qurbanTHURSDAY, 17 OCTOBER – The Hari Raya Aidiladha celebration, also known as Hari Raya Qurban is the essence of sacrifice done by Phophet Ibrahim a.s. (Abraham) of his son, Prophet Ismail a.s. (Ishmael) in fulfilling Allah’s commands.
On this basis, the Mosque and Islamic Affairs Unit (UHEIM) of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) sacrificed 15 cows in observing the sacrificial wordship, at UHEIM’s premises.
According to the Head of UHEIM, Dr. Muhammad Suhaimi Taat, the slaughtering of the cows started at 8.30 am and was assisted by UMS staff.
“The portioned meat were then given to 100 recipients consisting of new converts, the poor and the low income earners,” he said.
The event turned more rousing which inspired the groups when the organiser announced that a competition to see the fastest group finishing the job was held.
“I would like to thank friends of UMS Mosque, SPKS Student Association, Students of Science Preparatory Course and the Mosque and Funeral Services including Saff Inspirasi Muslimah UMS (SAFFIAH) for helping to make this event a success,” Dr. Suhaimi further added.
Also present were the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Affairs and Alumni), Assoc. Prof. Datuk Dr. Hj Kasim Hj Md Mansur; Head of UMS Library, Dayang Rukiah Awang Amit and Deans of UMS Schools. – FL
By Faezah Mohamad Dun
Photo: Media Division, Chancellery Department

rosni aidiladhaTHURSDAY, 17 OCTOBER“Contributors should also participate in ibadah Qurban, and not just contribute in terms of money.”

This was expressed by the Deputy Dean for Academic and Student Affairs of the School of Food and Nutrition, Dr. Mohd. Rosni Sulaiman who was also one of the staff in charge of meat slaughtering, lamented on the poor turnout of contributors during the sacrificial slaughtering of cows.

He said the turn out was only about 10% of the total number of contributors, which should not have happened for they should also be present during the ibadah Qurban itself.

“As we all know, ibadah Qurban is an ibadah that is very noble and it brings us closer to Allah SWT. Indeed, the virtues and advantages of ibadah Qurban is enormous on those who carry out this order of Allah SWT,’ he said.

“However, what saddens me is the number of turn out which is pale in comparison with the number of contributors,’ he added.

He also added that monetary contribution was not a measurement, but what was important was the ibadah Qurban be performed together, or at least the contributors present to be witnesses.

“The least we could do is to have takbir together or watch the slaughtering process being carried out. At least they would be able to appreciate the essence of this ibadah Qurban,” he said.

Therefore, he hoped that the contributors would spare their time to jointly perform this ibadah Qurban in future.

More than 50 UMS Community participated in the slaughtering and distribution of Qurban meat in conjunction with the Qurban Council 1234H/2013M UMS Level. The slaughtered meat were then distributed to more than 100 recipients comprising new converts, the poor and low income earners. - FL


By: Nazry Bidin

Chancellery Department

kunjungan mediaWEDNESDAY, 16 OCTOBERThe Media Division, Chancellery Department had taken the initiative to work closely with the local and national media when they held courtesy calls to the officers of Chief Editors of newspaper organisations around Kota Kinabalu, recently.

The courtesy call was headed by Media Division officer, Che Hasruddin Che Hasan among others acted as a platform for both UMS and media to discuss on possible cooperation which could be implemented by both sides.

Besides that, Che Hasruddin said that such initiatives should be continued to foster closer rapport between UMS and all media fraternity in Sabah which have been established since before. The visit he said also gave opportunity for UMS to express its thanks and gratitude to all local and national newspapers that have been supporting and publishing news about UMS.

For the phase 1, staff of Media Division met with the Bureau Head of Utusan Malaysia Sabah Branch, Ahmad Tarmizi Abdul Rahman; Assistant Bureau Head of Kosmo!, Mustapa Lakawa; Bureau Head of Berita Harian, Wan Faizah Ismayatim; Bureau Head Harian Metro, Mohd Razlan Salleh and the Editor for New Straits Times Malay language , Mohd Amin Muin. – FL

By Mohd. Affzanizam Mohd Amin

Chancellery Department


syarahan LeeWEDNESDAY, 16 OCTOBERA country’s economic growth must equal its moral development and the application of moral values in its community.

According to the Trustee of 1Malaysia Foundation, Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye, the matter should be emphasised to avoid immorality, especially among the younger generations who will inherit the country’s leadership reins.

“The rapid economic development is of particular importance in realising the National Mission towards a developed and high income nation by 2020. However, when we work towards achieving the mission, we should not neglect the aspects of moral development, especially among the youths which is a great asset for the country’s future,” he said when presenting his lectures in the Kinabalu Lecture Series which is in its 3rd serie, organised by the School of Social Sciences (SSS) Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS). Also present was the Dean of SSS, Dato’ Mohd Hamdan Hj Adnan.

Tan Sri Lee said, in an effort to apply moral values continuously, various activities involving the young generation should be organised.

“Among them are awareness campaigns, voluntary works besides other social activities. These activities should have the characteristics that can include identity awareness and related to their own religious teachings which is the basis of moral integrity in an individual,” he urged.

He also stressed the importance of the role of parents in ensuring that their children were constantly exposed to the values of humanity early.

“Educate your children to discern between good and bad. Encourage them to mingle freely regardless of ethnic and religion to ensure the continuity of the 1Malaysia programme,” Tan Sri Lee added.

Located at the YTL Auditorium, Yayasan UMS, his lecture entitled ‘Moral and Social Agenda In the Context of 1Malaysia’ was attended by over 150 UMS community in this EcoCampus university. – FL

By Salbinous Saribun

Chancellery Department

kuliah sppsMONDAY, 14 OCTOBERThe overall use of Information Technology (IT) in teaching and learning at Institutions of Higher Learning is essential in line with the modernisation of the current globalisation development.

According to the Dean of the School of Education and Social Development (SPPS), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ismail Ibrahim, the use of various technologies would attract students into learning in a classroom or lecture room.

However, he added that the conventional method is still relevant with additional improvements to the advanced technology that has now become a trend among our society especially universities students. He said this when met by Chancellery Media representative in his office.

”In the era before the development of internet and other technologies, many prominent figures and country leaders were born. Thus, in my view, the previous system is still relevant but need to go through modifications in line with the rapid modernisation and development of current technology,” Dr. Ismail added.

When asked to comment on former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad in the national newspaper recently on the Modernisation of the Teaching Sector he said, it was a good suggestion to produce IT literate students with vast knowledge.

“However, its implementation should take into account remote schools in the interior which may not be ready especially in the use of internet and computers due to issues such as electricity supply or the lack of relevant infrastructure,” he further added. – FL


By Salbinous Saribun

Media Division, Chancellery Division



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