By Che Hasruddin Che Hasan

THURSDAY, 10 SEPTEMBER – The new students of the 2015/2016 Academic Session are indeed lucky for having a Vice-Chancellor who always inspires students to continue to strive towards improving their knowledge whilst still in Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS).

According to the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah, the presence of new students were akin to a budding tree, trying to draw as much knowledge as possible.

“Explore and enjoy the knowledge that is shared, this would be the anchor in reinforcing faith in ourselves.

“Three to four years is not a long period.  Think positive by absorbing all new knowledge.  UMS has sufficient expertise and recognised nationally and internationally,” he said at the Oath Taking and Pledge Ceremony, held at the Dewan Canselor (Chancellor Hall), recently.

“Retrieve,  toil and digest all the knowledge to blend with oneself.  Disseminate, share and practice charity with the knowledge gained for our own, family, community and nation's well-being”

Datuk Harun added, during this period students would also shape their personality and self-confidence because UMS balance the needs of academic and co-curricular activities to produce holistic and competitive graduates .

He also reminded all students to make full use of the facilities and infrastructure provided by the university and to study hard to achieve their dream. - (fl)

By Salbinous Saribun

WEDNESDAY, 09 SEPTEMBER – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) participants displayed their remarkable skills in the 3rd British Parliamentary Kelantan International Debate Competition held recently at Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK).

UMS was represented by English language Debate Club President (EDC), Muhammad Zulfadhli Zulkifli and former President, Eric Yoong advanced to the finals and competed with three other teams namely, Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), Kumpulan Lagend and San Veda College from the Philippines.

At this stage, UMS representative who was also a student of the Faculty of Sciences and Natural Resources came fourth and received a trophy, certificate and cash prize of RM600.

Lagend Malaysia grabbed the top spot, 1st runner-up was UiTM and third place was won by San Veda College, the Philippines.

Meanwhile, Head of Student Affairs Department, Azmi Jumat hailed the international level achievement as something to be proud of by the university.

“It uplifts the image of UMS and opened the eyes of others on the university’s ability to shape and produce students who are talented and balanced, in accordance with the country’s 1st national education shift plan, which is having good personality and educated,” he said.

He explained that UMS continued to encourage students to actively participate in oratory activity, seen as a right step to hone critical thinking and effective communication techniques.

“This is UMS HEP department’s continuous effort in improving the marketability of students, at the same time improve the ranking of the university,” he further added.

A total of 48 teams from local and foreign countries took part in the three-day competition. – (fl)

Photo: Rohani Hadi, HEP

MSM FPL2TUESDAY, 08 SEPTEMBER – The Faculty of Sustainable Agriculture (FPL) Sandakan Branch, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) received a total of 67 new students at the 2015/2016 Academic Session, recently.

At the Principal and Senior Officers Introduction and ‘Oath Taking and Pledge’ Ceremonies held at the faculty, UMS Vice-Chancellor Professor Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah stressed on the agenda of producing young entrepreneurs.

“This is consistent with the government’s 10 Shifts of the Malaysian Education Development Plan (PPP) Higher Education that touched on Holistic graduates with Entrepreneurial skills and Balanced,” he said.

His speech was read by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Affairs and Alumni), Associate Professor Dr. Ismail Ali, representing the Vice-Chancellor in officiating the event.

 According to the Dean of FPL, Dr. Wan Mohamad Wan Othman, the number of students had increased compared to the previous year.

“The total registered does not include the second intake.  However, the number of students has increased compared to last year,” he said.

The Orientation Week was conducted for 5 days starting 2 September for all Kota Kinabalu Main Campus, Labuan International Campus and Sandakan campus.

Among the programmes conducted were briefings from the Academic Services Division, Student Affairs and Alumni, MyAgrosis and Talentime Night. – ZMD (fl)

Source: Muhammad Jumrat Minsun, HEP

sustainable cities rideMONDAY, 7 SEPTEMBER – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) became the major destination for a cycling event involving 600 participants, organised by the SustainableCities and Kota Kinabalu City Hall, yesterday.

The event, which required each participant to cycle as far as 31 kilometres started their event as early as 6.00 am at Padang Merdeka Kota Kinabalu to Tanjung Aru.

The participants then continued cycling to UMS before returning to Padang Merdeka for the conclusion.

UMS sent five participants to show its support for the event known as SustainableCities Ride 2015.

Sport Centre UMS staff acted as the secretariat when the event was held here and ensured the success of the event.

Also present were the Head of the Student Affairs Department (HEP), Azmi Jumat. – (fl)

Ikrar LabuanMONDAY, 7 SEPTEMBER – The various undergraduate programmes offered by Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) has produced competitive graduates to fill in the various career opportunities in the job market.

UMS Vice-Chancellor, Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah said, matching programmes with the job market was the main problem faced, after the students graduate.

He however  said that in an age of globalisation and liberalisation based on ICT in this borderless world, those reason can no longer be considered to be the dominant theory.

“Whatever field or programme you study gives you a very bright future.

“Nevertheless, it is up to the discretion of the individual applying for the job and career opportunities are always open,” he added.

Datuk Harun said, the existence of UMS in Malaysia provided a unique experience in the programmes offered.

“Therefore, while studying in UMS, be committed and strive to be the best than the person next to you.  Be the best among the best!, he said in his speech at the Introduction to Principal Officers of the University and the Oath Taking and Pledge Ceremony  by the new intakes at UMS Labuan International Campus (UMSKAL).

His speech was read by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Affairs and Alumni), Associate Professor Dr. Ismail Ali.

Also present were Acting Registrar of UMS, No’man Datuk Ahmad; Acting Bursar, Zallifah Shaadan; Director of UMS Labuan International Campus, Associate Professor Dr. Murnizam Halik and Dean for the Faculty of International Finance Labuan, Associate Professor Dr. Syed Nasirin Syed Zainol Abidin.



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