apk janesMONDAY, 11 MAY – The 12th Fundamental Entrepreneurship Acculturation Expo (APK) which was held at the Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) library premises produced creative and innovative students.

Themed “Inspires. Idea. Innovation”, a total of 128 booth  were manned by students with every booth selling and exhibiting food and crafts that were creative and interesting.

An overseas visitor to the APK expo praised the efforts of UMS students who participated in the programme.

According to him, the exhibition which took the concept of entrepreneurship not only helped to strengthen students’ knowledge on entrepreneurship, but also encouraged new entrepreneurship ideas among students, besides giving them an opportunity to experience the issues and challenges faced when operating business activities and its management.

“This expo will not only help provide opportunities for students to engage in entrepreneurial activities but also enable them to build a platform of communication and exchange ideas between students and the public,” he added.

APK Expo is an annual event of UMS students that provide an opportunity for them to apply the knowledge learned in the Fundamental Entrepreneurship Acculturation programme besides fostering a culture of entrepreneurship through their participation in the expo. - (fl)

Source: APK Expo Committee

Media and Citra Division

Futsal Tamilan FCFRIDAY, 08 MAY – A total of 21 teams took part in the Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) University Students Closed Door Championship (MASSA) in Futsal held at UMS Sports Complex recently.

At the championship, Tamilan FC emerged champion after edging Sala FC through penalty kicks which ended with a score of 3-2 after both teams were tied without any goals in the finals.

Third place went to Bendang FC defeating Roar FC with a score of 3-2.

Meanwhile, team captain for Tamilan FC, Mahasilan Thirunabakkarasa said, though the team did not have much training, their commitment and sound strategies brought victory to the team.

“We rarely practice together because of the timing of our lectures. But we have a good understanding and great team spirit shown by all players which strengthens our team and brought the team to victory,” he said, describing the team’s debut would also be their last as all the players were in their final year.

Earlier, Programme Director, Andrew W. Majanggim said MASSA was an effort to encourage UMS students to be active in healthy activities thus producing a generation who are balanced in both academic and co-curriculum. – ZMD (fl)

Source: HEP

Media and Citra Division

Program Anak yatim BeringgisFRIDAY, 08 MAY – A total of 39 students of the Student Organisation Management (POP) will join the ‘Jalinan Kasih Mahasiswa Prihatin’ Programme which will be held tomorrow at the Orphanage Home, Beringgis.

According to a spokesman for POP, Bibi Chelve, the programme was aimed at raising public awareness about children who had lost their family members, whilst giving moral support to those who were less fortunate.

“We hope, through this programme, many would be more concerned about the lives of children who are placed in orphanages,” she said when contacted by UMS reporters.

The programme was also to instill self respect and to always love those around us besides being an eye opener for various parties to contribute not only in kind but also from the psychological aspect.

She said moral support such as this was seen to benefit the children who went through difficult days and to continue lives like other children.

“Thus, it is our great hope that this programme would bring awareness to society and emulate the efforts by UMS POP to jointly help these group of people,” she concluded. – SS (fl)

Source: POP Students

Media and Citra Division

Pegalungan Rentas BorneoFRIDAY, 08 MAY – ‘Rentas Borneo’ 2015 programme, with the aim of getting closer with the interior community of Sabah achieved its goal for Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) when a total of 92 member group using 23 four-wheel-drive (4WD) vehicles helped conclude the mission.

Rentas Borneo 2015, organised by the Faculty of Psychology and Education (FPP) and the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FPSK), UMS chose the small town Pagalungan located in Pensiangan, Nabawan to hold their community service and their research on the socio-economic of the community.

Chairman of Rentas Borneo 2015 who is also the Dean of FPP, Prof. Ismail Ibrahim said, in addition to bond UMS with the rural community, the participants would also be able to explore and understand the way of life of this community and with limited access to their area.

“The people of Pagalungan welcomed the approach by UMS and hopes that a series of such programmes would be held in their area in the future,” he said when met at Pagalungan Cultural Hall.

According to him, the joy was clearly shown on the faces of the community when they saw the presence of UMS especially in a large group to come and see for themselves their village.

He added, Rentas Borneo 2015 participants also conducted a number of community activities, education and cultural performances to the community there.

“Among the activities held was an English language motivational workshop conducted by the Dean of the Faculty of International Finance Labuan, Associate Professor Dr. Syed Nasirin Syed Zainol Abidin; a workshop on drawing and colouring by the Deputy Dean of Student Affairs and Alumni, Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage (FKSW), Associate Professor Dr. Baharudin Mohd Arus; vocal class by FKSW lecturer, Sharip Zainal Sagkif Shek; academic lectures and methods of application for admission to the university, clothes donation, karaoke competition, 4WD exhibition, vehicle demonstration and visit to Kg. Selungai long house,” he further added.

Prof, Dr. Ismail also expressed his appreciation for the commitment of all participants who participated in this programme.

“I am very grateful for the commitment shown by all participants, especially vehicle drivers who are mostly members of the 4WD Drive Club UMS who are willing to support such community programme that are mentally and physically challenging,” he quipped.

The programme, which took four days was officiated by Member of Parliament for Pensiangan and Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima Joseph Kurup. – CD (fl)

Photo: Johaidi Ismail

Media and Citra Division

pensijilan oshmsTHURSDAY, 07 MAY – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) through the Chancellery Department this morning received recognition on Occupational Health and Safety Management System Certification for the OHSAS 18001:2007 and MS1722:2011 in a ceremony held at the Gallery, UMS.

The scope of certification for the Chancellery Department included the Chancellery Office, Internal Audit, Islamic Centre UMS, Department of Information and Communication Technology, Occupational Health and Safety Centre and EcoCampus Management Centre.

The recognition of certification was presented by the Chairman of the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima Lee Lam Thye.

In his speech, he said he was impressed with UMS Occupational Safety and Health Policy that was committed to realise and cultivate safe working practices through compliance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994.

“The recognition of certification today clearly demonstrates the efforts of the employer, namely UMS in providing protection to its employees in terms of occupational safety and health to prevent accidents and injuries,” he explained.

He also hoped that the scope of this certification could be expanded to other departments and faculties within UMS campus.

“With this management system, the task of monitoring, measurement and verification of occupational safety and health performance can be implemented in a systematic and effective way,” he concluded. – MA (fl)

Photo: Johaidi Ismail

Media and Citra Division



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