pandu putriTHURSDAY, 15 AUGUSTThe Vice-Chancellor of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah receives a courtesy call from the Girl Guides Association Malaysia (PPPM) Sabah Branch today.

The visit comprises ten Supreme Council Members of the association led by its President Datuk Naomi Chong Set Mui to discuss certain agendas including collaboration between UMS and PPPM Sabah in future.

The delegation was received by the Vice-Chancellor at the VIP Room, Chancellery Building UMS along with other UMS officers.

According to Datuk Dr. Harun, UMS welcomes programmes that gears towards the improvement of soft skills in line with the government’s call to produce first class human capital.

He also presented a memento to the PPPM Sabah delegation.

By Salbinous Saribun
Photo: Ernest Berinus
                                                                                                             Chancellery Department

mentol2WEDNESDAY, 14 AUGUST – Do you have ideas that you want to share with the Vice-Chancellor? Then wait no more! Send them now to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Send us your ideas, big or small, that you think will help in transforming this University into a better place for its community. Any ideas that covers any aspect are welcome such as the welfare of students and staff, the safety within the campus, one that will improve or upgrade the present system or one that will save our budget, in short any ideas at all! 

Interesting and mysterious prizes await all ideas that will be put to use. You might also be the lucky one to dine with the Vice-Chancellor.

What better way to turn your ideas into reality. So get started and be rewarded.

By Feria Lee
Photo: Google Image

                                                                         Information and Media Section, UMS

Semak pascaMONDAY, 12 AUGUSTApplicants who have applied to Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Postgraduate courses for the Semester 1 2013/2014 session can now check the status of their application online.

According to a statement issued by UMS Centre for Postgraduate Studies, the status of their application can be checked through UMS’ website link or the Centre for Postgraduate Studies portal.

The statement added that successful applicants need to confirm their status while those who are unsuccessful can make an appeal through the respective schools (faculties) until the date of registration.

For further enquiries, please contact the Centre for Postgraduate Studies at 088-321026 or 088-320087 for UMS Centre for External Education (UCEE).

The management of the Centre for Postgraduate Studies welcomes all new UMS postgraduate students as part of the EcoCampus community and reminding them to register by next month.

The registration will be conducted for two days, on 6 and 7 September 2013 starting at 8.00 am until 5.00 pm. - FL

By Faezah Mohamad Dun

                                                                                                                                                         Information and Media Section

mafioso1TUESDAY, 13 AUGUSTGrup Teater Lab (G-Tel) of the School of Arts (SPS) will represent Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) at the State Level Theatre Festival 2013.

The festival which is organised by the Cultural and Arts Department Sabah (JKNN) will start from 2 to 8 September at the department’s auditorium.

G-Tel was set up in 1997 and comprises UMS students and alumni and will present a play called ‘Vito Il Mafioso’ which is an original idea from the MAKUM Dekon script.

The story is about the life of a man who shapes his future through intriguing twists. His vengeful mind towards the powerful and money has robbed him of his dignity and life which outlines his life story.

G-Tel will be having a preview of this show for two days starting from 28 to 29 August at the Dewan Resital, SPS starting at 7.00 pm.

The preview will feature the special advisor of G-Tel, Dr. Andika Aziz Hussin who plays the lead character known as Vito.

The preview tickets can be obtained through the Grup Teater Lab ‘Vito Il Mafioso’ Facebook priced at Rm5, RM10 and RM50. - FL

By Faezah Mohamad Dun
                                                                                                                           Information and Media Section, UMS

masjidWEDNESDAY, 07 AUGUSTIn welcoming the month of Syawal, our strength and determination which we had planted throughout Ramadan should not waver but continue all through the months. Thus, in conjunction with the Eid-al Fitr on 1 Syawal 1434 Hijrah, residents staying around Sepanggar area are invited to perform the Solat Sunat Eid-al Fitr at UMS Mosque.

According to a statement from the Islamic and Mosque Affairs (UHEIM) UMS, the solat sunat will start around 7.45 am depending on the number of congregation. The Eid-al Fitr Solat Sunat will be led by Ustaz Yusri Sumin of UHEIM UMS who will also give a sermon that morning.

The Vice-Chancellor of UMS, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah is expected to attend the solat sunat at the mosque. He will also give out Raya cash to all children attending. - FL

By Mohd Affzanizam Bin Mohd Amin

                                                                                                                                Information and Media Section, Corporate Relations Division



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