presiden MPP fraidFRIDAY, 12 JUNE – President of the Student Representatives Council (MPP) of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Mohd Al-Farid Abraham was appointed as a member of the Board of Trustees/Board of Directors of the Student Volunteers Foundation (YSS).

The appointment was announced at the 3rd Annual General Meeting of YSS at the Malaysian Parliament Tower chaired by the Deputy Prime Minister and Education Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

Al-Farid was selected based on his excellence in academics as well as active in the field of volunteerism.

He had led a Green Summer Volunteer Campaign Mission 2014 in Vietnam in addition to receiving the UMS Excellent Student Leader Award 2015 and UMS Excellent Active Volunteer 2015.

He is also the Vice President of the Borneo National Student Consultative Council (MPPK). – SS (fl)

Source: MPP

Media and Citra Division

Razali SaibinFRIDAY, 12 JUNE – The earthquake incident that hit Sabah recently should be reflected and a lesson not only for the people of this state but the whole country.

This was stated by Senior Officer of Islamic Affairs from the Islamic Centre of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Ustaz Razali Saibin during an interview with UMS Media on Thursday.

Citing few verses from the holy Quran, he explained that events happened with the permission of Allah S.W.T.

“In fact, it (a calamity) occurs because of the greatness of God and it happens because of our negligence, wickedness and evil-doing,” he said.

He added that although Allah S.W.T. allowed such a tragedy to happen, it was also a lesson for all mankind to reflect on themselves on the sins they had committed.

“We must remember that the mountains, plants, air, ocean are all creatures of Allah..the universe may have spewed its anger over human’s boorishness,” he added.

He advised all to be doing welfare work and protect themselves from sinning and doing evil that would incite the wrath of Allah S.W.T.

“Hopefully the recent disaster would make us closer to Allah and return to Allah S.W.T.,” he expressed.

Watch the interview with Ustaz Razali Saibin at

. – ZMD (fl)

Media and Citra Division

alumni umsFRIDAY, 12 JUNE – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) will be organising a Career Fair as well as the launching of UMS Job Portal tomorrow.

According to a statement issued by UMS Alumni Centre, the programme aim to give an opening to UMS alumni and future graduates to be employed.

In addition, the carnival will also provide direct opportunity for employers to conduct interviews with prospective graduates and obtain their Resumes up-front.

The statement added, UMS students and alumni would also have the opportunity to register online for easy access by employers.

The programme will take place at the auditorium of the Centre for Postgraduate Studies UMS starting from 8.00 am until 1.00 pm.

For further enquiries, please call 088-320000 extension 4157/4173 or email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. – ZMD (fl)

Media and Citra Division

UMS naik pangkat 31KHAMIS, 11 JUN – Seramai 31 kakitangan Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) diraikan pada Majlis Meraikan dan Penyerahan Surat Tawaran Kenaikan Pangkat di Cafe D’Sireh, Bangunan Canselori UMS, hari ini.
Jumlah tersebut merangkumi satu penerima bagi jawatan Profesor Gred Khas B VK6, 10 jawatan Profesor Madya DS54 dan masing-masing dua penerima untuk setiap jawatan Timbalan Pendaftar N48, Timbalan Ketua Pegawai Sains C48, Penolong Pendaftar Kanan N44, Pegawai Sains Kanan C44, Pegawai Teknologi Maklumat Kanan F44 dan Penolong Bendahari Kanan W44.
Turut dicatatkan satu penerima jawatan bagi Pegawai Hal Ehwal Islam Kanan S44, Pegawai Psikologi Kanan S44, Pustakawan Kanan S44 dan Pegawai Penerbitan Kanan N44 selain empat penerima untuk jawatan Setiausaha Pejabat Kanan gred N32.
Surat tawaran disampaikan Naib Canselor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah.
Terdahulu, Datuk Harun dalam ucapannya berkata,pihak pengurusan universiti sentiasa memastikan proses kenaikan pangkat yang dilaksanakan sentiasa telus dan saksama.
“Saya berharap agar kenaikan pangkat yang diperolehi pada hari ini dijadikan sebagai batu loncatan untuk terus berusaha gigih untuk kemajuan kerjaya di masa hadapan seterusnya untuk kecemerlangan Universiti,” katanya.
Beliau turut berpesan agar berita gembira itu perlu dikongsikan bersama keluarga masing-masing.
“Luangkanlah masa untuk bersama keluarga sempena kenaikan ini kerana mereka juga tunjang disebalik kejayaan yang dikecapi,” ujarnya sambil menyarankan mereka membawa keluarga keluar makan di tempat yang luar daripada kebiasaan.
Hadir sama, Pemangku Pendaftar UMS, No’man Datuk Haji Ahmad. –SS

Bahagian Media dan Citra
Foto: Ernest Berinus

ho chi min program masyarakatKHAMIS,  11 JUN –  Seramai 23 ahli Persatuan Pelajar Pusat Pengajian Pascasiswazah dan kakitangan Pusat Islam Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) mengadakan program khidmat masyarakat di Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, baru-baru ini.

Timbalan Dekan (Kebajikan Pelajar) Pusat Pengajian Pascasiswazah, Prof. Madya Dr. Amran Hj. Harun berkata, beberapa tempat dipilih sebagai lokasi program kemasyarakatan tersebut, antaranya Masjid Al An War, Madrasah An Nur dan Madrasah As Salam.

“Pada program itu kita juga mengadakan beberapa aktiviti termasuk pengagihan barang keperluan dan juga sumbangan kewangan kepada komuniti di lokasi berkenaan,” katanya yang mewakili rombongan UMS menyampaikan sumbangan tersebut.

Menurut beliau, program itu antara lain bertujuan meningkatkan hubungan silaturahim serta ikatan persaudaraan sesama Islam.

“Program berakhir dengan lawatan ke tempat bersejarah di Chu Tunnel di daerah Vietnam,” ujarnya lagi.

Turut mengiringi rombongan ialah Penolong Pendaftar Pusat Pengajian Pascasiswazah, Elizabeth Malanjun dan Mohd. Nazrie Petir dari Pusat Islam UMS. –SM

Bahagian Media dan Citra
Sumber: Pusat Pengajian Pascasiswazah



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