TunDatukSeriZakiTUESDAY, 20 AUGUST The new Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Chairman of the Board of Directors, Tun Dato’ Seri Zaki Tun Azmi urged academic staff of UMS to educate students to be forward thinking and more practical.

He said the responsibility of educating the new generation especially university students should be shouldered by academicians so as to produce a generation that is able to contribute to the nation.

“Today, majority of those studying at the university are there because they want to aim for a higher pay, but are not interested in what they are doing. We should change this thinking,” he said at a function with UMS academicians last night. Also present was UMS Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah, members of the Board of Directors and principal officers of the University.

Tun Zaki said that lecturers should teach their students how to implement those knowledge learned to their everyday lives or in the working world in future.

“Theoretical knowledge in itself is useless if not practiced” he stressed and emphasised that academicians should set their own Key Performance Indicators (KPI).

More than 200 lecturers were present at the function.

By Salbinous Saribun
Photo: Ramdan Nain

                                                                                                             Chancellery Department

baja bioMONDAY, 19 AUGUSTUniversiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) through the Microbiology Research Group Biotechnology Research Institute has successfully produced a bio compost from the oil palm fibres especially empty fruit bunches (EFB) of oil palm in 40 days.

The research using a specific-strain of Trichoderma in composting oil palm wastes into biofertiliser has been produced by Senior Lecturer Dr. Md Shafiquzzaman Siddiquee and Masters student Nur Shafawati Saili.

Dr. Md Shafiquzzaman said the method has many advantages compared to powder based products presently available in the market.

“Trichoderma has bio control agents that can kill or suppress the growth of fungal diseases in crops. It can also improve soil fertility and increase yield,” he said when met by UMS reporter.

According to him the research acts as an effort to reduce oil palm industrial wastes which adds to environment al damage and ecosystem degradation which will affect the health of the community.

“Thus, the UMS Microbiology Research Group is looking for local companies who are interested in this development of composting process for commercialisation in large scale application on agricultural crops,” he further added. -FL

By Salbinous Saribun
                                                                                                                                                                   Chancellery Department

Chamil-0318FRIDAY, 16 AUGUSTThe Malaysian Press Institute (MPI) will joint forces with Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) on a series of collaboration in the near future.

This was announced by the Senior Executive Officer of MPI, Datuk Chamil Wariya during a courtesy call to UMS Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah at the latter’s office at the Chancellery Building today.

Datuk Chamil said, the collaboration would cover journalism and communication courses which will be offered to the public especially to the media fraternity, and public relations.

Datuk Chamil, who has more than 30 years of experience in the field of journalism added that other interests will be discussed further with the university which has many specialties including writing and communication.

Meanwhile, Datuk Dr. Harun welcomes the move by MPI in establishing a joint cooperation with UMS.

He said, the relationship between UMS and the media is very cordial and the selection of UMS as a partner is an honour for this EcoCampus University. Also present was the Dean of the School of Social Science UMS, Prof. Dato’ Haji Mohd Hamdan Haji Adnan. - FL

By Salbinous Saribun
Photo: Ernest Berinus
                                                                                                                                                                  Chancellery Department

Tun ZakiMONDAY, 19 AUGUSTUniversiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) staff were told to practice multitasking in order to be relevant in line with their Key Performance Indicator (KPI).

This was stated by the new Chairman of Board of Directors, Tun Dato’ Seri Zaki Tun Azmi in a Luncheon Talk with Non-academic staff of UMS at the Chancellery Building of this EcoCampus University.

He said the present KPI would also need to be higher and to reduce bureaucracy in order to achieve the best for each task.

At the same time, the former Chief Justice of Malaysia urged UMS staff to increase revenue for the university, reduce expenditure, improve efficiency and reduce wastage.

“One example in reducing expenditure is to reduce the usage of papers which will surely help lower our expenditure and helps with recycling,” he said.

Also present at the talk were the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd Harun Abdullah, Principal and Senior Officers of the university. - FL

By Salbinous Saribun

                                                                                                              Chancellery Department

seminar psikologiFRIDAY, 16 AUGUSTThe Psychology and Social Health Research Institute, School of Psychology and Social Works (SPKS) Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) invites the public especially academicians and psychologists to participate in the National Psychology Seminar II at the end of this year.

According to a statement issued by the unit, the seminar on 7 and 8 November in Kota Kinabalu will be a platform for the propagation of ideas and sharing of their research findings relating to social harmony.

With the theme ‘Psychology As A Channel For Social Harmony’, three academic personalities will be presenting the keynote address at the two day seminar.

Among them are, a specialist in the Social Harmony field, Eminent Prof. Datuk Shamsul Amri Baharuddin; a Sexual Health and Reproductive specialist, Dr Ismail Tambi and Clinical Psychologist and Counselling, Prof. Dato’ Dr Mahmood Nazar Mohamed.

For further enquiries please contact the organiser at 088-320000 extension 8104, 8105 or through fax at 088-320440. The public can surf www.ums.edu.my/conferences/SPK2013 or www.facebook.com/spk2013ums or email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . – FL

Source: The Psychology and Social Health Research Institute, SPKS
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