Ceramah Gempa KundasangTHURSDAY, 9 JULY – Almost a thousand residents around Kundasang flooded the Kundasang town to hear the talk on Earthquake organised by Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), yesterday.

Held at the Cultural Centre Kundasang, the talk delivered by experts from UMS included Geology Lecturer, Professor Dr. Felix Tongkul who presented a talk on ‘The Science of Earthquake’.

Other lecturers involved in presenting talks were lecturers from the Natural Disaster Research Centre and geologists from UMS.

Presenting talks in their own field, they were Professor Dr. Baba Musta (Landslide), Professor Dr. Kawi Bidin (Water Irrigation), Dr. Moh Pak Yan (River Water Quality) and Professor Ir. Dr. Abdul Karim Mirasa (Infrastructure Damage).

A talk on Psychology Effect was presented by Dr. Ferlis Bulare @ Bahari and a video presentation on Post-Earthquake by Hj Mustapa Abd Talib.

The talk aimed at providing knowledge and public awareness was also held at the Ranau Community Hall this morning. – SS (fl)

Media and Citra Division

alumni sokong vcTUESDAY, 7 JULY – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Student Leaders Alumni fully supports the leadership of the Vive-Chancellor of UMS, Professor Datuk Dr Mohd Harun Abdullah.
The was unanimously declared by former members of the Student Representatives Council (MPP) UMS in a meeting with Datuk Harun, recently.
They also expressed their willingness and desire to lend any assistance and cooperation when needed by the university by providing services free of charge.
At the meeting, both sides agreed to set up a UMS Student Leaders Alumni Chapter to assist Alumni Centre and UMS in general in organising various activities together in the fields of academic, administration, sports and other partnerships.
The student leaders alumni hope such meetings would be continued and extended to UMS alumni across the country.
Meanwhile, Datuk Harun added that with the establishment of a UMS Student Leaders Chapter would increase the sense of belonging among alumni thus helping to improve a sustainable cooperation with their alma mater.
A total of 14 student leaders alumni attended the meeting held at a hotel in Kota Kinabalu. – SS (fl)
Source: Dk Rozlina Datuk Pg Aliuddin
Media and Citra Division



alumni jumpa vcTUESDAY, 7 JULY – A total of 14 Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) student leaders alumni had the opportunity to hold discussions and a courtesy meeting with the Vice-Chancellor of UMS, Professor Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah, recently.
The programme organised by UMS Alumni Centre called Vice-Chancellor Meeting with former Leaders of Student Representatives Council (MPP) UMS was aimed at strengthening ties between student leaders alumni with their alma mater, simply known as ‘homecoming’.
During the brief encounter, Datuk Harun advised the former leaders to use their knowledge to the best and to remain friends forever.
He also advised the alumni to be wise leaders who do not instill negativite elements in their daily dealings and should deliver in an orderly manner through proper channel.
“The wisdom of a leader comes from the heart, and do not react based on perception if we want to maintain harmony in the campus, even after becoming alumni,” he urged.
The meeting was also attended by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Affairs and Alumni), Associate Professor Dr. Ismail Ali; Acting Registrar of UMS, No’man Datuk Hj Ahmad and the Director of Alumni Centre, Mohd. Raffie Hj Janau. – MA (fl)
Source: Dk Rozlina Datuk Pg Aliuddin
Media and Citra Division

Iftar2015TUESDAY, 7 JULY – A total of 32 recipients comprising students and staff of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) received Aidilfitri donations presented by UMS Chancellor, Tun Haji Juhar Datuk Haji Mahiruddin and Toh Puan Hajah Norlida Tan Sri Datuk RM Jasni.

The donations were presented during the Iftar Ramadan With the Chancellor, which was attended by Members of the Board of Directors, Principal and Senior Officers of UMS, yesterday.

A tazkirah on the practices during the month of Ramadan was presented by the Director of the Islamic Centre of UMS, Dr. Muhammad Suhaimi Taat besides the Maghrib, Isyak and Terawih prayers.

According to Dr. Muhamad Suhaimi, the holy month of Ramadan should be used as an opportunity to increase our devotion to Allah S.W.T by increasing our religious obligations.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Tun Zaki Tun Azmi also had the opportunity to mingle with students of the Science and Technology Preparatory Centre UMS after Terawih prayers. – ZMD (fl)


Photo: Johaidi Ismail

Media and Citra Division



ben1FRIDAY, 3 JULY – The Staff Recreation Club of Bursar Department once again organised a cooking ‘gotong-royong’ at their premises today, aptly named ‘Ketuk-ketuk Kuali Ramadan’.

On hand to supervise this Iftar Ramadan activity was Senior Assistant Bursar who is also the Club’s President, Silawati @ Ken Silawati Khamis.

She said, this is a yearly activity organised by the Recreation Club of the Department, and the ingredients are sponsored by the club, including some staff of the department.

Meanwhile, Assistant Bursar of the Department, Siti Khadizah Yaakub who also headed the activity said that cooking ‘gotong-royong’ started at 8.00 am and expected to end in the afternoon.

“This year, the club decided on ‘Nasi Kuning’ served with ‘Ikan Tongkol Goreng Bersambal’, ‘Bubur Biji Nangka’ and ‘Acar Timun’,” she added.

The distribution of food will start at 4.00 pm at the main exit of the university. – FL

Media and Citra Division



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