taja utusan
SELASA, 01 APRIL - Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) mengambil inisiatif menaja  5,000 naskah akhbar Utusan Malaysia untuk diagihkan kepada siswa siswi sempena Majlis Konvokesyen Komemoratif yang akan berlangsung di Dewan Canselor UMS esok.

Menurut Ketua Jabatan Canselori UMS, No’man Hj. Ahmad; ia sebagai salah satu usaha universiti untuk memupuk budaya membaca dalam kalangan generasi muda khususnya pelajar UMS.

“Budaya membaca kini agak kurang mendapat tempat dalam kalangan muda-mudi. Justeru, pihak universiti sebagai pusat gedung ilmu mempelbagaikan usaha bagi menyemai amalan murni ini,” ujarnya.

Beliau berkata demikian selepas menyampaikan replika cek tajaan kepada wakil Utusan Malaysia, Celestina Buandi. –SS

Bahagian Media dan Citra
Jabatan Canselori




konvensyen fiqh borneo1MONDAY, 31 MARCHAbout 400 people attended the Borneo Fiqh Convention which took place yesterday at the Main Lecture Hall 1, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS).

The convention was officiated by the Assistant Director of Research and Faith, Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM) Sabah Branch, Ustaz Muhamad Fadhli Ahmat.

In his speech, he said the programme which was initiated by Friends of Faith UMS was timely in strengthening the Muslim faith among Muslims in UMS and its surrounding areas.

“This first of its kind programme held in Sabah should be continued, not to mention the price of the tickets that are very cheap which is as low as RM10.00 only. I applaud this bold step and hope that participation would also be opened to friends in Sarawak and Brunei Darussalam in future.” He said.

In the meantime, the programme Director, Mohamed Nasyaruddin Abd. Latip said that the response from participants was encouraging and welcomed the suggestion of having the convention continuously organised.

He did not anticipate the unexpected turnout by UMS students and the community around Kota Kinabalu.

The convention was divided into six slots which also had a question and answer session. – SS (fl)

Media and Citra
Chancellery Department

Kongsi Ilmu ABISNIN, 31 MAC – Seramai 50 pelajar Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM), Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia (STPM) dan pelajar lepasan STPM dari beberapa sekolah menengah sekitar Sabah telah menyertai  Program Ilmu Seiring Maju II (PRISMA II) yang berakhir pada Ahad.
Program itu yang dianjurkan Exco Akademik dan Kerjaya Jawatankuasa Kebajikan Mahasiswa (JAKMAS) Kolej Kediaman Anugerah Bestari (AB) dengan Kerjasama Sekretariat Rakan Muda Institut Pengajian Tinggi (IPT) Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) diadakan selama tiga  hari di kolej berkenaan.
Menurut Pengetua Kolej AB, Fauzie Sarjono; penganjurannya antara lain bertujuan mempromosi UMS kepada pelajar luar bandar selain sebagai pendedahan awal mengenai kehidupan seseorang yang bergelar mahasiswa.
“Ia juga bagi memberi maklumat berkaitan hala tuju kemasukan ke universiti melalui permohonan Unit Permohonan Universiti (UPU) serta penerangan berkaitan permohonan biasiswa di samping penerapan nilai-nilai kepimpinan dan membentuk kekuatan fizikal peserta,” ujarnya.
Beliau berkata, PRISMA II dianjurkan bertepatan dengan keperluan semasa apabila pada bulan September IPT di seluruh Malaysia akan menerima kehadiran siswa siswi baharu yang berjaya melanjutkan pengajian.
"Pelajar pada era ini diberikan pelbagai kelebihan berbanding pelajar dahulu ketika era saya. Hari ini kita menyaksikan lambakan dorongan program yang diadakan oleh pelbagai pihak bagi memberikan nilai keintelektualan kepada masyarakat setempat. Maka, JAKMAS di bawah Exco Akademik dan Kerjaya tampil atas nilai kesedaran untuk memberikan beberapa tips pendidikan menerusi penganjuran PRISMA II,” tambah Fauzie.
PRISMA II merupakan kesinambungan PRISMA I yang diadakan di Pantai Resort Membakut pada 2013. Antara sekolah yang turut serta ialah SMK Putatan, SMK Abdul Rahim Kudat, SMK Kota Marudu, Maktab Sabah, SMK Pengiran Omar Sipitang dan SMK Kudat 2. –SM & SS

Bahagian Media dan Citra
Jabatan Canselori
Sumber: Kolej AB

kursus jenazah
MONDAY, 31 MARCH In accordance with its function to educate campus community on the Islamic way of life, in addition to being the centre for religious references, the Mosque and Islamic Affairs Unit (UHEIM) Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) will be organising a course on Funeral Management (Critical) 2014.

The one-day course will be held on the 8 April 2014 (Tuesday) at UMS Mosque starting from 8.00 am to 5.00 pm.

UHEIM in a statement today said the entry to the course is open to students and staff of UMS and its surrounding community.

The course is free of charge.

For further enquiries, please contact Ustaz Nazrie Petir at 088-320000 extension 2747 whilst the application form can be obtained through www.ums.edu.my/masjid/. – ZMD (fl)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

nasyid juaraFRIDAY, 28 MARCH Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Nasyid Group became the favourite at the just concluded Nasyid Competition held in conjunction with the Islamic Art Festival.

Known as ‘In D’Heart’, the group performed in a song entitled ‘Fikir’ or Think which wowed the judges’ hearts and was crowned champion in the Modern and Traditional Category.

The group received cash prize of RM600 and a certificate of participation.

When asked about the key to their success; the group leader, Mujahid Halpi attributed it to the high commitment of each member besides the vocal strength which the group considered as a gift of Allah SWT.

“In addition, the Student Cultural Affairs Unit also provides lots of advice and encouragement. We also receive strong support from the Chairman of ‘In D’Heart’ Club, Mohamad Juhar Harun and the President of the Student Representatives Council (MPP) Fandyi Sanizan Jurup who had helped us with our needs before, during and after the competition,” he said.

Stressing of his strong interest in Nasyid, Mujahid also shared that their involvement was part of effective preaching besides putting UMS at a higher level in the nation’s nasyid industry.

 “Therefore, we hope that the university would be  able to provide nasyid equipment here. I can see that there are a lot of potential among university students in the nasyid arena,” he added.

‘In D’Heart’ nasyid club was formed in 2012 and performs actively in public events such as Tamu Gadang, etc. – SS & SM (fl)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department



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