penjara sktm1KHAMIS, 4 APRIL - Sempena sambutan Bulan Integriti peringkat Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), pihak Sekolah Kejuruteraan dan Teknologi Maklumat (SKTM) telah menganjurkan satu sesi lawatan Integriti ke Penjara Pusat Kota Kinabalu Sabah baru-baru ini. Lawatan itu yang diketuai oleh  wakil Dekan SKTM, Prof. Dr. Ali Chekima turut disertai oleh beberapa kakitangan UMS yang lain termasuk kakitangan Jabatan Pendaftar, Unit Hal Ehwal Masjid, Pusat Penataran Ilmu dan Bahasa, Sekolah Perhutanan Tropika Antarabangsa, Sekolah Psikologi dan Kerja Sosial , Sekolah Sains dan Teknologi.
Penolong Pendaftar Kanan SKTM merangkap penyelaras lawatan, Hasmi Hashim berkata; pelbagai aktiviti dijalankan sepanjang sesi lawatan tersebut. Antaranya termasuklah taklimat umum Penjara yang disampaikan Inspektor Awang Roni Awang Abdullah selain demonstrasi sebatan dan kunjungan ke Galeri Penjara serta Unit Lawatan Penjara dan kawasan sekitarnya.

Menurut Hasmi, ahli rombongan juga bertuah kerana berpeluang mendengar taklimat tentang banduan akhir iaitu banduan yang telah dijatuhi hukuman mati oleh mahkamah. Ini termasuk  pengalaman sebenar hari terakhir banduan akhir daripada Pegawai Gantung Penjara sendiri iaitu Penolong Penguasa Penjara Eddie Oskos,  yang mana jumlah Pegawai Gantung Penjara diseluruh Malaysia adalah terhad tidak melebihi 20 Pegawai sahaja.

Tambahnya lagi, lawatan Integriti ke penjara pusat ini secara umumnya berjaya mencapai objektif dalam mendapatkan info umum penjara dan menimbulkan perasaan keinsafan betapa pentingnya integriti dalam kehidupan seharian. Semua ahli rombongan berharap agar lawatan integriti ini diteruskan pada masa hadapan demi menyemai semangat integriti yang kukuh dalam diri dan seterusnya dalam pekerjaan masing-masing untuk kebaikan keluarga, majikan dan negara. –SS
Sumber: Hasmi Hashim, SKTM

Seksyen Penerangan dan Media, Bahagian Perhubungan Korporat

SPRM-8140RABU, 3 APRIL - Sekretariat Pencegahan Rasuah Universiti Malaysia Sabah muncul sebagai Sekretariat Pencegahan Rasuah Insitut Pengajian Tinggi (SPR IPT) terbaik setelah berjaya melaksanakan 23 program yang melibatkan penyertaan seramai  5,000 siswa-siswi, pelajar sekolah menengah, kakitangan UMS dan masyarakat sekitar pada tahun 2012.

Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) berada di tempat kedua dengan jumlah sebanyak lapan program yang dianjurkan melibatkan 2,280 siswa-siswi IPT di Sarawak. Manakala Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM) berada di tempat ketiga dengan pelaksanaan enam program melibatkan 2,000 siswa-siswi UIAM dan juga pelajar-pelajar sekolah.

Pemilihan dipilih berdasarkan prestasi yang telah ditunjukkan pada tahun 2012 dalam melaksanakan program-program penceghan rasuah dan menyebarluas maklumat mengenai rasuah. Selain itu, pemilihan juga dibuat berdasarkan kepada kreativiti SPR IPT melaksanakan program serta impaknya dengan mengambilkira jumlah dan sasaran peserta dalam keseluruhan program.

Sementara itu, bagi pertandingan pengikut yang teramai dalam  Facebook pula telah dimenangi oleh Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) dengan pengikut seramai 1,498. Manakala Facebook teraktif pula dimenangi oleh Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) berdasarkan pengisian yang dibuat dengan mengambil kira maklumat-maklumat yang dipaparkan yang mempunyai mesej anti rasuah.

Majlis penyampaian hadiah disampaikan oleh Naib Canselor UMS, Prof. Dr. Harun Abdullah pada majlis Penutupan Konvensyen SPR IPT di Bankuasi Dewan Canselor UMS. Hadir sama, Pengarah Bahagian Pendidikan Masyarakat, Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM), Dato’ Shamshun Baharin Mohd Jamil dan Pendaftar UMS, Datuk Abdullah Hj. Mohd. Said.
Oleh Salbinous Saribun
Foto: Ernest Berinus
Seksyen Penerangan Media, Bahagian Perhubungan Korporat 

pameran bofotTuesday, 2 April – In efforts to disseminate information to all especially to students and parents, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) organised a programme called A Step Closer To the Ivory Tower at various locations in this district.

Today, the programme which was held in Beaufort saw more than 350 students and parents attending the briefing and educational talk held at the Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK) Beaufort 2 hall.

Exhbition kiosks were set up by the Academic Services Division, Student Affairs and Alumni Department (HEP) and UMS Link Holdings Sdn. Bhd. besides blood donation counter by the Queen Elizabeth Hospital.

The ceremony was officiated by State Assemblyman for N.25 Klias, Dato’ Hajjah Azizah Hj. Mohd. Dun.  In her speech she said that students should use the knowledge to its fullest to improve their living standard, including their families and society.  She urged them to build their own strength with the knowledge which they have gained and to be a first class human capital who will contribute towards nation building.  Also present, the Director of UMS Alumni Centre, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mahmud Sudin.

By: Salbinous Saribun/Feria Lee


Information and Media Section, Corporate Relations Division

spps sukanTuesday, 2 April – The School of Education and Social Development (SPPS) took the champion trophy at the recent 15th UMS Education Schools Athletics Championship.  They collected 24 gold, nine silver and five bronze thus becoming the overall champion for three consecutive years.  This achievement showed an increase in the medals tally compared to last year’s which was 21 gold, 14 silver and seven bronze.

The School of Psychology and Social Work (SPKS) and the School of Business and Economics (SPE) took the second and third spots respectively.  SPKS grabbed four gold, four silver and three bronze whilst SPE took one gold and two bronze.

All category of awards on offer were grabbed by athletes from SPPS.  For the Female and Male Hopeful Athlete categories, the winners were Merry Gabalin and Makenzie Jetol.  Merry won the triple jump, 4x400m and 100m, where she created a new record.  Makenzie grabbed gold in two events; shot putt and javelin.

The Best Female Athlete was won by Emmy Ahkim, collecting three gold in the 400m, 800m and 4x100m events.  She also rewrote her own record in the 400m event made in 2012.  The award for Best Male Athlete category was won by Eldy Sham Erlon who was also the holder of the 100m which has not been broken for the last 10 years.  He also won two gold in the 110m hurdles and 4x100m relay events.

SPPS coach who is also the Sports Science Programme, Dr. Mohamad Nizam Nazarudin expressed his satisfaction over the athletes’ performance and hope that they would be chosen to represent the state.

“I intend to send athletes who shines to participate in the coming open national championship besides preparing all athletes for the championship next year,” he said.

SPPS team manager, Hasnol Noordin said, the team’s success is because of the athletes’ commitment and discipline that enables them to improve further in their own field.

The championship attracted 244 participants from the schools contingents in UMS.  Aside from being an annual event, this championship included 29 events that served as a platform to uncover new talents to represent UMS at major championships such as MASUM, ASEAN University Sports and Higher Education Sports.

Source: Dr. Mohamad Nizam Nazarudin, SPPS


Information and Media Section, Corporate Relations Division

sprmMONDAY, 1 APRIL – Corruption  is a crime that exists since human civilisation and expanded along with the nation’s development.  Eventhough corruption becomes the focus of whatever policies and strategies of national development, still until today, the issue of combating corruption remains the focus of discussions among it citizens.  This was stated by the Chief Commisioner of the Malaysian Corruption Prevention Commision (SPRM), Dato’ Sri Hj. Abu Kassim Mohamed when officiating at the Higher Education Institutes Corruption Prevention Secretariat 2013 Convention.

He said, undergraduates should realised their responsibility in helping the generation at Higher Learning Institutes (IPT) to curb corruption.  Thus he urged, through the Convention theme Undergraduates With Integrity, Avoid Corruption; staff of SPRM and IPT can make the change by inculcating the culture of shoving corruption and to instil on themselves that this crime is as heavy and serious as drugs, smuggling and etc.

He also hope that these programmes will increase their knowledge and awareness including their sincerity in fighting corruption at IPT level thus building quality human capital especially in terms of integrity and with a strong discipline.

Earlier, the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mohd. Harun Abdullah in his speech said such programmes are really beneficial in efforts to educate undergraduates in steering away from this menace, as they will be our future leaders.

Thus, he reminded all participants to benefit from the knowledge and information gained which is of high integrity and can be adopted to our present day practice and for the future.

This programme which is aimed at educating undergraduates on curbing corruption was also attended by the Deputy Chief Commisioner (Prevention) Dato’ Hjh. Sutinah Sultan, and principal officers of UMS.
By : Salbinous Saribun / Feria Lee
Photo : Musaab Umair

Seksyen Penerangan dan Media Bahagian Perhubungan Korporat



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