jaciah bola sepakFRIDAY, 17 APRIL – The Malaysian Women’s National Football team listed four players from Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) who are currently in Thailand for two series of friendly matches in preparation for the ASEAN Football Federation (AFF) Women’s Football Championship.

Right winger for the national squad, Jaciah Jumilis (second right) said the first game will be against Thonburi FC and will take place today at 4.00 pm (Thailand).

“This game will definitely be a stiff fight, especially when Thailand is famous for fast playing and often the choice in any football championship. Even though Thonburi FC is a club from a university here, this game will prove to provide us with useful experience before playing in the AFF Women’s Football Championship in May,” she said when contacted by Media and Citra Division reporter.

Jaciah, who is a staff of UMS Security Division is determined to help the national team in the AFF tournament and hoped to reach at least the top three places.

She said, based on the commitment of all players and the aim to realise the hopes and strategies organised by the coach, I believe this national team would have the opportunity to go further in the championship participated by all the giants of ASEAN.

“My friends and I are grateful for the guidance and dedication of National Head Coach who is also the Director of UMS Sports Centre, Mohd Asyraaf Abdullah for sharing with us his knowledge to ensure that we are ever ready to compete in an international stage,” she added, and who was also a player with the Malaysian women football squad when the squad finished fourth at the SEA Games 2013 in Myanmar.

Along with Jaciah in the championship are Shereilynn Elly Pius and Mastura Majid of UMS Sports Centre including a UMS Sports Science student, Sihaya Ajad.

The national squad will face another tough test when they will play a friendly match against the Thailand national women’s football team tomorrow. – SS (fl)

Media and Citra Division


fkal itFRIDAY, 17 APRIL – The 3rd Business and Information Technology Festival, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Labuan International Campus (KAL) will start tomorrow and ends on Sunday.

The programme coordinator, Joehan Joehari William said the 3rd Business and Information Technology Festival 2015 was the only programme under the Students Affairs Division (BHEP) UMSKAL related to the academic development of students outside of the lecture hall.

He said this will also encourage students to apply their learning outcome by participating in the programme.

He said it was in line with the vision and mission of Universiti Malaysia Sabah in producing first class human capital graduates.

“UMS Motto is intended to generate excellence in any activity and be the driving force and the main aim of UMS. This principle is in accordance with the programme’s rationale which is stated in the Business and Information Technology Festival paper work, which is to stimulate creative ideas in the minds of students,” he added.

Joehan who is also a lecturer of the Faculty of International Finance Labuan (FKAL) said the participants will take home cash prize of RM26,700.00 for those who participate in the Business Plan, Business and IT Quiz, Business Case Analysis and Local Entrepreneurs Exhibition.

The closing and prize-giving ceremony will be officiated by UMS Labuan Director, Associate Professor Dr. Murnizam Haji Halik this Sunday. – SS (fl)

Source: Azri Onn

Media and Citra Division

aku vc15THURSDAY, 16 APRIL – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Vice-Chancellor, Professor Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah urged all staff of UMS to increase their competency and focus on their responsibilities in line with the current development of the university.

He stressed, each task must be fully implemented with integrity, be innovative, creative and efficient with great impact and in line with the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) of the respective departments.

“The Malaysian Education Development Plan (Higher Education) launched recently emphasised on autonomy of the university and the needs for the university to generate its own financial resources.

“For this, UMS has outlined several new policies and initiatives that required the staff to adapt themselves swiftly to changes,” he said.

He said this in his speech at the University’s Excellence Award Presentation Ceremony (AKU) 2014 at the Main Lecture Hall 2, UMS.

He said, the creativity and innovative culture in administration should be emphasised not only to ensure the delivery of quality services be implemented, but also helped to optimise the use of university’s existing resources.

During the ceremony, Datuk Harun presented awards to 215 recipients of the Excellent Service Award, 3 pensioners who received the Pensioners Award, besides 15 other awards given to academicians, researchers and JFPIU who achieved excellence in their research and innovation.

Also presented were the Leadership Award for three categories namely, Instructor Figure to Professor Dr. Syed Azizi Wafa, Management Figure (Academic) to Professor Dr. Felix Tongkul, and the Support Staff Category to Amat Jutrah Hj Musnih. – MA (fl)

Photo: Ernest Berinus

Media and Citra Division

Dato Haji Nasir Mat Dam berucap merasmikan seminar PPRNTHURSDAY, 16 APRIL – Small and Medium Enterprises Entrepreneurs (SMEs) were urged to take advantage of the Private-Public Research Network (PPRN) Seminar to increase their productivity and income.

According to the Deputy Secretary (Higher Education Development) Ministry of Education (MoE), Dato’ Haji Nasir Mat Dam, the seminar provided an avenue for SMEs to express their needs and problems faced to be studied by researchers at higher education institutions.

“Based on input obtained, the researchers will undertake research and innovation aimed at addressing the constraints thus increasing the efficacy of their products and to generate higher revenues,” he said when opening the PPRN seminar Sabah level which took place at the Main Auditorium, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences building, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS).

He said, PPRN also allowed all researches at university level, which was previously not been commercialised to be made applicable to local companies to help them develop their businesses.

He said such approach was the government’s measures to ensure that the people of this nation continue to move forward in line with the country’s vision to become a developed nation with high income by 2020.

“In a nutshell, PPRN is an initiative of MoE to encourage innovation programmes based on demands to increase productivity and strengthen economic development in Malaysia.

“This initiative was announced by the Prime Minister, Dato’ Seri Mohd Najib Razak when tabling Budget 2015 in October last year and later launched it at the Putrajaya International Convention Centre (PICC) on 24 February 2015,” he explained.

Earlier, UMS Vice-Chancellor, Professor Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah in his speech read by the Director of Labuan International Campus (KAL), Associate Professor Dr. Murnizam Haji Halik said, MoE had given the mandate to the Entrepreneurship Research and Development Centre (ERDEC) UMS as a mover of PPRN in Sabah.

“Our main focus will be to include problem solve SMEs productivity. Those involved in this programme are very lucky as PPRN will provide funding of up to RM50,000 for each problem that would be solved with the cooperation from entrepreneurs and academics,” he added.

The seminar was attended by the Chairman of Entrepreneurship Unit MoE, Datin Dr. Syahira Hamidon and UMS ERDEC Director, Dr. Ramraini Ali Hassan and was participated by more than 300 SME entrepreneurs from around Sabah. – SS (fl)

Media and Citra Division


AIE 1THURSDAY, 16 APRIL – A total of 32 art works by 30 local artists including nine from the Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage (FKSW) Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) was displayed at Ocean7 Art Gallery, Oceanus Waterfront Mall Kota Kinabalu in conjunction with Art Inspiration Exhibition 2015.

The exhibition, which was also supported by the Sabah Visual Arts Association (PSVS) aimed at creating art awareness among the local community and promoting Tourism Art by introducing local talents internationally.

According to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation) UMS, Professor Dr. Shahril Yusof, UMS students involvement in showcasing their art work would open up better career opportunities.

“Graduates today must be more willing to become job creators and not just waiting to fill up vacancies in any organisation. Through this exposure, I believe our art students would have a brighter career opportunities,” he said when officiating at the exhibition.

He added that the organisation of the exhibition was also a good example for the Malaysian Education Development Plan (Higher Education) First Shift, which is Holistic, Entrepreneurial and Balanced Graduates.

“The exhibition also provides an opportunity for UMS students to gain exposure on the challenges in the entrepreneurial world who are skillful such as the art enthusiasts today,” he said.

Prof. Shahril also welcomed the involvement of the industry and the community who were experts in their respective fields to serve with UMS thus helping to increase in the production of excellent graduates.

Present at the opening were Chairman of Ocean7 Art Gallery, Datin Sharifah Habsah Habib Alawi and Deputy Dean (Student Affairs and Alumni) FKSW, Associate Professor Dr. Baharudin Mohd Arus. – ZMD (fl)

Media and Citra Division




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