khidmat Komuniti SwakFRIDAY, 19 JUNE – A total of 11 members of the Centre for Postgraduate Studies Students Association, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) recently held a Youth Motivation Programme called ‘Aku Insan Cemerlang’ on invitation by the Social Welfare Department Limbang Division.

President of the Association, Zamatur Faraain Madin said, the motivation programme was a continuation of the Community Service Programme at Kampung Batu Bakarang Limbang held in December last year.

“This programme has the full support of the Child Welfare Committee and the Child Protection Team Limbang Division that saw the participation of over 100 high school students from around the district,” she told UMS media.

She said, the programme this time also aimed at assisting single mothers through cash donations and daily needs.

Zamatur said, this was done as an effort to welcome the month of Ramadan Al-Mubarak.

“I also hope that the close cooperation amongst its association members would continue, besides being committed to implement corporate responsibility and to be closer to the community,” she added.

Also among the delegation were Masrin Samian and Zuraya Murny Taufik from the Centre for Postgraduate Studies UMS.

The official closing ceremony was officiated by Limbang Member of Parliament, Tuan Haji Hasbi Habibollah. – SM (fl)

Source: Centre for Postgraduate Studies

Media and Citra Division


landskap 049FRIDAY, 19 JUNE – The Association of General Staff Universiti Malaysia Sabah (KEKAUMAS) attended the Development Workshop and the Joint Council of Presidents and Honorary Secretaries of the Malaysian Universities Staff Union (GAKUM), recently.

The workshop held at Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) Sintok Kedah was attended by the President, Secretary and Executive Council for the year 2015/2019 from all public universities in Malaysia.

According to the President of GAKUM, Ku Azmi Ku Ibrahim, the GAKUM Development Workshop was held to standardise the association’s direction in future.

“With the implementation of the guidelines and direction of GAKUM, it would be easier for all public higher learning institutions Unions to do its planning,” he said.

Meanwhile, KEKAUMAS President, Amat Jutrah Haji Musnih expressed that it was high time for GAKUM to move forward and analyse some of the foundations needed to face any eventuality in the future.

He said, KEKAUMAS along with GAKUM run parallel in the fight for their direction for the benefit of its members and university as a whole.

Besides Amat Jutrah, KEKAUMAS was also represented by its Deputy President, Abdul Jalil Sapli; Secretary, Salmiah Haji Tertib; Assistant Secretary, Zubaidah Haji Sainudin and Exco, Lassim Jani representing the union’s Treasurer. – ZMD (fl)

Source: Azri Onn

Media and Citra Division


RTM UMS Outreach ProgramTHURSDAY, 18 JUNE – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) through Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage (FKSW) under the Music Programme in collaboration with Radio Television Malaysia (RTM) Kuala Lumpur and Sabah will hold a workshop on 25-27 June.

The collaboration will feature teaching staff consisting six professionals from RTM Orchestra Angkasapuri Kuala Lumpur, four musicians from Kombo RTM Sabah, two UMS alumni with vast experience in the field of music who will impart invaluable knowledge to participants of the workshop.

The inaugural workshop which will be held at UMS will highlight a number of instruments such as the flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, electric guitar, drums, violin, viola, cello, double bass.

According to the Head of Music Programme FKSW UMS cum Workshop Coordinator, Roslee Hj. Wahid, such programme is a rare opportunity and golden opportunity for musicians, especially students in music and local musicians.

“UMS had before this collaborated with the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra (MPO) in organising such programmes, but the concerns from MPO management with regard to the recent earthquake had resulted in their sudden decision to withdraw from performing in this concert. However, with a lot of efforts put forward, ultimately UMS manage to get RTM to jointly work together towards the success of organising this Orchestra Workshop this time,” he said.

“I would like to thank Dato’ Mokhzani who had helped in signing up the top musicians of RTM Orchestra KL and RTM Sabah to jointly ensure the success of this workshop in realising the aspirations of Music Programme of FKSW and not to disappoint the expectations of our participants,” he added.

The public is also invited to the concert which will feature performances by students of the Music Programme of FKSW UMS and the combination of workshop participants under the supervision of the Director of RTM Music, YBhg. Dato’ Mokhzani Ismail, throughout the workshop.

In addition to the orchestra, contemporary Gamelan music presentation and the choir group will also be making a presentation at the concert which will be held at the Dewan Resital (Recital Hall) UMS.

For musicians who would like to participate in the workshop, please contact Syuwari (013-8507712) and Jenn (011-23680198) as soon as possible. – ZMD (fl)

Source: FKSW

Media and Citra Division

mineral 1000WEDNESDAY, 17 JUNE – More than 1,000 boxes of mineral water were donated by Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) to meet the needs of Ranau Hospital and the surrounding communities affected by the floods.

According to Acting Registrar of UMS, No’man Datuk Hj Ahmad, the contribution was from concerned UMS staff and students including the public who came forward to provide assistance since the collection centre was opened this morning.

“As of 4.00 pm today, about 800 boxes of mineral water have been received and this figure is expected to rise steadily as contributions from staff, students and the surrounding community keep pouring in,” he said in a statement to Media.

He added that the collections which is held at Level 1, Chancellery Building will also contribute other basic necessities.

“We hope that this would help in meeting the needs of Ranau Hospital and the mud flood victims who are now currently placed at a temporary shelter,” he concluded.

The contribution will be distributed tomorrow morning. – SS (fl)

Media and Citra Division

Ustaz Razali SaibinWEDNESDAY, 17 JUNE – Muslims are advised to abandon any wasteful acts that may reduce in them getting spiritual reward, especially during the holy month of Ramadan.

In an interview with the Senior Islamic Welfare Officer of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Islamic Centre (PIUMS), Ustaz Razali Saibin, he said it was a loss for a Muslim who fasts but does not abandon his wasteful and useless acts.

“During this fasting month, Allah S.W.T. urges us to practice abstinence..not only on food and drinks but also in what we say lest we hurt others with our words,” he said.

The interview was conducted to enlighten others on the video produced by Media and Citra Division UMS regarding some doubts on the law of fasting.

“Let’s make this fasting a time to educate ourselves to practice righteousness and improve our ibadah,” he added.

Watch the short film entitled ‘Puasa Ni Ari’ in conjunction with the coming of the month of Ramadan, at
. – ZMD (fl)

Media and Citra Division



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