KASTAMWEDNESDAY, 26 FEBRUARY – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) continues to carry out its role as an educational institution in making room for knowledge sharing as a value added service to its campus community.

Recently, through collaboration with the Centre for Industry Relations (PHI), Student Affairs and Alumni Department (HEP) and the State Customs Department had organised a Community Network Lecture Series on Goods and Services Tax (GST) which will be implemented on 1 April 2015.

According to the Director of Customs Department Malaysia Sabah, Dato’ Dr. Janathan Kandok, the GST would not be a burden as the chargeable tax is only 6% compared to the existing tax system.

“It’s important for people to know that GST is not added tax, rather it is a tax that replaces the Sales and Services Tax System (SST),” he said.

An alumni of UMS, Dato’ Janathan said that SST tax would be abolished because it was found to have some flaws in the system and were found to be non-profitable to the people.

He added that the GST is a tax system that was more efficient, effective, transparent and customer-friendly than the SST system that imposes more than 6% for all purchases.

“I also want to emphasise that the GST is not a political strategy because the idea to implement the GST was mooted back in the 80’s,” he stressed.

He added that GST should be viewed as an economic strategy whose benefits could be returned to the people through the improvement of school facilities, roads, public transport, health services and others.

Earlier, PHI Director, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ho Chong Mun said that the organising of the talk was an example of the effective cooperation between PHI and the community which form the basis towards the existence of this University-Community in UMS.

“PHI will be implementing more collaboration such as this to realise its role and function as a catalyst for the advancement of knowledge in the local community and to be the avenue to explain all government programmes,” he added.

The talk which also received support from the Non-academic Management and Professional Officers Association (PPUMS) and the Student Representatives Council (MPP) was also attended by the Dean of the School of Education and Social Development, Prof. Dr. Ismail Ibrahim; PPUMS President, Hj. Zawawi Tiyunin and UMS MPP President, Fandyi Sanizan Jurup. – ZMD (FL)

Photo: Suzeanywati Gasinin

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

4TUESDAY, 25 FEBRUARYUniversiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) came forward once again to lend a hand through volunteer activities organised by the Student Volunteer Foundation (YSS) and the Malaysian Universities Volunteer Commission (MASKUM) recently.

A total of 100 students led by UMS Student Representative Council (MPP), Fandyi Sanizan Jurup were involved in this activity for two days to clean up a few areas in Beaufort which were hit by floods in mid-February.

The first day saw volunteers cleaning the food stalls and Beaufort bridge which was the main area of residents travelling there.

The clean-up included the clearing of mud and debris brought in by the flood.

The second day had the volunteers working together to clean the areas surrounding Suasa Gadong Village which was filled with mud from the recent flood.

UMS students helped cleaned the mosque premises and nearby areas in an effort to help ease the burden of the residents.

Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Students Affairs and Alumni UMS, Assoc. Prof. Datuk Dr. Kasim Hj. Md. Mansur when met said that the involvement of students in volunteerism was very timely in training them and exposing them to community work.

“It is also an effort by the university towards producing a people student,” he said who is also MASKUM Deputy Chairman.

Also present was the Lumadan State Assemblyman, Datuk Kamarlin Hj. Ombi; Beaufort Member of Parliament’s Private Secretary, Faizal Arshad and Head of Student Affairs Department UMS, Mohd. Raffie Hj. Janau.

The volunteer group involving UMS students would later hold similar activities in Tenom and Keningau. – SS (FL)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department


ain mediaMONDAY, 24 FEBRUARYUniversiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) presented awards to seven journalists for their commitment and active involvement in providing coverage to the university throughout 2013.

Journalist from New Sabah Times, Nor Ain Hassan topped the list of recipients when she was selected as Sensational Reporter 2013.

It was followed by journalist from Utusan Borneo, Conniepearl Juil for Most Dedicated Journalist; Current Affairs journalist with the Broadcasting Department Sabah (RTM), Firdaus Abdullah (Choice Broadcast Journalist 2013) and New Straits Times Press photographer, Malai Rosma (Choice Photographer 2013).

Most Promising Journalist Award 2013 was won by Erdie Hazwan Abdul Wahid (Harian Metro), whilst Hisyamuddin Ayub from Utusan Malaysia as the Main Preferred Journalist 2013.

Another award presented was Choice UMS Alumni Category which was won by Maria Isek.                                                                                                                      

The award was presented by Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Academic and International, Prof. Dr. Shariff A. K. Omang at the Media Night which was held at one of the leading hotels in Kota Kinabalu.

The ‘Paling Manang’ Reporter award was also presented that evening and it went to RTM TV Production Unit host, Shahirah Syazwani who was selected as the winner because of her stylish outfit worn that night which was themed ‘Red Carpet’.

Earlier, UMS Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun bin Abdullah presented souvenirs to media representatives.

More than 100 media practitioners were present at the function. – SS (FL)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

lawatan bendahari IPTA NTUTUESDAY, 25 FEBRUARYThe Institution of Higher Learning (IPTA) Treasurers Meeting paid a courtesy call to the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Singapore on Monday.

The visit was led by the Bursar of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) who was also the Chairman of the Treasurers Meeting, Tuan Hj. Rizal Othman accompanied by Treasurers from IPTA nationwide.

Hj. Rizal when contacted said the visit was, among others, aimed to obtain information on the implementation of income-generating activities such as the collection of fees, investment, rental and endowments in addition to acquiring knowledge on commercialisation efforts conducted by the university.

He added that it was to obtain information regarding the financial sustainability programmes in NTU.

He also expressed hope that more cooperation would be organised with IPTA from other countries and NTU Singapore especially in financial matters.

During the visit, the IPTA Treasurers delegation was given a briefing on the history and direction of the university involving their alumni in income-generating activities and commercialisation. – SS (FL)

Source: Hayati Salleh Baihaki, Bursar Department UMS

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

MPPFRIDAY, 21 FEBRUARY – The Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin who is also the Minister of Education accepted the proposal mooted by the President of the Student Representatives Council (MPP) of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS)to have the Kedai Rakyat 1Malaysia (KR1M) in the campus.

He praised the idea suggested by the President of MPP, Fandyi Sanizan Jurup which he said would help ease the burden of students with the high cost of living nowadays.

“The suggestion proposed by Fandyi is very good and it should be considered at the ministerial level,” he said.

While highlighting the proposal, Fandyi added that the existence of KR1M was important to see to the welfare of the students so as not to be affected with the sharp increase in the prices of goods.

“The price increase in the market could affect students. Therefore, as a representative, I urge the ministry to consider this proposal,” he said in the function held at the official residence of the Deputy Prime Minister.

Fandyi was with UMS delegation consisting of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation) Prof. Dr. Shahril Yusof; Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Affairs and Alumni); Assoc. Prof. Datuk Hj. Kasim Hj. Md. Mansur and Head of the Student Affairs and Alumni Department, Mohd. Raffie Hj. Janau.

Also present was the Deputy Chief Minister of Sabah, Datuk Seri Panglima Hj. Yahya Hussin representing the Chief Minister, Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Hj. Aman.

The visit to the Deputy Prime Minister with the Student Leaders of universities was to celebrate the new MPP of public universities across the nation including the management of the universities who had helped in the development of students’ personality. – ZMD (FL)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department




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