MEIPTA-4924FRIDAY, 06 SEPTEMBERUniversiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) played host for the second time the 19th Council of Public Higher Learning Institutions e-Learning Round Table Conference for Heads of Coordinators (MEIPTA) for two days beginning yesterday.

Speaking at the dinner function of the conference, the Vice-Chancellor of UMS, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah said that the UMS e-Learning Committee planned to introduce the e-Learning system to staff and new students.

According to him, UMS management will publish a journal of international level called International Journal on E-Learning Practices (IJELP) in January 2014 to encourage the publication of research results pertaining to e-learning.

He added, the proactive efforts undertaken by all Malaysian public higher learning institutions in expanding the accessibility of academic programmes to the world would help support the strategy in making Malaysia the hub for higher education at international level.

Also present were the MEIPTA President, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Amin Embi and UMS CAP e-learning Head, Dr. Tan Choon Keong. - FL

By Faezah Mohamad Dun
Photo: Ernest Berinus

                                                                                                                                                                   Chancellery Department

Tanam PokokFRIDAY, 06 SEPTEMBERA total of 175 new students of the School of International Tropical Forestry (SPTA) participated in the planting of trees yesterday which was named ‘MY TREE’.

The programme was aimed at exposing the new students at an early stage to the importance of environment conservation and at the same time interact among themselves including staff of SPTA.

The trees which were planted by the students included tongkat ali, agarwood, kapor, seraya, kayu malam, mahkota dewa, durian and cempedak and would be under their individual care throughout their duration of study in Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS).

According to the Vice-Chancellor of UMS, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah, the tree planting programme serves to remind the students on the awareness of forest besides instilling the love for environmental conservation.

His speech was read by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Affairs and Alumni), Assoc. Prof. Datuk Dr. Kasim Md Mansur.

Earlier, the Dean of SPTA, Dr. Normah Awang Besar @ Raffie said this programme which was now in its second year was organised in collaboration with UMS EcoCampus Management Centre with the intention of making UMS as an EcoCampus University by the year 2017.

Also present were the Director of UMS EcoCampus Management Centre, Dr. Awangku Hassanal Bahar Pengiran Bagul and the Director of UMS Alumni Centre, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mahmud Sudin. - FL


By Faezah Mohamad Dun

                                                                                                                                                                   Chancellery Department



bengkel outcomeTHURSDAY, 05 SEPTEMBERThe School of Arts (SPS) Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) recently organised a workshop on Outcome Based Education.

The two-day workshop among others was an effort by SPS to give input to lecturers as a preparatory step before the 2013/2013 academic session begins.

A few invited speakers were present to give a talk on teaching and learning of arts.

Among them were a lecturer from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Emeritus Prof. Dato’ Dr. Ghouse Nasuruddin and Deputy Speaker of the State Legislative Assembly, Datuk Johnson Tee.

Also in the panel of presenters were the Deputy Director of Strategic Management and Academic Centre UMS, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jennifer Chan and lecturers from the School of Education and Social Development (SPPS), Dr. Lee Kean Wah and Dr. Tan Choon Keong including a lecturer from SPS, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Low Kok On.

In concluding the workshop, Assoc. Prof. Abdul Jamal Abdul Hamid hoped that all participants which comprises lecturers and tutors of the school had benefitted from the workshop where participants can apply onto their teaching and learning session.

Also present at the workshop was Theatre lecturer from SPS who was also the Chairman of the Day 1 workshop, Dr. Andika Aziz Hussin. - FL

By Salbinous Saribun and the School of Arts
Photo: TheSchool of Arts

                                                                                                                                                                         Chancellery Department

zakat20kTHURSDAY, 5 SEPTEMBERUMS today received a zakat contribution of RM20,000 from Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad.

The zakat contribution was presented at the Aidilfitri Open House of Bank Islam East Malaysia Territory at Le Meridien Hotel, Kota Kinabalu. The Chairman of Bank Islam, Datuk Zamani Abdul Ghani handed over the zakat contribution to the Vice-Chancellor of UMS, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah.

The zakat contribution will be channelled to needy students of UMS to ease their burden during their duration of study. This noble deed is in line with the university’s aim in building excellent human capital who will be future leaders of our nation.

Also receiving the zakat business contribution of Bank Islam was the Sabah Islamic Affairs Department with a sum of RM300,000. More than 400 people attended the open house. - FL

By Mohd Affzanizam Mohd Amin
Photo: Ernest Berinus

                                                                                                                                                                  Chancellery Department

MSM2013WEDNESDAY, 04 SEPTEMBER – The 19th Oath Taking Ceremony for the new intake was held this morning at the Dewan Canselor, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) in conjunction with the on-going Orientation Week for the 2013/2014 Academic Session.

The ceremony, which was attended by the Chief Minister of Sabah who is also the Pro-Chancellor of UMS said that the government was committed and willing to assist in all efforts towards the development and improvement of higher education in the country. He reiterated that the development and improvement in Sabah were in tandem with the economic and social needs of students.

“UMS has generated a rapid development transformation in the shortest time in Sabah,” he further added.

Earlier, the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah, in his speech expressed that UMS will form a special committee to monitor the development and progress of the 100 poor and needy students who were recently offered places at this EcoCampus University.

“Many of those who are successful come from the poor and underpriviledged. Deprivation has forced them to strive to be successful,” he emphasised.

UMS focused on the poor and needy at the recent intake as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) so as to give opportunity to the students involved to further their tertiary education at UMS.

The Oath Taking ceremony was also attended by the principal officers, Senate and Senior Officers of UMS.

By Feria Lee
Photo: Ernest Berinus

Chancellery Department



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