Announcement From: Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities 


A workshop, "Doctor, Doctor, Can You Hear Me?" will be offered as a pre-congress workshop for the 16th ICPA (International Congress on Physiological Anthropology).

Details of the workshop:

Date: 6 September 2023
Venue: Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FMHS/ FPSK) - CSL2, B Block, Level 1
Fee: This workshop is FREE OF CHARGE to all participants (maximum 25 participants only). Refreshments will be provided. 
This one-of-a-kind workshop will bring several disciplinary perspectives together: communication - Dr Abdul Latif Lai (FSSK) & Dr Haryati Abd Karim (FSSK); anthropology/ medical anthropology - Dr Trixie Tangit (FSSK) & Dr Pauline Yong (FSSK); and emotional intelligence - Dr Habibie Ibrahim (social work (FPP)) and Dr Lailawati Madlan (psychology (FPP)).
Participants will be sure to acquire practical skills that can give them insight and knowledge in dealing with the unique challenges in the medical provider-client relationship.

If interested, please contact Dr Trixie M Tangit, workshop organiser at Alamat emel ini dilindungi dari Spambot. Anda perlu hidupkan JavaScript untuk melihatnya. or 011-1566-6329.

For more information, go to


Announcement From: Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities 


In conjunction with NU President, Prof Kohno, and delegates' visit to UMS, the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities will be holding a mini symposium on the 29th of August 2023 at BMQA (Bilik Mesyuarat Qasim Ahmad, 3rd floor). The symposium will take place in the afternoon from 2:30pm - 4:00pm.
All are welcome. High-tea will be served after the symposium.


Announcement From: Borneo Medical & Health Research Centre, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences


Invitation to attend seminar: 


BMHRC Seminar Series 4/2023 

04th September 2023 (Monday), 10.00am – 11.00am 

Bilik Tayangan, Medical Museum, Block E, Ground Floor FPSK UMS 




Why must I be a teenager at all? 




Prof. Barry Bogin 


International Association of Physiological Anthropology (IAPA) 

Professor Emeritus of Biological Anthropology, Loughborough University, UK 




Free admission 


Pengumuman Daripada: Unit Zakat dan Penerbitan, Pusat Islam



Assalamualaikum WBT

YBhg. Datuk/Datin/Prof./Dr./Tuan/Puan,
Kaunter Unit Zakat Pusat Islam UMS kini dibuka:
Tarikh : Setiap Hari Isnin - Jumaat
Masa : 9.00 Pagi - 3.00 Petang
Tempat : Pusat Islam UMS
Perkhidmatan disediakan:-
✅ Kutipan Zakat (Pendapatan/Penggajian/Emas/Perniagaan/Dll)
✅ Semakan dan taksiran zakat Penggajian
✅ Perundingan dan khidmat nasihat berkaitan zakat
وَأَقِيمُواْ ٱلصَّلَوٰةَ وَءَاتُواْ ٱلزَّكَوٰةَ وَأَطِيعُواْ ٱلرَّسُولَ لَعَلَّكُمۡ تُرۡحَمُونَ
“Dan tunaikanlah solat dan laksanakanlah zakat; serta taatilah Rasul; nescaya kamu beroleh rahmat”.
(Surah An-Nur 24:56)
Puan Noorisah Taljid
Puan Kartini Mail @ Ismail
📞 0198042698
Unit Zakat Sektor Hal Ehwal Islam, PIUMS



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