tabung ummahTUESDAY, 09th JUNE – Tragedies to Rohingya ethnic and also the recent earthquake which occurred in Ranau, Sabah prompted Academic and Welfare Exco of Kelab Rakan Masjid Universiti Malaysia Sabah (KRMUMS) to launch their special fund for the above causes.

According to KRMUMS Bursar, Siti Khodijah Mohd. Rashid, the purpose for launching Ummah Rohingya Fund and Ranau Earthquake Relief is to urge and invites UMS and local community to aid and lessen the victims’ burden.

The fund had been placed in every UMS residential college since 7th until 14th June.

Public who would wish to donate can do so by transferring their donation to Siti Khodijah Mohd. Rashid Maybank account number, 1602 3212 4441. Please provide the bank receipt or evidence for the secretariat record.

For any inquiries, please contact KRMUMS secretariat at 012-6832803 (Siti Khodijah), 014-5380684 (Ubaidillah) and 019-8318623 (Azirah). -SM

Media and Citra Division


MPP Ais 2
TUESDAY, 09th JUNE – The Student Representatives Council (Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar or MPP) of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) recently successfully organized a humanitarian programme, Alunan Inspirasi Sanubari (AIS) through Academic and Training Exco.

According to MPP Deputy President, Nurlina Arappe, the programme was held at Anjung Siswa, UMS Student Affairs Department. Touching on humanity and spiritual element, the programme reflects on incidents happening in Malaysia and other Islamic countries.

“The programme begins at 9.00 in the morning and end at 11.00 in the evening also reflects on a few incidents including MH370 and MH17 incidents and also oppression to the Palestinians by the Zionist and the crisis in Syria.

In the meantime, the director of the programme, Fazrie Ramalan said that the programme was also a joint-collaboration between Malam Sejuta Kemanusiaan and Rakan Masjid Club members.

“Among the interesting activities are nasyid competition, khat writing, poem, and MH370 forum with panels among the victims’ families.”

“There will be a flash mob on Zionist atrocity and oppression to the Islamic countries such as Syria and Palestine. The highlight of the event will be the nasyid performance by Raihan,” he added. –SS

Media and Citra Division
Source: MPP

Bendera Separuh Tiang Canselori

MONDAY, 08th MAY – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) expresses its deepest sympathy and mourning with the recent earthquake tragedy that strucked Sabah recently.

Flags are flown at half-mast in every administration and faculty buildings as a sign of respect and concern for the affected victims and their families.

Staff and students in UMS are also seen wearing black and white as a sign of expressing their sadness on the recent tragedy.

Despite the tragedy, all university activities are not hindered including the semester final examinations which begins today.

The Chief Minister of Sabah, Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Hj. Aman, declared today (Monday) a day of mourning resulting from the earthquake. A local mountain guide was also perished in the recent tragedy.

To date, nineteen victims are reported to have died, which comprises nationalities from Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Japan and also China. -ZMD


Media and Citra Division
Photo: Suzeanywati Gasinin, Corporate Relations Divisions

guru melaka KAL
MONDAY, 08th JUNE – A total of 12 Guidance and Counselling teacher from Melaka Tengah District recently made a study visit to the Federal Territory of Labuan.

The delegation, headed by the Chairman of Melaka Tengah Guidance and Counselling Teacher Council, Chan Chin Ho, went to visit Universiti Malaysia Sabah Labuan International Campus (UMSKAL), SMK Rancha-Rancha and Labuan Matriculation College (KML).

A talk on UMSKAL’s administration was delivered by Senior Assistant Registrar of Faculty of International Finance Labuan (FKAL), Norhanizah Adnan, representing UMSKAL Director, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Murnizam Haji Halik.

Norhanizah also present to give a talk about the faculty on behalf of FKAL Dean, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Syed Nasirin.

Talks were also given by Head of Student Affairs Division, Mas Adi Alimin, and also Soffri Yussof (Head of e-Commerce programme), representing FKI Dean, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ag Asri Ag Ibrahim.

Norhanizah informed that there are 2,317 students with 1,818 of them are FKAL students and the rest (499) are FKI students. This figure includes 124 international students from China and Tanzania.
After the talk, the delegates later visited both faculties’ laboratories and the location for the moon sighting at level 13 of the Menara Building, UMSKAL. Part of Federal Territory of Labuan panoramic scene also can be seen from the level. –SS

Media and Citra Division
Source: Azri Onn

Pameran Poster DiomeraISNIN, 08 JUN - Seramai 126 pelajar Sains Sukan Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) menyertai Pameran Poster anjuran Fakulti Psikologi dan Pendidikan (FPP) di Perpustakaan UMS baru-baru ini.

Pensyarah program Sains Sukan yang juga penasihat pameran tersebut, Pathmanathan Suppiah berkata, penyertaan pada kali ini berbeza berbanding tahun sebelumnya kerana mengabungkan kursus Biomekanik Sukan, Identifikasi Perkembangan Bakat dan Psikologi Gunaan Sukan antara pelajar Tahun 2 dan Tahun 3 Sains Sukan.

“Pameran ini amat bertepatan dan mampu menghasilkan golongan pelapis yang berpotensi tinggi untuk menampilkan hasil karya yang kreatif, inovatif dan berkualiti,” ujarnya pada program tersebut.

Turut hadir dua lagi pensyarah Sains Sukan, Dr. Mohd. Nizam Nazaruddin dan Hasnol Nordin.

Dalam pada itu, salah seorang panel juri, Ravi Margapandu menyatakan rasa kagum sikap ingin belajar yang ditunjukkan pelajar-pelajar program berkenaan.

Beliau yang merupakan tenaga pengajar di Institut Pendidikan Guru (IPG) Gaya turut memberitahu akan membawa idea penganjuran program tersebut untuk diaplikasi di IPG Gaya.

“Saya dan panel juri berbangga dengan penganjuran pameran poster ini dan akan membawa idea-idea pameran ke IPG kami, ” katanya.

Salah seorang peserta, Diomera Darniati Oscar pula melahirkan rasa bangga kerana diberi peluang untuk terlibat sama dalam pameran tersebut.

“Pameran ini memberi pengetahuan dan pengalaman baharu dalam kalangan pelajar Sains Sukan dan berharap agar ia akan diteruskan lagi pada masa hadapan,” katanya yang kini menuntut dalam Tahun 2 di UMS.

Majlis perasmiannya disempurnakan Dekan Fakulti Psikologi dan Pendidikan (FPP), Prof. Dr Ismail Ibrahim. –SS

Bahagian Media dan Citra
Sumber: Program Sains Sukan



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