karnival kokumMONDAY, 25 MAY – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) is passionate in strengthening soft skills among its students through programmes and activities that adopts elements of community in line with the recommendations from the Ministry of Education (MoE) that has shown to provide long-term benefits.

The Co-curriulum Mini Carnival Semester 2 2014/2015 organised by the Student Development Centre (KPKK) UMS was the highlight for students who took the co-curriculum course besides it being a platform for final assessment for each course taken.

According to the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah, the top management has always been supporting activities involving students as they are confident that it would contribute to the holistic development of students, not only excellent academically but also great in terms of personality growth.

“Programmes such as this allow students to apply the skills such as teamwork, effective communication, problem solving and more,” he said in front of about 600 students in UMS. His speech was read by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Academic and International, Prof. Dr. D Kamarudin D Mudin at Laman Graduan, Dewan Canselor, UMS.

He was proud of the commitment and efforts of PKPP in meeting with the university’s aim in producing holistic students and excel in having a balanced education and contribute to the development of society and the country.

“We aim to produce human capital with positive self-esteem, be clear in their principles, adhere to rules and disciplined, diligent and responsible,” he said.

In addition, he also stressed that through this programme and co-curriculum activities would produce in the current and future generation those who are excellent in cognitive, effective in their spiritual and emotional nature and with good psychomotor.

“Excellent human capital is what will lead the country’s leadership more progressively and developed. Thus, our society would live more comfortably, in harmony and prosperous.

“My advice to students is to balance their knowledge and skills of the world and hereafter in terms of intellect, spiritual, moral, manners and conduct in accordance with the expectations of the nation in building human capital who are skilled, balanced and harmonious,” he added.

Several recreational activities and performances were organised such as cycling expedition, aerobics, traditional and modern dance performances, musical performances, singing, special True Paramedic UMS performance, oratory competition and an exhibition.

For the record, PKPP UMS offers a total of 40 curriculum courses this semester involving about 900 students. – CD (fl)

Source: Student Development Centre

Media and Citra Division

riangria masjidMONDAY, 25 MAY – The ‘Riang Ria Cinta Masjid’ Programme was held at Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) recently, participated by 120 participants in various events.

According to the Director of the Islamic Centre, Dr. Muhammad Suhaimi Taat, the competition which was organised in conjunction with the Love Our Mosque Carnival, was well-received by the locals and UMS community.

“The competition aims to foster unity and love for our fellowmen regardless of religion, besides inculcating the love and affection towards our mosques as one of the places for wordship,” he said when officiating at the event.

Dr. Suhaimi also presented prizes to winners of various activities held.

For the fashion competition, Dk. Nur Azza Husna Pg. Safran and Anas emerged the winners whilst the winner for the poster painting was Muhammad Firdaus Ali, Dk. Isra Umairah, Ak. Mikail Isaac and Alia Syafika Noor Hazri.

Also present at the ceremony was the Director of UMS Press, Associate Professor Dr. Asmady Idris and Deputy Dean (Academic and International), Centre for the Promotion of Knowledge and Language, Dr. Mohd. Azri Ibrahim. – SM (fl)

Photo: Ramdan Saleh Nain, BPK

Media and Citra Division

GotongRoyong1MONDAY, 25 MAY – The Housewives and Women Staff Club (KESUMBA) of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) organised a gotong-royong project over the weekend to plant various herbs and plants at their garden plot fronting Teratak KESUMBA.

Led by its President, Datin Baidah Ibrahim, the gotong-royong which was also participated by other members of the club planted herbs such as cekur, misai kucing, Pokok Tujuh Jarum, Kantan, Kaduk, Sambung Nyawa, Kunyit Hitam, Cymbopogon, Sabah Snake Grass and Aloe Vera.

“These herbs were chosen because of their great and unique medicinal value,” said Datin Baidah when met during the gotong-royong.

Earlier, Datin Baidah also presented telekung, sejadah and pillow-cases for use at the Child Development Centre UMS to its Assistant Registrar, Rohani Abdullah.

Also present was KESUMBA’s Assistant Honorary Secretary and Chief of Religious and Welfare Bureau, Norazah Hamzah. – FL

Media and Citra Division

Seminar FSSAFRIDAY, 22 MAY – The Faculty of Sciences and Natural Resources (FSSA), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) recently organised a Postgraduate Students Seminar at their faculty level, at the Meeting Room of FSSA.

According to the Dean, Professor Dr. Baba Musta, this annual seminar aimed to expose postgraduate students on their respective areas of research thereby allowing the sharing of knowledge.

“With this seminar, the faculty can help in enhancing the credibility and quality of the university in addition to improving research in various aspects and fields,” he said at the official opening of the seminar.

He added, FSSA need to be prepared to handle the various challenges in producing postgraduate students who are proactive and innovative.

Earlier, Chairman of the seminar, Dr. Fauziah Sulaiman said the seminar was organised to share experience and opinion to address any problems so as not to compromise the performance of its students.

The two-day seminar was participated by 75 speakers comprising Master’s and PhD students who presented their motion studies, pre-viva, Mandatory Progress Report and their respective Current Study Report. – ZMD (fl)

Source: FSSA

Media and Citra Division

WACANA MInda SarjanaFRIDAY, 22 MAY – The responsibility of Malaysians is to strive towards realising the country’s aspirations and upholding knowledge as a catalyst to education for the future of our children.

According to the National Education Advisory Council Chairman, Tan Sri Abdul Rahman Arshad, the Ministry of Education (MoE) Malaysia had produced the Malaysian Education Development Plan (PPPM) 2013-2025 by emphasising the four major thrusts of education namely; access to education, equity in education, quality in education and efficiency and effectiveness in education management aimed at comprehensively develop one’s potential to produce a balanced individual physically, emotionally, spiritually and intellectually.

“MoE has tried from time to time to find a formula to strengthen national schools,” he said.

“Only with the cooperation of all stakeholders would enable national schools to be a leader in national education,” he said when speaking in front of 150 participants of the forum comprising mostly of school principals at the Academic Talk held at 1Borneo Kota Kinabalu recently before officiating at the event.

A total of four panelists were invited to the forum; Professor Dato’ Dr. Abdul Rashid Mohamed, Hj. Ahmad Hulmi Ismail, Raisin Saidin and Lasimin Majani including moderator, Professor Dato’ Dr. Teo Kok Seong.

The talk was organised by the Faculty of Psychology and Education (FPP), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) supported by MoE and the National Professor Council aimed at getting donations, ideas and general feedback from among policy-makers at ministry level, policy implementers at schools, institutions, universities and education managers.

The ceremony was also attended by the Vice-Chancellor of UMS, Professor Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah, Dean of FPP, Professor Dr. Ismail Ibrahim as well as representatives from the Ministry of Education. – CD (fl)

Photo: Ernest Berinus

Media and Citra Division




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