kursus haji2TUESDAY, 12 AUGUST – The 1435H Kursus Perdana Haji West Coast Zone Sabah received encouraging response from the pilgrims who attended.

A check by Chancellery Media during the two-day programme saw that participants were engaged in listening to the briefing and involved in all the activities organised.

One of the pilgrims, Siti Labawan when met said the course was very beneficial in providing a glimpse of the atmosphere in the city of Mecca to ensure that pilgrims can do self-preparation before making the visit to the Holy Land.

“I am very happy and thankful for the opportunity to be able to join this Haj course, which gives many input for me to be better prepared when making the pilgrimage later,” said Siti who originated from Kg. Warisan, Inanam.

Meanwhile, State Director of Tabung Haji, Datin Hajah Nurlaila Haji Said in an interview said she had long ago had the desire to organise such course at Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) and had long planned with the Mosque and Islamic Affairs Unit (UHEIM), UMS.

“Finally, what we had planned came true this year, in fact, the pilgrims were delighted when the course was conducted in UMS, which they see as appropriate to do all the practical activities of the pillar of Haj and Umrah,” she added.

The two-day course was conducted by Ustaz Haji Muchlish Ali Kassim, who acted as the Head Mentor of the Haj. – SM (fl)

Photo: Ramdan Salleh Nain, CRD

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

tour de kk pszTUESDAY, 12 AUGUST – Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) will be one of the locations for a cycling event known as Performance Sportz (PSZ) Tour De KK (TDKK) come September.

This was confirmed by the Coordinator of the event, Douglas Yu in a press release.

“UMS is an important route because it is hilly with gentle slope and safe for cyclists,” he said.

He was also grateful because UMS was always willing to cooperate and be one of the locations for the event.

The event, organised by PSZ for the second time will use the format of ‘Tour De France’ cycling competition and would involve 10 to 12 groups with each group having eight riders.

The event will be held from 20–21 September, teams will be competing in three categories; King of the Mountain, Individual Time Trial and Mass Start. - SS (fl)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

kursus hajiMONDAY, 11 AUGUST – Kursus Perdana Haji West Coast Sabah Zone 1435H Haji season held for the first time in Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) campus received overwhelming response and successfully attracted 280 Malaysian pilgrims.

The course which was jointly organised by Lembaga Tabung Haji and UMS was officiated by Assistant Minister to the Chief Minister, Datuk Hj. Mohd. Arifin Hj. Mohd. Arif.

In his speech, he expressed hope to the pilgrims who were selected to perform the fifth pillar of Islam, to comply with regulations determined by the Government of Saudi Arabia when they arrive in Mecca.

He said Tabung Haji’s role in safeguarding the welfare of Malaysian Haj pilgrims was recognised as an excellent organisation and was commendable.

“We are thankful that so far pilgrims from Malaysia were complimented by the government of Saudi Arabia for being disciplined and with admirable morals shown while at the holy land of Mecca.

“The organisation of such courses is very helpful, especially to make the would-be pilgrims understand certain aspects such as ibadah, physically and spiritually during their pilgrimage in the Holy Land,” he added.

The course was held for two days and covered the practical side of Ibadat Umrah (Tawaf Umrah, Sa’ie Umrah and Tahallul Umrah and Ibadat Haji (Wukuf, Muzdalifah, Mina and Melontar as well as Tahallul Awal). – SM (fl)

Photo: Ramdan Salleh Nain, CRD

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

Kajian UMSMONDAY, 11 AUGUSTSharing source of knowledge element, based on the social treasure inherited from their ancestors, need to be documented to the society especially for the future generation.

According to UMS Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Heritage Lecturer (FKSW), Mohammad Pu’ad Bebit, the prospects and source of research exists in Sabah consists of heritage inheritance in life socialization, culture objects, cultural and food that leads to documentation and thus the research.

“Ethnic diversity with various practiced lifestyles especially in the area of culture gives inspirations to the researcher to collect, record, document and publishing in the form of books or articles to be shared with the community.”

He added, studies carried out can awaken the young generation on the importance of knowing, understanding and preserving the heritage, inherited from their ancestors to them.

“At least the young generations will appreciate their heritage inherited from their ancestors. This legacy needs to be conserved and preserve until end of time,” he added during a simple ceremony while presenting a book to the Head of Village Jambongan Island, Hj. Raup Hj. Jalil. The book, entitled “Warisan Seni dan Budaya Masyarakat Kepulauan Pesisir Sabah”, written by 5 FKSW lecturers, is published by Penerbit UMS. – CD (ja)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department

sidang media ultrasoundMONDAY, 11 AUGUST – A total of 97 medical doctors, lecturers and paramedics attended the Obstetrics and Gynaecology (O&G) Ultrasound Workshop, which ended yesterday.

The workshop organised by the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FPSK), Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) was officiated by the Deputy Dean of FPSK, Prof. Dr. Zainal Arifin Mustapa representing the Dean, Prof. Dr. D. Kamarudin D. Mudin.

Speaking at a press conference after the ceremony, he said the workshop was held to provide theoretical and practical training to medical practitioners to increase their efficiency in handling ultrasound equipment.

“Currently, ultrasound machines are increasingly used not only in large hospitals but also in small clinics in the private and government sectors. Thus, this kind of workshop is very timely organised to ensure that doctors and medical practitioners are skilled in using this equipment,” he said.

The three-day workshop was also attended by participants from Brunei and Sarawak. – SS (fl)

Media and Citra Division
Chancellery Department



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