pupukTHURSDAY, 7 NOVEMBERUniversity and Family Interaction Programme (PUPUK), School of Medicine which was established in the year 2006 not only prepare students with real-life situation which they will face in future as a doctor, but also exposure to community work and healthcare of rural community.

Chin Ket Meng, third year student School of Medicine said that the PUPUK programme enabled him to experience for himself living in the interior areas with her adopted family with different background.

“There, we learn to interact with them; I can help my adopted family by giving advises pertaining to healthcare and obtain new data relating to the health of my adopted family. I will apply whatever I have learned in class for this purpose,” he said.

He added that he was lucky to be placed with the Osubing family who were friendly and treated him very well.

Meanwhile, one of the participants of the programme, Zakiah Osubing, 31, was happy with the implementation of the programme at her village, Kg. Kandawayon. She said that programmes such as this should be continued as this had given her the chance to help the kampong folks in terms of healthcare.

“They would sometimes visit me in their free time. When they are here, they would check our health and ask about our health development,” she said.

“I treat them as my own family. I hope they will be successful and be called doctors when they graduate,” she added.

To date, a total of 467 student doctors with more than 200 adopted family from 37 villages around Kudat are involved in this programme. The programme is beneficial in terms of improving the health and awareness of villages towards a healthier lifestyle besides producing high quality medical students and ready to serve the rural community in future. –NB-


Media Division
Chancellery Department

Gambar Bendahari Bil.66SATURDAY, 02 NOVEMBER - The Public Higher Learning Institutions (IPTA) Bursars Meeting was held at Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) recently.

According to the Chairman of the Meeting for the 2013/2015 session, Hj. Rizal Othman, the meeting was an avenue for treasurers and bursars to gather and discuss matters pertaining to financial management. Among them were governance, reporting and financial operations.

“Besides that, the issue of sustainable financing, current economic needs and innovation were also discussed as part of the yearly agenda,” he said in his welcoming speech before the start of the meeting.

Hj. Rizal who is also the Bursar of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) said for the 2013/2015 session, each meeting would include knowledge sharing among its members.

He also added that a seminar on Value Management would also be held at Putrajaya as part of their activity at this 66th meeting.

The meeting held every quarterly comprised all 20 Treasurers and Bursars of IPTA in Malaysia. University Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) is expected to be the next host for the next meeting which will be held at the end of January 2014. All 20 IPTA take turns to be the host. – SS

Source: Hayati Salleh Baihaki - Bursar Department

Media Division
Chancellery Department


FRIDAY, 01 NOVEMBERUniversiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Campus Election (PRK) which was simultaneously held at its branch campuses as well went on smoothly without any hitches.

Voting process began as early as 8.05 am until 5.05 pm which saw a total of 20 new faces vying for the 10 General Seats contested where seven seats were allocated for the Main Campus, whilst the other two for Labuan International Campus (KAL) and one for Sandakan Branch Campus.

3rd year Entrepreneurship Programme, School of Business and Economics (SPE) student, Nurafizah Ahmad Marif was leading other contenders with a total of 2150 votes.

Three other female contestants followed in her lead when they too won the General Seats at the Main Campus. They were Nurlina Arappe (1573), Shelly Arba’ani (1695) and Noorhazana Samsuddin (1482).

Meanwhile, three more General Seats at the Main Campus were filled by male students made up of Saripuddin Mappiasi (1946), Wong Tyan Tzu (1692) and Fandyi Sanizan Jurup (1680).

KAL’s General Seats were filled by Md. Najib Rubin and Siti Zulaikha Meseri, and Sandakan Branch Campus by Anwar Tawe who won uncontested.

For the School Seat, a total of 28 seats were contested with each school given two seats each.

The results were announced by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Student Affairs and Alumni, Assoc. Prof. Datuk Dr. Kasim Md Mansur.

Also present were the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Research and Innovation, Prof. Dr. Shahril Yusof and Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Academic and International, Prof. Dr. Shariff A.K. Omang Al-Haj. – FMD


Media Division
Chancellery Department

Fandyi MPPFRIDAY, 01 NOVEMBERFandyi Sanizan Jurup was appointed President of Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Student Council Representatives (MPP) 2013/2014 academic session after he was listed as one of the winners for the General Seats at the recent Campus Election (PRK) announced last night.

With the tagline ‘Leading Students’ Excellence’, this 3rd year student of Children and Family Psychology, the School of Psychology and Social Works (SPKS) was appointed to spearhead UMS student council leaders, while forming his cabinet immediately after the counting of votes was done.

Fandyi who originated from Sandakan Sabah said that he would strive to be the best student representative and ensuring UMS students were aligned with the university’s management towards achieving excellence.

“I will also work hard to be the moderator for students not only for their welfare and harmony but also as a channel to put forward their problems to be brought to the higher authorities,” he said when contacted by UMS Chancellery Media.

Fandyi who garnered 1,680 votes also thanked UMS PRK Committee who ensured the smoothflow of the election process enabling candidates and students to cast their votes without any hitches.

“Not forgetting all students who had given their mandate for me to be one of the winners of the seven Main Campus General Seats contested,” he added.

The new cabinet also saw Md. Najib Rubin and Anwar Tawe appointed the Deputy President of MPP and for the Labuan International Campus (KAL) including Sandakan Branch Campus. – SS

Media Division
Chancellery Department

pilihan rayaTHURSDAY, 31 OCTOBERPolling at Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) Campus Election (PRK) went on smoothly at UMS Lecture Halls.

A survey by UMS Chancellery Media at 11.30 am today saw students taking their turns to vote.

Among some students met on site expressed their high hopes for the candidates who would garner majority votes.

For Mohamad Hafiz Kasroll, a Geography student of the School of Science and Technology (SST), he hoped that those selected to be a representative of the student council members would be responsible in performing their duties besides acting as a bridge between students and UMS management.

He was on wheel chair after involving in a road accident recently, but urged other fellow students to practise their rights in casting their votes to choose the new line-up for the Student Council members for the 2013/2014 academic session.

Meanwhile, a special need student, Wong Hui Yean considered the online voting system, e-voting as being easy and did not take up so much of their time.

The year 1 student of the Counselling Psychology Programme, School of Psychology and Social Works (SPKS) said that it only took her about five minutes to cast her vote.

“I hope my friends would be able to cast their votes as well and choose the candidate of their choice,” he added when asked to comment on the turn out of students this morning.

This was supported by Nurul Jannah Yahya, a year 3 student of Physics and Electronic Programme, SST.

“Maybe some of them are still in class making PRK this year not as exciting as last year’s. However, for me, it is an important responsibility to decide on the best line up who will represent us in voicing out any suggestions, sharing or problems faced, to the university’s management,” he said.

Meanwhile, Elleiancly Yuli, a year 3 student of the same programme said that each successful candidate should be able to bring together all students to contribute towards the achievement and excellence of the university.

“Don’t just offer lips service and cannot fulfil their obligations,” she said.

For the record, UMS has 15,848 students who are eligible to vote this year. Polling started from 8.00 am and will end at 5.00 pm simultaneously today for the Main Campus as well as for Labuan International Campus (KAL). As for UMS Branch Campus in Sandakan, all students won uncontested at the Nomination Day last Monday. – SS

Media Division
Chancellery Department



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