KPTN 2015MONDAY, 13 APRIL – Approximately 50,000 visitors thronged the 11th National Higher Education Carnival (KPTN) “Jom Masuk IPT” which ended yesterday at the Parade Ground (Padang Kawad), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS).

The closing ceremony was officiated on Saturday by the Chief Minister of Sabah cum Pro-Canselor of UMS, Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Hj. Aman.

In his speech, he said the state required human capital resources who excell in academics and who had superior moral and personality to spur development in confronting the challenges of globalisation.

“Along with that, the institution must be competitive and resilient so as to be in a group of the world’s best universities,” he said.

He said, the efforts to uplift the capability of learning centres should continue to be strengthened to carry out its functions and responsibilities effectively towards creating an excellent higher education system.

“Indded, the Sabah Government and its people appreciate the commitment and contributions of the staff of the Ministry of Education in its effort to democratise higher education and produce graduates to meet the needs of the workforce.

“TheState Government also welcomes the entry or opening of many branches of public universities in the country as an effort to make Sabah the hub for education and higher learning,” he added.

Also present was UMS Vice-Chancellor, Professor Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah.

The two-day carnival was participated by some 150 booths of higher learning institutions and relevant agencies from all over the country. – ZMD (fl)

Photo: Johaidi Ismail

Media and Citra Division

UMSinves-0696MONDAY, 13 APRIL – The restructuring of UMS Link Holdings Sdn. Bhd. (ULINK), the subsidiary of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) which began operations in 2006 provided a huge impact in terms of profit and the company’s annual turnover.

ULINK, now known as UMS Investment Holdings Sdn. Bhd. or its abbreviation UiNVEST was rebranded to reflect its new management that were more innovative in their established planning and business strategic plan in looking for business opportunities.

According to Group Chairman of UiNVEST, Datuk Awang Buhtamam Awang Mahmun, the success recorded today was the combined efforts of all UMS top Management and the employees of UiNVEST who placed achievable profit target to help generate income for the university.

“The rebranding of the company from UMS Link Holdings Sdn. Bhd. to UMS Investment Holdings Sdn. Bhd was approved on 24 June 2014 with the main justification to be the only corporate investment company for UMS.”

“Any commercial and business activities will be placed under this company to ensure businesses can be regulated  more comprehensively and effectively,” he said at the official UiNVEST Corporate Rebranding Ceremony, recently.

He added, UiNVEST also provided a 35 Year Strategic Plan (2014-2048) to generate income through business activities based on education, training, consulting, development and property management, maintenance, commercialisation of innovative products, business investment and internationalisation.

“By the year 2048, UiNVEST aims to contribute at least 15 percent or RM80 million of the total annual operating budget of UMS,” he said.

The UiNVEST Corporate Rebranding Ceremony was officiated by UMS Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun bin Abdullah and attended by key officials and board members of UiNVEST. – CD (fl)

Photo: Ernest Berinus
Media and Citra Division

Kelab-1457MONDAY, 13 APRIL – The establishment of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Caring Club on Saturday was aimed at honing the talents of students to build a productive human capital.

According to UMS Vice-Chancellor, Professor Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah, the club under the supervision of the Student Affairs Department (HEP) among others, aimed to produce ambassadors from among students who will assist the university in their programmes.

“It can enhance the talents and personality of the students in any activities that they take part in thus strengthening their participation in campus activities in line with the university’s efforts to build a productive human capital,” he said in his speech at the opening ceremony of the club in UMS Stadium.

He said, it was also an effort by the university to encourage students to be actively involved in any student activities.

“The membership of this Caring Club has reached 1,200 people consisting of members of the Uniformed Bodies of UMS such as PALAPES Army, PALAPES Air Unit, PALAPES Navy, SUKSIS and SISPA,” he explained, adding that UMS through HEP will intensify efforts to expand the club.

The ceremony was officiated by Political Secretary to the Minister of Education Malaysia II, Datuk Hj. Abdul Halim Jusoh.

Also present were Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Studen Affairs and Alumni, Associate Professor Dr. Ismail Ali and Acting Registrar, No’man Hj. Ahmad. – SS (fl)

Photo: Ernest Berinus

Media and Citra Division


karnival300JUMAAT, 10 APRIL- Orang ramai dipelawa untuk menghadiri Karnival Pendidikan Tinggi Negara (KPTN) “Jom Masuk IPT” yang diadakan bermula esok sehingga Ahad di Padang Kawad Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS).
Karnival yang bermula pada pukul 8.30 pagi hingga 5.30 petang itu bakal menyajikan pelbagai program seperti pameran pendidikan, forum, perkhidmatan bimbingan dan kaunseling serta kuiz selain beberapa acara lain yang menawarkan pelbagai hadiah menarik.
Dalam masa sama, karnival tersebut juga akan menjadi pusat sehenti bermaklumat kepada orang ramai yang ingin mendapatkan informasi mengenai peluang pendidikan tinggi, akreditasi dan tajaan atau pembiayaan pengajian.
Program tersebut akan disertai jabatan-jabatan dan agensi yang terlibat dengan  KPM  seperti Universiti Awam dan Swasta, Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Negara (PTPTN), Agensi Kelayakan Malaysia (MQA) dan pelbagai agensi lain.
Majlis perasmian penutupannya akan diadakan esok dan dijangka akan disempurnakan Ketua Menteri Sabah, Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Haji Aman. Dijadual hadir sama, Naib Canselor UMS, Profesor Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah. –SS

kesumba umsFRIDAY, 10 APRIL – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Housewives and Women Staff Club (KESUMBA) under its Bureau of Economy and Consumerism today organised a Bun and Chinese Pastry-Making Workshop.According to the Chief Bureau, Siti Aysha Rainawaty Abd Rashid, the aim of the workshop was to share knowledge as well as foster better relationship among its members, through the organising of activities for its club members, in line with its motto.“We are planning to feature more cooking lessons in the future, which includes French and Arabic cuisine, cake-making sessions as well as food handling course,” she added.The Bun and Chinese Pastry-Making workshop was limited to 25 members of the club who learned the correct method of making buns and Chinese pastry taught by another member of the club, Zuraidah Jamrin from the Faculty of Business, Economy and Accountancy of UMS.Last month, the bureau organised a ‘taufu-fah’ or soya bean dessert-making workshop and was participated by more than 40 members of the club.Membership to KESUMBA is still open and its form can be downloaded at – FL



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