KOTA KINABALU: Para penyelidik Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) terus menunjukkan pencapaian membanggakan apabila berjaya merangkul dua pingat emas, satu perak dan satu gangsa dalam penyertaan Malaysian Road Conference Invention & Innovation (MRC-IIE) 2022, baru-baru ini.

Pingat emas pertama dimenangi melalui inovasi bertajuk Recycled Plastic Compressed Paver Block oleh kumpulan penyelidik yang diketuai Ts. Dr. Lillian Gungat.

Lillian turut meraih pencapaian berganda apabila sebuah lagi kumpulan penyelidik yang diketuainya dianugerahkan pingat gangsa melalui inovasi Rubberised Sandstone Aggregate for Road Construction.

Satu lagi pingat emas dimenangi kumpulan penyelidik yang diketuai Prof. Ir. Dr. Abdul Karim Mirasa.

Mereka mencipta inovasi bertajuk An Innovative Production Method of Interlocking Compressed Earth Brick System for Green Building Construction.

Sementara itu, pingat selebihnya iaitu satu pingat perak dimenangi melalui inovasi bertajuk Eco-Friendly Paver Block: Development of Concrete Eco-Paving Blocks using Crumb Rubber Granules and Eco-Processed Pazzolan.

Ia dihasilkan oleh kumpulan penyelidik yang diketuai Ir. Ts. Dr. Habib Musa Mohamad.

Berlangsung di World Trade Centre (WTC) Kuala Lumpur, kesemua penyertaan penyelidik UMS dikendalikan Pusat Pengurusan Inovasi dan Pengkomersialan (PPIP).


KOTA KINABALU: Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) received a shot in the arm with RM2 million funding from the Sabah government to boost its research.

Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor said the research effort would open up new opportunities for learning and growth and he hoped to see UMS doing more in this area.

"Hence, I am pleased to announce the state government's contribution of RM2 million to the UMS research fund.

"I hope this will spur the university's research agenda," he said at the "Aku Janji" pledge ceremony in conjunction with the orientation week of new students for the 2022/2023 intake at the UMS Chancellor Hall recently.

Present were the new UMS vice-chancellor, Prof Datuk Dr Kasim Md Mansur, Special Tasks and Coordination Minister and State Education Exco, Datuk Ariffin Arif and Chairman of the UMS Board of Directors, Datuk Seri Abdul Rahman Dahlan.

A total of 4,576 students have been selected for the new intake of which 60.6 per cent or 2,770 are from Sabah and 1,144 from other states, 582 from Sarawak and 23 international students.

In his speech, Hajiji hoped more youths will be involved in the election process since all citizens were automatically registered as voters upon reaching 18 years of age.

"It is not just because you are registered automatically, but it is your responsibility as a citizen to choose the country's government," he said.

The Pro-Chancellor of UMS also advised the new students who come from different religious and racial backgrounds to make UMS the platform to continue maintaining and strengthening the unity that has been forged between them.

"Through such understanding, there will be racial and religious harmony and unity. We must always be united in order to preserve peace and prosperity," he said.

Hajiji added that as the next echelon of leaders, the younger generation had the responsibility to equip themselves with knowledge, skills and high morals with impeccable etiquette through education.

"Youth must be given the opportunity to formulate the nation's development policies. In recent years, more youths have come forward to be involved in several state elections in Malaysia, which showed their readiness to contribute in terms of ideas and energy in developing the country."

The Sabah government has always provided space and opportunities for youths in Sabah to be involved in the process in a more holistic way through several initiatives like the Sabah Youth Parliament as well as Sabah Maju Jaya Fellow programmes under the purview of the Youth and Sports Ministry.

The first batch of 24 graduates were selected for the Sabah Maju Jaya Fellow programme to undergo a six-month guidance programme in all 12 state ministries in March this year.


KOTA KINABALU: Sumbangan dana penyelidikan sebanyak RM2-juta yang diumumkan Ketua Menteri Sabah, Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor pagi tadi disambut dengan ucapan syukur dan terima kasih oleh pengurusan tertinggi Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS).

Naib Canselornya, Prof. Datuk Dr Kasim Mansor berkata, sumbangan tersebut amat bermakna dalam meningkatkan lagi hasil penyelidikan berimpak tinggi terutama dalam usaha menangani dan mencari jalan penyelesaian terhadap isu-isu tempatan yang dihadapi rakyat.

“Semasa rombongan UMS membuat kunjungan hormat kepada Yang Amat Berhormat Datuk Hajiji pada Rabu lalu, saya ada menyatakan bahawa UMS akan terus memperhebatkan aktiviti penyelidikan, antaranya membuat kajian bagi memacu sektor pertanian, perindustrian, dan pelancongan selain melahirkan modal insan yang berdaya saing demi kesejahteraan rakyat.

“Saya tidak menyangka dan berasa terharu apabila Ketua Menteri mengumumkan sumbangan dana dalam jumlah yang cukup besar sebagai sokongan terhadap usaha ini.

“Bagi pihak UMS, saya ingin mengucapkan setinggi-tinggi terima kasih atas keprihatinan Kerajaan Negeri, khususnya kepada Yang Amat Berhormat Datuk Hajiji,” katanya.

Kasim berkata demikian dalam satu kenyataan di sini, hari ini.

Terdahulu, Hajiji yang juga Pro Canselor UMS mengumumkan sumbangan dana penyelidikan tersebut ketika berucap pada Majlis Ikrar dan Aku Janji sempena Minggu Suai Mesra Sesi 2022/2023 di Dewan Canselor, di sini, pagi tadi.

Menurut Kasim, UMS juga akan sentiasa seiring dan menyokong penuh terhadap Pelan Pembangunan Sabah Maju Jaya (SMJ) yang menjadi teras dan hala tuju pentadbiran Kerajaan Negeri.

“UMS sentiasa bersedia memberi khidmat kepakaran dan pandangan untuk bersama-sama menjayakan pelan SMJ ini yang sangat signifikan dalam meningkatkan pembangunan dan taraf hidup rakyat Negeri di Bawah Bayu.

“Sebagai Naib Canselor, saya akan memastikan hubungan baik yang terjalin antara UMS dan Kerajaan Negeri akan terus mekar merangkumi pelbagai aspek bidang kerjasama ke arah Sabah yang lebih maju, aman dan sejahtera,” katanya.

Untuk rekod, Kasim merupakan anak jati Sabah yang baharu dilantik sebagai Naib Canselor UMS yang ke-7 berkuatkuasa 3 Oktober lalu.


KOTA KINABALU: It was a dream come true for Nursyazliana Bulkia when she was offered a place at Universiti Malaysia Sabah.

The 19-year-old graduated from Labuan Matriculation College in accounting with a cumulative grade-point average of 3.92, but almost had to give up her dream to continue her studies due to financial constraints.

Nursyazliana found new hope through the Higher Education Ministry's Siswa Sulung Keluarga Malaysia (Sulung) programme.

She was among 10 students from low-income families offered places at UMS. She will pursue a Bachelors of Accounting with Honours degree in for four years.

"I'm so happy with the offer. To be honest, I almost give up on further studies due to financial problems. I didn't want to trouble my family, but Alhamdulillah, I received an offer from UMS.

"The offer letter was personally delivered by UMS vice chancellor Professor Datuk Dr Kasim Mansor and other officials at my home in Putatan.

"Kasim also presented cash assistance of RM1,000 and a basket of food to facilitate initial arrangements for studying at UMS.

"I accepted the offer because I didn't want to miss the opportunity to continue my studies. It is my dream to get a degree and become an accountant," she told the New Straits Times when met after the student pledge ceremony at the UMS Chancellor Hall here today.

Nursyazliana, whose parents are factory workers, believed that knowledge and education could change the fate of those in the B40 category, especially in improving their socio-economic level.

"I want my parents and my siblings to be proud of me. They are my motivation. I want to become a successful student. I hope to achieve Dean's List Award every semester.

"It is no easy task to excel academically but this is my commitment. I don't need to worry about money while studying. All I need to do is to focus on my studies and change the fate of my family," said the fourth of five siblings.

The Sulung programme was the brainchild of caretaker Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Dr Noraini Ahmad to help the first person in a family from the B40 group attend university.

The programme will enable outstanding B40 students the opportunity to further their studies despite facing financial constraints as well as provide motivation for family members and the local community.

Selected students not only get a special entry route to public universities but are also offered scholarships, monthly allowances, hostels and mentoring until they get a job.

The programme involves eight public universities including UMS and each university will take about 10 students in the first year of this programme's implementation.

A total of 76 students from the B40 group in the country have been selected to pursue their studies at public universities through the programme.


KOTA KINABALU: Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Menandatangani Memorandum Perjanjian (MOA) bersama Majlis Ugama Islam Sabah (MUIS), di sini, baru-baru ini.

UMS diwakili Naib Canselor, Prof Datuk Dr. Kasim Mansor dan Pendaftar, Luqman Ridha Anwar manakala MUIS diwakili Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif, Ramlan Awang Ali dan Timbalan Ketua Penolong Setiausaha Zakat, Bahagian Zakat Sabah, Iwansuzairie Hari.

Upacara menandatangani perjanjian itu turut disaksikan Ketua Menteri Sabah merangkap Pro Canselor UMS, Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor; Pengerusi Lembaga Pengarah UMS, Datuk Seri Abdul Rahman Dahlan dan Menteri Tugas-tugas Khas, Datuk Dr Mohd Arifin Mohd Arif merangkap Exco Pendidikan Negeri Sabah.

Menurut Kasim, melalui MoA tersebut UMS dilantik sebagai ejen pungutan dan agihan zakat harta bagi pihak MUIS.

“Hasil daripada pungutan zakat berkenaan digunakan untuk membantu pelajar-pelajar B40 UMS yang datang daripada golongan berpendapatan rendah.

“Pelantikan ini merupakan satu inisiatif yang baik antara UMS dan MUIS di mana potensi untuk kita memungut zakat harta di UMS ini kita yang dapat pungut hampir satu juta setahun,” katanya.

Kasim turut memaklumkan, daripada jumlah yang bakal dipungut, 50 peratus akan digunakan untuk tujuan bantuan kewangan kepada pelajar yang menghadapi masalah kewangan dan selebihnya akan dikembalikan kepada pihak MUIS.

“Justeru, diharapkan dengan adanya inisiatif ini, kita akan dapat memperkasakan kapasiti pelajar dan seterusnya dapat menambahbaik kualiti kehidupan mereka,” katanya.



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