Dean's Message

Welcome to the Faculty of Psychology and Education!


Professor Dr. Murnizam Hj. Halik

Bismillahirrohmanirrohim. Assalamualaikum and Salam Sejahtera.

Welcome to the Faculty of Psychology and Education, one of the thirteen faculties at Universiti Malaysia Sabah. The faculty offers psychology and education courses that are functional and recognised nationally and internationally.

The faculty consists of academic and administrative personnel who are motivated, insightful, and optimistic in bringing the faculty’s vision, mission, and goals to fruition. The faculty is fully invested in offering courses that are in line with the current global development to produce graduates who are competitive and industrious. In fact, the advisors and evaluators of our academic programme (ten programme in total; five psychology programme and five education programme) are nationally and internationally acknowledged.

The faculty has established a wide network at a national and international level through various projects. Such collaboration brings great impact to the university, the nation, and the world. Moreover, the faculty has produced many undergraduates and postgraduates from Malaysia and other countries. Our teaching and learning approaches have a balanced focus on academic performance and character building. The faculty is sufficiently equipped with experts and facilities to ensure that both soft skills and hard skills are emphasised within our programmes.

Apart from producing learners who have a competitive edge, the educators at the faculty are committed to research, publication, and community service. The faculty aspires to develop creative solutions to address societal issues and to foster a positive connection with members of the community.

To conclude, I would like to wish the best to all faculty and university members who have worked relentlessly to ensure that the Faculty of Psychology and Education continues to excel.

Thank you.

“Bertekad Cemerlang”.



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Faculty of Psychology and Education,
Jalan UMS, 88400 Kota Kinabalu,
Sabah, Malaysia.

+60 88 320 000 Ext.: 8011


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