sem2 pasca intakeFRIDAY, 27 FEBRUARY – A total of 200 new postgraduate students of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) enrolled in the various programmes offered at the 2014/2015 Semester 2 Session.

According to Senior Assistant Registrar of  Centre for Postgraduate Studies UMS, Alna Tugon said the postgraduate students then underwent the University  Briefing and Methodology Course in preparation of facing life as a postgraduate student.

She said, it was an important moment for the new students towards embarking on the lifelong learning culture regardless of age and rank.

Meanwhile, Deputy Dean (Academic and International) Centre for Postgraduate Studies, Associate Professor Dr. Patricia Matanjun also welcomed the new UMS postgraduate students.

She said, in line with the Vice-Chancellor’s Message 2015 themed ‘Transform Our Minds, Uplift the Performance of the University’, Centre for Postgraduate Studies aimed to produce competent graduates who can achieve success globally.

“I believe you continue with your study to this stage to progress in your career besides allowing yourselves to contribute to society and the country.

She was speaking on behalf of the Dean of Postgraduate Studies, Professor Datin Dr. Mariam Abd. Latip.

The current registration saw the enrolment of seven international students from the People’s Republic of China, Indonesia, Japan and Pakistan. – SS (fl)

Photo: Centre for Postgraduate Studies

Media and Citra Division

motivasi smsl labuanFRIDAY, 27 FEBRUARY – About 149 students from Labuan Science Secondary School (SMSL) attended a motivational talk at the Lecture Hall, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Labuan International Campus (KAL), recently.

They consisted of 65 Form One and 84 Form Two students who attended the motivational talk conducted by Faculty of International Finance Labuan (FKAL) Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor Dr. Geoffrey Harvey Tanakinjal.

Dr. Geoffrey who is also the Deputy Director of UMSKAL advised students to study diligently not only to succeed in their exams but also gain knowledge to be useful citizen for the sake of religion, race and the nation.

He said, as students selected into the Labuan Science Secondary School, they should set an example and a role model to other students in the country as well as to their own family members.

He added that to become excellent students, they need to follow the process of teaching and learning under the tutelage of qualified and experienced teachers.

“Students should also listen and heed the advices of their parents who always pray for the success of their children,” he concluded.  – SS (fl)

Source: Azri Onn

Media and Citra Division

LOGO UMS PUTIHTHURSDAY, 26 FEBRUARY – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) will hold a gathering in celebration of Maulidur Rasul 1436H/2015M UMS level tomorrow.

According to a statement issued by the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International), academic staff were advised to postpone all activities and lectures that begin from 6.00 pm to 10.00 pm on that day (Friday).

The statement added that the directive was given so that students would be able to take part in the celebrations.

The Maulidur Rasul 1436H/2015M will be held at the Main Lecture Hall Complex 2, UMS.

All are advised to arrive early to avoid traffic congestion and to ensure the smooth flow of the event. – ZMD (fl)

Media and Citra Division

nasyid UMSTHURSDAY, 26 FEBRUARYNur Syafa emerged champion at the Nasyid Competition Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) level, which was held at the Main Lecture Hall Complex 2.

Nur Syafa comprised staff of the Bursar Department UMS and was crowned the winner for the staff category.

1st Runner-up was the group representing the Faculty of Food Science and Nutrition (FSMP) Mahdiya Nisa, whilst third place was won by Zaiyan from the Academic Services Division.

As for the student category, In’Dheart which comprised UMS students emerged as the 1st Runner-up in the competition which included nasyid groups from outside UMS.

First place went to Permata Group from the Association of Maahad Tahfiz Sabah Students, whilst third place went to Salsabilah group (Kent Teachers Training Institute, Tuaran).

Winners of both categories received cash prize of RM500 each, whilst the 1st and 2nd Runner-ups received RM300 each and RM200 each respectively as well as certificate of participation for all participants.

The prizes were given away by Assistant Registrar of Registrar Department, Sharifah Rofidah Habib Hasan.

The competition was co-organised by the Registrar Department and UMS Islamic Centre and was also attended by the Dean of FSMP, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sharifudin Md. Shaarani. – SM (fl)

Photo: Johaidi Ismail

Media and Citra Division


CSR LabuanTHURSDAY, 26 FEBRUARY – About 70 officers, lecturers and staff of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Labuan International Campus (KAL) held a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Programme at Madrasah Tahfiz Al-Quran Sri Merinding, Kampung Layang-Layangan recently.

Chairman of the Executive Committee, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Syed Nasirin Syed Zainol Abidin said the programme started at 8.00 am and was held in conjunction with the Maulidur Rasul UMS level to be held at Kota Kinabalu at the end of this month.

Dr. Syed Nasirin who is also the Dean of the Faculty of Labuan International Finance (FKAL) said, UMSKAL had donated kitchen cabinets, laundry appliance, shoe rack and two dining tables.

“The UMSKAL CSR programme will benefit 60 students of the Madrasah Tahfiz Al-Quran Sri Merinding,” he said when met after presenting monetary contribution amounting to RM1,680 to the Madrasah Principal, Haji Arif Aliskah.

Also present at the programme were Senior Deputy Registrar, Zamri Mohamad Tuah who represented the Director of UMSKAL, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Murnizam Haji Halik and Senior FKAL Assistant Registrar, Norhanizah Adnan and Programme Coordinator, Che Din Md Salleh.

At the CSR, UMSKAL also cleaned-up the surrounding areas and planted fruit trees like mango, rambutan and coconuts. – SS (fl)

Source: Azri Onn

Media and Citra Division




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