BPA-PaparFRIDAY, 23 AUGUST12 students from poor families received their letter of offer to further their tertiary education at Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) at the Papar District Office today. The number comprised seven students from Papar, three from Beaufort and two from Sipitang.

The handing over of the offer letter was done by the Assistant Officer of the district’s Development Division, Adnan Takin.

Speaking at the event, he said UMS and the Education Ministry’s effort to help the underpriviledged was timely in ensuring that the poor would have an opportunity to further their studies to a higher level.

“I urged those students who are receiving their letter of offer to make full use of this opportunity which would help to transform their standard of living in future,” he said. Also present was UMS Assistant Bursar, William Aloysius Jr, Assistant Registrar of the Academic Services Division (BPA), Riniwati Raksan and BPA’s Assistant Administrator Ahmad Saprawan Roslee.

A briefing was then held on the forthcoming Orientation Week for new intake on 01 September.

In a related development, two students from Tamparuli also received their letter of offer which was presented by Tuaran Member of Parliament, Datuk Madius Tangau.

In Kota Belud, 14 students from poor families also received their letter of offer to this EcoCampus University.

The handing over of offer letters will continue tomorrow until Sunday in the Interior, West Coast North and East Coast. – FL

By Salbinous Saribun
Photo: Ramdan Nain

                                                                                                            Chancellery Department

dialog mostiFRIDAY, 23 AUGUSTThe government’s efforts in injecting fund to encourage Research and Development (R & D) including innovation are in line with the competitiveness practiced by other countries to stay competitive and increasing their economic growth rate.

Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI), Datuk Dr. Ewon Ebin said that Malaysia would surely be marginalised if it does not strive to increase its competitiveness in the international arena.

“Thus, the role of researchers and inventors is important to ensure that research, development and commercialisation (R, D & C) would continue to increase and helps Malaysia towards being a developed country,” he said when officiating at the Dialogue Session With Fund Recipients and Applicants and a Talk on MOSTI Fund.

Datuk Dr. Ewon also announced a collaboration between MOSTI and Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) through 16 projects related to marine and agriculture in the 10th Malaysia Plan.

Also present were MOSTI Secretary-General, Dato’ Dr. Rosli Mohamed, Federal Secretary of Sabah, Dato’ Abu Bakar Hassan, UMS Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah and UMS Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Research and Innovation, Prof. Dr. Shahril Yusof. – FL

By Faezah Mohamad Dun
Photo: Martubat Jamlan
                                                                                                            Chancellery Department

masjid umsWEDNESDAY, 21 AUGUSTThe Mosque and Islamic Affairs Unit (UHEIM) Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) will be organising a workshop for new converts Serie 1/2013 on 29 August.

According to a statement from the Unit, the workshop is open to new converts and the venue is at UMS Mosque.

Among the highlights of the two-day workshop are religious talks and practice on reciting the Al-Fatihah.

As such, staff and students including the public who are interested are invited to this workshop which will be held from 8.30 am until 4.30 pm.

For further enquiries, please contact Ustazah Salinah Ramlee at 019-8421030 or 088-320 000 extension 2747. – FL

By Salbinous Saribun   

                                                                                                             Chancellery Department

kadazandusunTHURSDAY, 22 AUGUSTA symposium on Sabah Native Customary Rights will be held on 02-03 September in conjunction with the 50th anniversary of the formation of Malaysia on 16 September 1963.

The symposium which will be held at the Postgraduate Studies Centre Auditorium, UMS is jointly organised by the Kadazandusun Chair of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), the School of Social Sciences (SSS) UMS and Pusat Sumber Adat dan Mediasi Kaum Anak Negeri Sabah (PUSAKA).

The Kadazandusun Chair, Prof. Dr. Jacqueline Pugh-Kitingan said that the objective of organising this symposium among others was to understand the Native customary rights in Sabah besides evaluating the Native Court System.

With the theme ‘Native Rights After 50 Years of Independence’, the symposium will also highlight major issues affecting Native rights in Sabah and to draw up guidelines and propose strategies to deal with these issues.

“This two-day symposium is expected to draw more than 300 participants including leaders and heads of native customs in Sabah. Indeed the symposium is timely as we celebrates Sabah’s 50th year of independence in Malaysia,” Dr. Jacqueline added.

She said this when contacted by UMS reporter at her office today. - FL

By Salbinous Saribun
                                                                                                            Chancellery Department

logoumsTUESDAY, 20 AUGUSTUniversiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Off-campus students (PLUMS) can now check the Semester 2 2012/2013 Session exam results.

According to a statement issued by the Senior Assistant Registrar at UMS Academic Services Division, Sirahim Abdullah, the results can be accessed without printing through the Students Information System portal of this EcoCampus University.

However, originals can be obtained at the PLUMS office starting this Thursday.

He added that the delay in releasing the results was due to systems upgrading which affected the online printing.

For any enquiries, please contact him directly at 016 8393100. - FL

By Salbinous Saribun

                                                                                                                                                                  Chancellery Department



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