excellence in terms of personality and the ability to interact with society.

“The success we achieved not only to used to seize the opportunity to further our studies at degree level, but also can be utilised on the surrounding communities for the preservation of life,” he added.

Held today at Dewan Resital (Recital Hall) UMS, Dr. Ismail also presented certificates to 310 students who have successfully completed the Science Foundation Programme for the 2014/2015 Session.

The Director of the Centre for the Preparatory of Science and Technology, Associate Professor Dr. Sazmal Effendi Arshad and Chief Librarian, Dg. Rukiah Ag. Amit. – (fl) 
Photo: Vanessa Nessa



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